Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1282: Evolution again!

It really makes sense, even if it is Hong Jun, Tian Yan's art has reached the extreme, and I don't know where to start now!

Su Hang was a little worried in his heart. Is there really any strong man staying in this world?

If Meng Nan is still there, Su Hang may go to him for advice. Unfortunately, Meng Nan has already left this world!

"Forget it, the matter of Long Zu, let it go for now!"

Su Hang sighed and turned to look at Hong Jun, "I will have to leave in a few days, all these chaotic and big things will be left to you to take care of..."

"Leave? Where is the elder brother?" Hong Jun asked.

Su Hang did not say much, just extended a finger and pointed to the top!

There was a trace of something strange in Hong Jun's eyes. Obviously, he had already realized what Su Hang wanted to say. "Brother said it, has the road been sealed?"

"Although the road is closed, you can still find other roads!" Su Hang smiled. "Chaos is still expanding at a rapid rate. This does not have much impact on the chaotic world. If there is anything in the void, since There are a few of them to deal with. I have beaten it before. I believe that no one in the void has the courage to have another heart!"

"When will you come back?" Hong Jun asked.

"Six months, more years!" Su Hang paused and continued, "Foreign, I will only say that the retreat, the gang of people in the void, as long as they know that I am still, they dare not move, so, you Let’s take care of this three-point acre first, and wait for me to gain a foothold there. Naturally, I will find a way to bring you too!"

"Brother has been to that world?" Hong Jun asked.

Su Hang did not deny it and nodded slightly, "There is indeed a good place for practice. The area is huge and boundless, but there are countless strong people. We still have a long way to go!"

"Alas, unfortunately I can't help my brother now!" Hong Jun sighed!

Su Hang shook his head, "Come on, you are a genius, there will always be time to help!"

Hong Jun smiled bitterly, "Brother, be careful!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "I'm there, I have assembled a force that is not small, but it's still not enough. There are too many strong people there..."

Immediately, Su Hang told Hong Jun some things he had done in the fairy world and what he had heard!

Hong Jun listened to it, but also longed for it, but unfortunately, he is now dominating the eighth-order realm, which is still a distance away from the original state, and even if he breaks through the original state and goes to that world, it is only thirty. Under the trillion trillion founding powerhouse, it's hard to say that the bottom is there. Who can bear it?

Su Hang is right, the road is still very long, the dominance is not the end!


For the matter of Tai Ao, Suhang exhausted all methods and found nothing. There was no way to leave. He could only put this matter down for the time being and let Hongjun check them!

However, since the Su Air can't find out why, it must be that other people can only check in vain!



At this moment, a voice sounded, but Su Jin rushed over, like something urgent happened!

"What's the matter?" Su Hang asked. Su Jin has always been calm, and few of them are as abnormal as they are now!

"Father, mother..."

Su Jin just said a few words. Su Hang's face has changed slightly and disappeared directly from the cliff. When he reappeared, he was already in Qianshan, She Xiaoman's bedroom!

In the dormitory, a lot of people have gathered, but most of them are gathered in the courtyard outside the main hall. In the main hall, a dazzling golden light is transmitted, making people unable to open their eyes!

As soon as Su Hang arrived, Yin Yuer walked out with a big belly. "The body of the little snake is a feather snake. When it reaches a certain level, there will be a stage of molting evolution. This is their racial instinct. It is not a big deal. I just Talking to her in the temple may have evoked some memories of her previous life, and the result was..."

Yin Yuer's face was ashamed!

Su Hang nodded slightly, leaving everyone in the courtyard dispersed, and then entered the main hall. Although he knew that it was only molting and evolution, this had happened before, but he still had to look at it with his own eyes to rest assured.

In the temple, She Xiaoman sat cross-legged on the ground and closed her eyes. The redness of her body was hot. Just like a blazing sun, the ground in the temple had been melted into a big pit.

Because I wanted to make She Xiaoman awaken and hide her knowledge, recalling her past life, Su Hang had specifically asked Yin Yuer to let her come to She Xiaoman to chat often. At that time, Yin Yuer and Ao Xue were the best sisters. It must be beneficial to She Xiaoman's awakening!

She Xiaoman is a feather snake family in the wild world. The practice of the feather snake family relies on evolution, and every evolution will molt!

Evolution has a success rate, and the higher the level, the lower the chance of evolution success. Su Hang is a little regretful. He deliberately improved She Xiaoman’s skill a few days ago, although the improvement is not much, just Mentioned the realm of Heavenly Dao, because I am afraid to touch She Xiaoman's soul and cause harm to Tibetan knowledge.

Unexpectedly, less than a month later, She Xiaoman actually began to evolve again. Obviously, her Tibetan consciousness awakened, the memory of the previous life merged with this life, and the realm of the previous life was also restored!

In the previous life, Ao Xue should have cultivated to the heavenly realm, and the state is not low. Now the state of the two heavenly realms merges, one plus one is greater than two, and naturally impacts to a higher level.

In other words, this evolution should be towards the realm of avenues.

For the feather snake family, this is already a high-level evolution, and the probability of successful evolution is naturally very low.

In particular, Su Hang is concerned that She Xiaoman's foundation is unstable, and evolution has added variables, so he has to stay and protect She Xiaoman!

At the Su Hang called Yin Yuer back, with a big belly and could not bear the tiredness. In the whole main hall, only him and She Xiaoman were left.

Su Jin refused to leave, only waiting outside the main hall!

Several rules were encircled, and the entire main hall was directly closed. The melted ground became extremely solid. Su Hang found a stool to sit down and quietly waited for She Xiaoman to evolve.

With him as a master, he is not afraid of any accidents. Even if She Xiaoman fails to evolve, he has the ability to pull her back!


Outside the main hall, Su Jin walked back and forth, panicking, but he was a little anticipated in the panic. There was a reincarnation of his mother. There should be no accidents when there is a father. This time, The mother should be able to awaken the hidden knowledge?

Awakening hidden knowledge, recalling the previous life, the family can finally be reunited?

Regarding his mother's memory, Su Jin only stayed in that very small childhood. For the day when he could be reunited with his parents, he had been looking forward to it for a long time!

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