Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1286: Bone Kun!

Latest URL: Kun?

This is a small creature like Kun Kun, but it is slightly different!

This kun has sword-like bone spurs on its back, almost all the bones are exogenous, exposed on the body surface, and the head looks like it is hollow, with fangs and teeth, terrifying!

It's as if it was a rotten corpse after Kun Luo!

From afar, people feel creepy, and even the bottom of my heart can't help producing a faint chill!

Dark creature?

Su Hang could not feel his life, but it really has the existence of life!


Just when Su Hang was going to pull out the Xueshen system to check the exact information of this creature, suddenly, the creature seemed to feel the danger, and issued an ethereal whale!

Immediately, Su Hang saw that the creature's body surface released a cold light, and the horrible skeleton glowed like fireflies in the darkness!

Just when Su Hang thought it was going to counterattack, suddenly, the creature's figure suddenly disappeared!

So fast?

Su Hang couldn't help but be amazed, this should be some kind of talent escape technique, the speed was so fast that Su Hang's consciousness was difficult to capture!

"Want to run?"

The death abyss is such a big place, no matter how fast it is, and where it can hide, Su Hang spreads out the consciousness with all its strength, and it is easy to find the figure of the creature again!

A space was compressed, and Su Hang boasted out in one step. It was hundreds of light years and came directly behind the creature.

The creature thought that it had escaped, and dared not stop, still running wildly.

"Don't escape, you can't escape!"

Su Hang followed behind it calmly and carefully looked at this quirky kun-shaped creature.

The creature was like a blown hair. It didn't happen to Su Hang that he caught up so quickly. He hurriedly screamed, and his body once again shone with the former coldness!

Still want to run?

Su Hang frowned, let it run once, and let it run a second time? Where do you put your face?

Several rules of enchantment were made, and the surrounding space was closed in an instant!


The creature disappeared instantly, but with a collision, it appeared again instantly!

It turned out that it was hit by the enclave of Suhang, and he couldn't escape at all!


There was another ethereal whale, the creature rushed left and right, and did not know how many times it slammed.


There was nowhere to go, the creature seemed to be angry, the dark water around it frantically rolled up, and the creature's body grew quickly.

In a moment, it became overshadowed by the sun, just like the super-giant air-to-air carrier, the huge and immense body lay in the dark water, which made people feel shudder at first sight!

It seems that it wants to use the expansion of the flesh to break the enchantment!

It is a pity that compared with the Su Hang, it is much tenderer.

Su Hang's thoughts moved, and the enchantment was like a transparent box, shrinking rapidly, pressing the creature's body had to shrink to make room for survival.

Not long after, the kun-shaped creature was already pressed down to the size of a small boat by Su Hang!

"Bad, lord, spare your life!"

Su Hang hasn't spoken yet. A voice like a five or six-year-old child came from before.

"Oh, you can talk!" Su Hang smiled!

The realm of this creature should be in the sixth-seventh order that dominates the realm. Such an existence, as long as it has spiritual intelligence, should be able to speak and communicate!

"I can say, I can say, Master is spared!" The thing cried and begged!

Su Hang approached in the past, holding his arms and looking at the scary creature in front of him across the border.

"You just peeped at me? What's the purpose?" Su Hang asked directly.

"I, I..." The thing was squirming, and it seemed that he was afraid of something and didn't dare to answer!

Su Hang frowned slightly, "It's not easy to say it? Then I ask you, what are you? Why is it in this abyss of death?"

The thing was trembling, and he quickly said, "I don't know what I am when I go back to adults. When I was self-conscious, I was born here..."

"Oh?" Su Hang questioned. "Born here? Why do you speak human language? Who taught you?"

"I, I..." The thing started to whizz again!

"Hurry up!" Su Hang's voice increased by a few decibels, with some persecution.

The thing was frightened and quickly said, "I, I, I have eaten a few lives similar to yours, and devoured their memories, so I learned their language!"


Su Hang's face sank slightly, "So, you just peeped at me and wanted to eat me?"


The thing hurriedly begged for mercy, "Adult, you are different from those that existed before. You, you are stronger than them, I can't eat you!"


Su Hang chuckled, but the monster spoke directly, listening to his words were immature and should not be old.

At the moment, Su Hang pulls out the system of atheism and scans the monster in front of him. He has to figure out the origin of the monster.

"Name: None!"

"Race: Bone Kun [Zu Kun Race Variant]"

"Introduction: When the Kun people evolved into ancestors, the rare variants that were born after the failure of evolution have a unique talent and can control all dark forces..."


"Bone Kun?"

Su Hang froze, this thing is so big? Actually got involved with the Zu Kun tribe?

Zu Kun tribe, that is a super power in the fairy world!

Is this thing from the fairy? Or is it a product of the evolutionary failure of the Kun family in this world?

Su Hang would like to take a closer look at the origin of this bone kun, but after a brief introduction, the rest of the system is paid content!

Paid content needs to spend energy now spends all his energy points, but he can't afford it!

If you think about it carefully, it may not be too big from the fairy. After all, such a powerful creature, if it is not staying in the fairy, how can it come to the lower realm, and it has just reached this realm.

Maybe it was a predecessor of a certain Void Kun tribe who tried to break through the shackles of the race, but it failed. It became like this!

Of course, these are only the guesses of the Soviet Airways. What is the specific situation, you have to wait until you consult the detailed information of this bone kun later.

His eyes fell on the bone bone in front of him, Su Hang's eyeballs turned slightly, and he had already moved some thoughts!

"Since you want to eat me, don't worry about eating it anyway, anyway you are offending me, I can't spare you!"

Su Hang shook his head gently, looking at the monster in front of him with all his leisure.

"Adult spares your life, if you can spare me, let me do anything!" The bone kun had no other words than to beg!

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