Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1277: Su comes in!

Yin Wushang smiled, "To tell the truth, brother, you know, I am a person who used to be free and scattered. When I was in the Xuanhuang Realm, I made a Kunlun fairyland, and the result is not impossible. I never imagined that one day I could become the patriarch of Dadao. This time, if it was not your elder brother who named you personally, or my father’s order, I would not dare to take this messenger..."

"In my opinion, Jin'er is indeed more suitable than me. When he was in the Xuanhuang Realm, he was the owner of the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Palace was made by him vividly. He is used to the life of such a big brother, a sect master, It’s just that I’m short of qualifications, and not many people know it in Chuangjie Mountain, so it’s difficult for him to take over now. What I think is, let him come to Chuangjie Mountain, put me by my side, and follow me to deal with the case. The matter of the door, when he is in good use and the time is ripe, I will pass on the position of the master!"

"Brother, I know you want to experience him, but you can’t always keep him in Xuanhuang Realm, although Jin'er may like the environment of Xuanhuang Realm, but now the elder brother is preparing to marry with Wuji, and the girl in Wuji will follow. You can’t be wronged!"

"So, I think, first seal Jin'er as the Xuanhuang Realm's Realm Master, let Chuangjie Realm Mountain be reserved, so that your father and son can also be common?"


Su Hang gave him a white glance, "You will quite plan when you arrive, now you are the sovereign, how to do it is your own business, and I will talk about it later, don't learn from me, since sitting in this seat, sit down So, don’t think about passing the post on three ends. In the past few years, if the position of the Dao Patriarch changed its position several times, wouldn’t the non-Zong people read the joke?"

Yin Wushang laughed aloud, "Brother's lesson is, if my brother has no objections, I will directly decree to seal Jin'er as Xuanhuang Realm Master? Since Lin Xuan, Xuanhuang Realm hasn't had an official landlord for several years. !"

"Xuanhuang Realm is one of the five major worlds. Jin'er's seniority is still low. Why should he and Hongjun, Di Zun wait for his predecessors? If you really want to be sealed, give him the right to be an agent first, so as not to let people gossip behind their backs!" Su Hang said.

Yin Wu nodded his head, and Su Hang said the same, now I don’t know how many people are holding the seat of the Xuanhuang Realm inside the Zongmen.

"How is Lin Xuan recently?" At this time, Su Hang suddenly thought of Lin Xuan. Since the world aviation conference, Su Hang has risen strongly. Lin Xuan, the original bright star, will lose his light forever. Very dim, faded out of Su Hang's sight, and even Su Hang would soon forget him.

Yin Wuzhen shrugged his shoulders, "What can I do, look the same as before, after the Wanjie Conference, his skill fell so badly, everything has to be done again, fortunately, your sister is with him, Lin Xuan is not as good as before I was violent and completely changed my personal. Some time ago, I worshipped Le Zun as a teacher, specializing in music, self-cultivation and self-cultivation. I took your sister to Tianyin Realm. I am afraid that it will take some time to come back. Don’t you know?"

Su Hang froze for a moment and went to Tianyin Realm? He really didn't know. When he came back, he asked his family. A few wives only told him that Su Xi went out to play, but didn't say he went to Tianyinjie!

Su Xi’s girl always likes to run around. Su Hang hasn’t been asking her for more than a month since he came back. After all, he is not worried about Su Xi’s safety!

"Rong Rong..." Su Hang called Su Rong next to him, laughing and laughing!

Su Rong came over. As soon as Su Hang's son saw his mother, he immediately started crying. But helplessly, Su Rong reached out and took the child to coax, it was quiet!

"Su Xi followed Lin Xuan to Tianyin Realm?" Su Hang asked.

Su Rong paused, glanced at Yin Wuxing, and seeing Yin Wuxing's eyes dodged, he knew that Yin Wuxing had a big mouth and said that he was missing!

Immediately, Su Rong shook the child and said, "Tianyin Realm is not a Longtan Tiger Cave. Su Xi wants to go and let her see the world!"

"Then why are you hiding from me?" Su Hang rolled his eyes!

Su Rong said helplessly, "We don't want to hide you, but, your relationship with Lin Xuan is not very harmonious, I'm afraid you will be able to fry the pan if you know it!"

"What pan do I fry?" Su Hang was speechless!

"Don't you always object to Su Xi and Lin Xuan getting closer?" At this time, Yin Yuer came over, "To say that Lin Xuan, it has indeed changed a lot now, and now I have worshipped Le Zun as a teacher. Originally we I have reservations about this matter, but the old lady likes it. The old lady looks at Lin Xuan as pleasing to the eye. You said, what can we do?"

"That is, if you have an opinion, talk to our mother!" Su Rong said!

Su Hang heard that a few black lines appeared on his forehead. The old lady Yin Yuer said was the old lady of Su Hang. Can the old lady like Lin Xuan?

Lin Xuan was the one who raised him as a relative son. Lin Xuan disappeared. Su Muke still cried several times. Now Lin Xuan returns to her. Can she like it?

Speaking of his mother, what Su Hang can say, he has some clichés about Lin Xuan, but that was before, no matter what before, after all, there was a brother, if Lin Xuan really changed, he didn’t want to pursue it anymore. what!

"I don’t think you should intervene in Su Xi’s case, so as not to irritate the old lady. Your brother-in-law is eager, but it’s time to let go. Young men and women, what’s wrong with each other? Do you want your sister to become like me and become an old girl before she meets you like this?"

Yin Yuer's words attracted Yin Wu hurt and could not help laughing!

But this is also true. When Yin Yuer first met Su Hang, she was not too young. It was indeed an old girl!

"Brother, is that funny?" Yin Yuer stood up with a big gave Yin Yin a glare!

Before Yuhang left last time, Yin Yuer was already pregnant. This time, it was almost a full month!

However, Yin Yu'er's own realm is high, and this birth may not necessarily come out in October, maybe one year and two years, three or fifty years are possible!

Yin Wucheng's smile stiffened on his face, and quickly waved his hand to get up, "I still have things, let's go, let's go first..."

Even if the barbecue is not ready to eat, Yin Wucheng wants to escape, but just got up, and some people came from the cloud and fell straight in front of the Destiny Palace.

The man entered the yard in a few steps. Everyone looked at it for a moment, and they were all stunned. It was Su Jin who was not someone else.

"Jin'er visits his father, meets his aunts!"

Su Jin did not expect everyone to be here, and quickly saw the salute!

"It's really unbelievable, and I'm here when I say it!" Yin Wusheng smiled. "Why, just visit your father and aunts, and ignore my uncle?"

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