Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1360: Galaxy of Destiny!

   "Today's sacrifice, the sacrifice is the first teacher, the sacrifice is the brothers and sisters who have passed away..."

"For many years, Ben Zong has been bosomful. Although cultivation is growing, the inner uneasiness has been growing. Er is the door of Ben Zong, also the gate of Destiny Palace. Today, when Ben Zong clarifies his identity, there is Jean Waiting for the return to the sect..."

   The disciples were shocked and happy when they heard the news. What does the patriarch mean? Do you want us to fall under the gate of Destiny Palace?

   Palace of Destiny, that's the first force of the whole fairy. All other forces and all monks must be controlled and controlled by the Palace of Destiny. Any piece of land is owned by the Palace of Destiny.

   This feeling is like a small company that is still in the entrepreneurial stage, and was suddenly acquired by a world-leading super company. The employees of the company have suddenly become employees of this super company?

   "Minmin, you come forward!"

   At this time, Qin Yuqing commanded to the bottom.

   Zhou Minmin, as a big disciple, ranked first in the team of inner disciples. There were several others beside them, all of whom were women. Li Cuilian was also among them. These few were the disciples' in-house disciples and had certain identities.

   Of course, among them, Zhou Minmin is the respect, because Zhou Minmin is the big disciple, and the realm is also the highest, the skill is the most profound, won the true story of the patriarch.

   was suddenly named, Zhou Minmin was a little surprised, but still quickly and respectfully stepped forward two steps.

   "Come on stage."

  Qin Yuqing called again.

  Zhou Minmin quickly took a broken step, carefully walked onto the altar and stood in front of Qin Yuqing.


   Zhou Minmin knelt on the ground, respectfully.

  Qin Yuqing glanced down and took a deep breath, "Come on, give your hand to the teacher!"


  Zhou Minmin was a little stunned. He didn't know what Qin Yuqing wanted to do, but he reached out his right hand subconsciously and handed it to Qin Yuqing.

  Everyone looked at this scene and didn't know what the suzerain wanted to do.

  Qin Yuqing raised his right hand alternately, with a finger on the thumb of the right hand.

  Qin Yuqing lifted his finger, raised Zhou Minmin's hand, and put the changed finger on Zhou Minmin's thumb, the size was just right.

"this is?"

  Zhou Minmin was shocked, Bamai Patriarch was shocked, Yixin and Dongfang were not shocked, everyone was shocked...

   The patriarch's finger, that is the patriarch's finger, representing the patriarch's supreme right.

   Sovereign, what's wrong? Why did you hand over the sovereign to Zhou Minmin? Is it...

  Does she want to pass the throne?

   "Oriental, Sister Qing, she is..."

  The VIP seat, some Daoists couldn't sit still, he was very panic, I don't know why, at this moment, he just felt panic and felt like losing something precious.

   "Sometimes don't dry!"

   Dongfang Liangliang persuaded, but in fact he was also in the same panic, especially when Qin Yuqing took off the finger, the bad feeling became more intense.

   "Sovereign, not..."

   Under the stage, the eight-line elders almost called together. Although they did not know why the suzerain wanted to do this, they knew very well what the suzerain meant.

Qin Yuqing ignored it, grabbed Zhou Minmin's hand, supported Zhou Minmin, stood beside him, and said to all the people present, "This finger is not only the finger of the patriarch of the Celestial Sect, but also the token of the Palace of Destiny. From today, Min Min will take over from this sect and become the new lord of the Heaven Sect..."

   "Sovereign, no, Sovereign..."

   Eight-veined ancestors knelt on their knees, screaming in their mouths.

   actually wanted to pass on the position, but before that, the Sect Master didn't even ask them to discuss it. It was too sudden, everything was too sudden.

"I have decided that the ancestors do not need to say that these eight ancestors have been able to deserve this sect over the years, sincerely follow, sect affairs, never slack off one day, the heavenly sect is prosperous, you all have contributed. Zong's life is already unrequited."

Qin Yuqing shook his head and directly interrupted the dialogue between the eight people. "From today on, we will have to work on the eight ancestors together to assist Minmin, Minmin is young, and he still needs guidance. I hope that the eight ancestors can act like auxiliary books. Like Zong, no reservations..."


At this time, Zhou Daojing took a step forward, "The suzerain also said, Min Min is young, it is difficult to be a big leader. The suzerain is now at the peak, why should he suddenly pass the throne, and also ask the suzerain to think twice and use Min Min's power, I really can't take this important task!"

   "Lao Zhou!"

Qin Yuqing sighed, "You have followed this sect for many years. You should understand the character of this sect. The decision of this sect must be thoughtful. Since you have made this decision, there is absolutely no room for maneuver. As for you It’s safe to say that Min Min’s ability is not enough. This disciple’s disciple knows this very well, and this case will explain to himself...”


  Everyone still feels sloppy and wants to persuade them now.

   However, Qin Yuqing obviously would not give them the opportunity to persuade them, and no one dared to have a half-objection among the disciples.

   "Master?" Zhou Minmin looked at Qin Yuqing and seemed to have something to say.

  Qin Yuqing stopped her, took out a red bag like the bag, and gave it to Zhou Minmin's hand, "Put it away, everything you want to know is inside."

   Zhou Minmin paused, holding the bag, at a loss.

   "Go on, the big festival begins."

Qin Yuqing's voice fell, waved his sleeves, Zhou Minmin fell down, returned to his original turned to look around, Qin Yuqing packed his mood, the beautiful face under the veil, hard to squeeze A smile appeared, "Okay, let's get back to business!"

"Before today's big festival, I have placed a large array of blessings in this sacrificial field. Later, when the sacrifice is made, this sect will start this array. This array can trigger the fate of the Destiny Palace. The destiny will be poured out, and you can wait. Take the opportunity and take the chance!"

   "The fate of the galaxy was created by the first teacher's life and effort. If the faith such as Ruoer is enough, the destiny in the galaxy will help Er and others to cultivate for the sake of improvement. In short, I wish you all good luck."


  Speaking of this, on the VIP table, there have already been several face changes on the faces of the big brothers.

   "Sister Qing, you..."

  Yi Xin Taoist people can't help it anymore, and they stand up with a flash, and they have already appeared on the altar.

  Qin Yuqing gently flicked his sleeve.


   One heart Taoist flew out and landed under the altar.

  In an instant, the altar raised a golden light, forming a light golden shield, covering the entire altar in it.

   "Sister Qing, don't..."

  The heart-minded person looked at the stage, his face ashamed.


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