Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1275: Pass on!

Gross also reported to Su Hang about the problems encountered in the chaotic expansion. This kind of thing is not an exception. During the demolition process, it is easy to encounter nail households. This kind of existence is generally just to sit on the ground and discuss the price. For more benefits only, for such an existence, Gross is generally able to talk about it, if not, it will be directly eliminated!

   Anyway, chaos expansion is coming, you either have to find a way to resist it, or wait for chaos to engulf your territory, and Gross will not struggle to make a detour when chaos expands, that is too much trouble!

   Therefore, the Temple of Void is offended and not deceiving, but it does not matter. Not everyone is as useless as to find so many trustworthy ones!

  This is the sadness of weak flesh and strong food, but there is no way, the expansion of chaos must be promoted. Although he has now broken through the founding realm, there are still many people who have not broken through in the void. He is planning for all the future!

  No one can stop this project. Moreover, after the Soviet Airways killed the illusion of illusory space, I believe it will be enough to deter all people who are lucky.

   "Listen, Brothers Su went to the dark abyss?" Gross asked after the report.

  Su Hang smiled faintly, "Didn't the Black Crow give me a war book before? I specially asked him to touch it, but the result was too disappointing!"

  Looking at Su Hang's complexion, Gross knew that the dark crow, the dark crow, was afraid that it was already fierce!

   "That's really a happy event, so that the chaos can expand into the dark abyss?" Gross said.

Su Hang waved his hand, "Among the eight abysses, the abyss of darkness and the abyss of death, let me keep it first. I still have some use. These two abyss, before I came back, I have set up a barrier to close, and wait for other places. After the expansion is over!"

  The eight abysses did not have much influence on the overall situation, but these two abysses were very important for Suhang to come, at least for now.

  If chaos expands and the road to the fairy is lost, then it will be over!

Gros heard it, and was disappointed. The eight abyss are very mysterious. Except for a few that have been developed, the rest can be a treasure trove, especially the most mysterious dark abyss and death abyss, of which I don’t know. There are so many rare things in it.

  Gross also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of chaotic expansion to enter the dark abyss to collect something. Know that in this world, strength represents everything, and resources represent strength!

   There is no black raven dominating now, it is the time to go in. However, with the Su Air, Gros can only be helpless!

   Listening to Su Hang, I am afraid that there is really something good in those two abyss, which can be regarded as a great treasure by the founding powerhouse?

  Gross can never compete with Su Hang. Since Su Hang has spoken, he can only dispel the previous thoughts!

  Su Hang didn’t want to know what he thought, didn’t care, and didn’t want to explain, because he couldn’t do it. After all, with his current strength, in the void, who would dare to disobey him?


   Coming to the edge of chaos, Su Hang first used supernatural powers to properly accelerate the expansion of chaos, and then went deep into chaos and went out!

   After the acceleration of the Soviet Airways, the expansion speed has increased a lot. The Soviet Airways estimated that to complete the evolution of the entire void, it should be about one or two thousand years.

  Of course, Su Hang can do it faster, but there are still a lot of lives in the void. Once it is accelerated too much, I am afraid that there will be damage, so everything must have a degree.

It’s better to slow down, although this world has been blocked by the fairy, but in case the transaction has disturbed the fairy, it is not worth the reward. He has now broken through the founding realm, and it is not urgent to ask for it. The reason why he continues to expand chaos is only to Paving the way for future generations.


  Chuangjie Mountain.

  Although he had left for half a year, Dao Zong Zong was in business as usual, and not many people even realized that Su Hang had been away for so long. After all, for practitioners, it is more than half a year.

When coming back this time, Suhang overall enhanced the internal strength of Zongmen. For example, Cangdi Zun and other old seniors, Suhang now has this ability and has extra energy points, so they are directly promoted to dominate the realm. At least, they are all in the fifth-order dominance, and the highest number of them are all in the eighth-order!

  Because I understand the truth that it is still too late, so Su Hang did not directly lift them to the extreme, of course, this is also a few of their requirements!

   This is like playing a game. You spend money to buy a full grade number and play slowly to the full grade yourself. It is completely two different and different experiences. Many people play games and just like the krypton gold process experience!

  Cultivation is the same. It is only down-to-earth if you cultivate yourself slowly!

   This time, it can be considered that the overall strength of the Zongmen has been greatly improved, not counting the other kings of all circles. Just inside the Daozong Zongmen, there are hundreds of people who are directly pulled into the dominance.

  Of these, of course, including Su Hang's relatives and friends, parents and wives, have arrived in the dominance!

  Do this to give them some self-preservation capabilities, and Suhang can rest assured.

   In addition, there are two important things when Suhang comes back this time!

   The first one, Bing Ji and him were officially married under the fire of Mo Changchun and others. After the wedding night, Bing Ji rose two ranks and reached the peak of the ninth rank dominance.

On the contrary, Suhang has nothing to I thought that if he had a low level and was married to Bingji, he would definitely get a lot of benefits, but now, Bingji's state is far lower than him, which helps him It's not big anymore!

  After the big marriage, there is another thing, that is, the long-prepared preaching.

This time, Su Hang did not have much time. In order to catch up with Yuzong’s big sacrifice, he had to rush back within two months, and a wedding had already spent a month, leaving him only It's been a month!

   In order to save time, Su Hang ordered to go down, pass the ceremony, everything is simple.

   In fact, since Su Air revealed that they wanted to pass the position, Yin Feng had already been preparing for it, just waiting for Su Air to choose a suitable candidate!

There are only a few suitable candidates. Su Hang is selfish and must be biased towards his son Su Jin. However, Su Hang has to avoid suspicion and cannot do so in an upright manner. Even if Su Jin has that qualification, he does have that ability. So Suhang could not pass his seat to him.

   Therefore, this candidate has already belonged to it, that is, Yin Wu hurt!

  Yin Feng didn't do it, he wanted to hug his grandson, so it was natural to let Yin Wujin go up!

  Yin Wuzhen, regardless of age and seniority, can bear this burden, not to mention Yin Feng to give him the platform behind!

  Super Learn God ww.23853/

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