Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1280: Mysterious woman!

The safety of the Dragon Ancestor is absolutely the top priority for the Dragon Clan, and Su Jin can't figure it out, so he can only deal with Su Hang!

  Dragon Temple, enshrining the true body of Tai Ao statue, a huge golden dragon, open teeth and dance claws, do not be angry!

   The original Dragon Ball was placed in the mouth of this golden plastic dragon, but, just a month ago, the Dragon Ball disappeared!

   Su Hang came to the temple and looked at it. Although it was guarded by the Dragon Guards, it was very strict, but in Su Hang's view, it was only so. The real master wanted to come in and couldn't stop it!

   However, the true master that Su Hang said is relative to the Xuanhuang Realm, it should be the existence of Heavenly Dao Realm!

  The existence of the heavenly realm makes it possible to come and go freely in this dragon temple, as if entering the unmanned realm, and leaving no trace of clues!

   However, Su Jin has now been elevated to the realm of horror by Su Hang, and even Su Jin can't see the clue, then this matter may be a bit serious!

  In the hall, Su Hang directly used the back to the realm of light and adjusted the time to the day before Dragon Ball disappeared a month ago!

   The picture of that period of time was replayed on the mirror. On the picture, the dragon ball was still holding the dragon ball in the mouth of the golden statue!

   Dragon Ball is shining bright and dazzling!

   That is Tai Ao's Dragon Ball. Tai Ao put it here to suppress the world!

  The eyes of the three people are all focused on the mirror!

  In an instant, the mirror surface was dimmed, just like a black screen, and the brilliance just turned dark.

   Needless to say, just that moment, Dragon Ball is gone!

  Because Dragon Ball glows naturally, no other light source is needed in the Dragon Shrine, so as soon as the Dragon Ball disappears, there is no light source in the palace, and it naturally falls into darkness.

  Because it is not immersive, it is only the playback of the light, and the playback speed is too fast, so all three people just saw the screen flashed and went black, and did not see what happened!

  It doesn't matter, now that you know the specific time period, you can replay it again. This time, Suhang specially slowed down the playback speed!

Directly slow down by 100 million times, the time is adjusted to the time limit of the disappearance of Dragon Ball, and Su Hang will accelerate the time speed of the main world, so that he can watch every slowdown of 100 million times in a short time. Frame the picture!

   Soon, a figure appeared in the picture!

   It was a gray figure, a human figure, appeared out of thin air. At a slowdown of 100 million times, it was still extremely fast, and instantly came to the golden statue of the dragon god, reached out, took the dragon ball, disappeared, all in one go!

  Completed in less than one hundred millionth of a second!

   is even at ease, I am afraid that Heavenly Realm may not have such a smooth skill!

   Play it again, one billion times slower, and finally, I captured the true appearance of the silhouette!

   At the moment when he reached for the Dragon Ball, Su Hang fixed the picture of returning to the light realm. There are still some frame rates that are not enough and it seems a bit blurry, but I can already see the front image of the person!

   is a woman!

   Su Hang frowned. The woman in this picture is very familiar. Isn't that the woman in the cloak who came out of Beihaiquan with Tai Ao?

   "Father, this..."

   Su Jin was also a face accident. He turned to look at Su Hang. Obviously he also recognized this woman!

   At the beginning, Su Hang thought Taiao had fetched it himself, and he never thought it would be this woman, and the skill of this woman would be so powerful.

   This ability, I'm afraid it's still on top of Tai Ao?

   "Has Tai Ao ever mentioned the identity of this woman?" Su Hang asked after the picture was frozen.

   The East Sea Dragon King shook his head, and Su Jin shook his head. "What did the ancestor say, we listened to it. Although we also doubted the woman's identity, the ancestor did not take the initiative to mention it, and we did not dare to ask!"

   Su Hang frowned slightly. On this picture, the woman appeared out of thin air and disappeared out of thin air again. Even though Su Hang watched it many times, and even adjusted the speed to 10 billion times lower speed, it was the same result!

   If at the scene, Su Hang can still say that she can capture her disappearance, but now it is impossible for him to find out just how the woman disappeared and where she disappeared by video alone.

   How to disappear, it is likely to break through the space and escape, in this case, if you want to find the track by returning to the light, then there is no possibility!

   Su Hang took a deep breath, that is to say, the clue broke here again?

   What is the identity of this woman? Why did you take Tai Ao's Dragon Ball? What did she do with Tai Ao's Dragon Ball? Was Tai Ao let her come? Or, what unexpected happened to Tai Ao?

   The entire Xuanhuang Realm, even the Underworld, did not find the slightest trace of Tai Ao. This guy seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. It was quite weird, so Su Hang did not worry.

   If the breath is really gone and completely disappeared, it can only be said that this person is gone, what is it called? From the flesh to the soul, even the true spirit is gone, and the real meaning is gone!

   Now even Su Hang can't find his slightest trace, can only say that Tai Ao is probably already fierce!

   "What did he leave before he left?" Su Hang asked again.

Su Jin shook his head. "The last time I met, everything was the same. There was nothing left before the ancestor left. If I insisted that there was something special, the ancestor's face was much more obvious the last time I saw the ancestor. The smile, and the smile that comes from the heart, seems to have encountered something good!"

   "Father, you said, ancestors will have nothing to do?" Su Jin seemed very worried.

   "I don't know!" Su Hang shook his To be honest, he was a little bit stunned at this time!

   Not only did Tai Ao's half-point trails, Suhang didn't even feel the half point of Tai Ao Dragon Ball's breath.

  It stands to reason that in this vast world, there should be no place where he can escape his consciousness, including what is called the enchantment, as long as he wants to check, he can easily glance at it.

   But now that he can't find Tai Ao, Su Hang is confident that in this world, there can be no more than his existence, and no one can cover his investigation.

  If Tai Ao is dead, but his dragon ball should still be there, it should not be found, unless the woman who gave him the dragon ball is also destroyed!

   If this is the case, then it is really troublesome. He only knows the image of the woman now. How can he check it?

   Tai Ao, Tai Ao, what are you playing with?

do not know? Su Hang's answer made Su Jin feel embarrassed, and he was even more worried.

   "What now?" Su Jin asked.

   "Return to Jieshan Mountain!"

   "Father did you know Long Zu's whereabouts?"

   Su Hang shook his head, "It's impossible to find out, let's do this first, and wait for him to appear!"

   "Father means, Long Zu is still alive?" Su Jin asked.

   Su Hang couldn't bear to hit him, staring at him for a while, "Wait, time will give you the answer, Long Zuji people have their own appearance, I want to check his whereabouts, it is powerless!"

  :. :

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