Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1271: 4 son-in-law!

The old man, a little rickety, with a rag shirt and a messy hair, looked a little decadent!

This old man is useless, the master of the Six Veins!

Hearing this, it was useless to straighten the body and was about to say something, but the eyes of Gros and King Owl were instantly shocked again!

After all, he only had the fifth level of dominance. In front of the gang of Gross, he was just a younger brother, and he could be wiped out easily.

At this time, he was still able to clearly understand the reality, although several sons-in-law gave himself a platform, but the right to speak was not on him.

"Everything depends on a few son-in-laws!" The useless smiled and said very humbly.

"Old father-in-law, what do you want to say directly, are you here with us, are you still afraid?" Nan Bowang said!

"The son-in-law decides, the son-in-law decides!"

Uselessly ridiculed quickly, he couldn't talk about it, he said it, even if Gross met his needs on the spot, I was afraid that he would remember it afterwards, and then he would not be able to withstand the calculations after the autumn, and it was impossible to always ask these Son-in-law, right?

Therefore, it is best to let these son-in-laws make their demands. Anyway, I didn’t ask for it. When it’s time for trouble, don’t look for me. And these son-in-laws have unusual identities. They open their mouths, and maybe they can ask for some compensation. It!

"Huh, wait for what you want, just say, don't waste time here!" King Xiao hummed, with a little impatience in his anger.

"Okay, then I'll say it first!"

At this time, Ming Feng smiled and said first, "This matter is related to everyone's face. I believe everyone does not want to break the relationship. I don't think so. Let's revise our agreement and change the Holy Spirit House in the future. The territory obtained is doubled, and there are priority options. As long as these two points can be met, the agreement signed by the Holy Spirit Academy will still be valid. The matter of my old man, even if the matter is small, the matter is small!"

"What?" Both Gros and King Owl's faces changed!

"Not bad!"

At this time, Nanbowang opened his mouth, "I am Nanbowang anyway, he is also a black emperor in the South Region. I can't lose my income. I can sign this agreement as long as I can meet the Holy Spirit Academy, as long as I can meet it. I don’t have to pursue the matter of Zong!"



The real people of Tianshui and Huankong also smiled, and echoed!

Uselessly standing by, with a look of stunned face, one by one, didn't you give it to your platform to ask for a comment? Why aren't there any of them wanting heights for themselves, instead they want heights for themselves !

Now, uselessness can be understood. The four sons-in-law whom he regarded as a backer can actually put him in the eye. From beginning to end, he just regarded him as a chess piece and used him to play against Gros. Blackmail!

Looking at the corners of his mouth, Gross seemed to be drained of his strength for a moment, and the whole person almost fell!

Too sad, useless suddenly felt so pitiful in a moment, not only was he used, but also had no chance to speak.

Maybe, wait for them to share the benefits, and then leave me some, useless comfort at this moment.

Listening to the appeal of the four, Gross and the King of Owls could not stop sneering.

"Four are when our Void Temple is empty?" The King of Owls snorted coldly, "Who doesn't have a few friends, let alone say, my King of Owls shouted his arms, there are ten friends who come to help Eight, four are so arrogant, do you have no worries at all?"

"Ha ha!"

At this time, the real person of Tianshui sneered, "Don’t worry, don’t threaten us, let’s say nothing else. It’s more than enough for the four of us to win your Void Temple. As for your worries, find someone to help you, just don’t know them. Can we be there before we win you!"

"Besides, we are reasonable in this matter today. We are just asking for justice for the elders. I believe that few people dare to pull this sidebar?" Nan Bowang said.

Both Gros and King Owl's faces are black! This group of guys said what they wanted to do to help the elders to be fair, but in fact, it was for their own benefit, otherwise, would they be so active?

But they are all talking about facts. It is too late to ask for help now!

Gross took a deep breath and tried to calm down the anger in his chest. He said for a long time, "I can't agree to what I want, and I don't have the right to promise you!"

None of the four looked good, and the wind said, "Gross, are you going to install me garlic? Su Hang asked you to act on this matter. You are not qualified, so who is qualified?"

Gros heard that a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Dark Wind, you know, this matter was presided over by the Brothers Su. The previous agreement was also signed by your Holy Spirit Academy and the Brothers Su. Now, Gu Gu soars, you If you want to go back and forth, do you want to catch up with your entire Holy Ghost? You know, Brother Su is the only one that has transcended the dominion, destroying your Holy Ghost, only between the backhands!"

Ningfeng paused, and there was a bit of fear in the depths of his eyes!


At this time, Huankong suddenly laughed, "ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Xiao Wang frowned, "What do you think is funny, my friend?"

Huankong closed his laughter and looked at Iron King and Gross with a sneering expression, "I am laughing at you two idiots!"

"You... what are you talking about?" The two were very angry!

Illusory Road, "I can tell you what is the realm above the master? Tell you, it is the founding The founding realm can only be broken after soaring to the fairy, our void world is impossible to be born The strong man of the founding state, a child with yellow mouth, bluffed you with just a few words. You said, are you idiots?"


Gross shouted loudly, "Brothers Su has broken through the shackles of the dominance. This is something that everyone can see. I don't know where you came from. However, when you speak, please consider the consequences and slap a strong man. You should know what is ending!"

"Hehe!" Huankong sneered. "It's ridiculous to say that you are an idiot and you don't believe it. It's really hopeless. Although I haven't seen this person, but if he has that ability, he can say something to you. Agreement? How powerful is the founding world? Want to wipe out the entire void, but at your fingertips, is it so troublesome?"

This is very reasonable. If the Soviet Union really has a founding state, would it be necessary to negotiate with them and sign an agreement?

"Once again, it is impossible for the void world to be the founding powerhouse. It was impossible in the past and impossible in the future. This is the law. I don’t know what method the kid used, but he can never break through the founding realm! "The magic sky said firmly.

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