Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3407: 1 way to live!


Long Fuhai smiled, "Where can there be unjustified hatred in this world? The answer to this question should be asked yourself, brother, can my words still satisfy you? Can you tell me now, Who are you now?"

Su Hang took a deep breath and said, "I am a monk under the immortal spirit, one of the countless monks in the world. By chance, it can be regarded as the best in that world. However, compared with the strong people like immortals, Far away..."

"Little brother, tell me something..." Long Fuhai interrupted Su Hang. "If you are just an ordinary monk, I think Destiny Palace will not notice you like that!"

Su Hang paused, "When I was in the lower realm, I had some friendship with Meng Nan..."

Speaking of which, Su Hang looked up at the idol in front of him, "I can say so much..."


Long Fuhai listened and pondered for a while. Although he retired all the year round, he still knew the outside world very well, especially the movement of Destiny Palace. He was very clear. He also knew that some time ago, Meng Zu lower bound This is basically the same as what Su Hang said.

However, the word for friendship mentioned by Su Hang is a bit intriguing. Can the Meng ancestor have such a relationship?

However, it is also difficult to say that Meng Mengzu is invincible and lonely, and the game is in the lower realm. Maybe he really has some friendship with this kid!

However, this alone is not enough for the Destiny Palace to guard against Ruos. What the kid didn't say, I'm afraid it's the point.

However, Long Fuhai knew very well that Su Hang could say this, I am afraid it is already the limit. Since he has closed his mouth, it is difficult to pry anything out.

After all, this is just getting to know, and Long Fuhai does not expect Su Hang to be able to give it all out, without reservation. If a person can tell his secret to a stranger without reservation, it can only be said that this is a fool!

It doesn't matter if Su Hang says, he only knows that the person in Destiny Palace is staring at the person in front of him, then that means that the person feels the threat from the person in front of him!

"Being able to make friendship with the ancestors, it seems that you are indeed not a leisurely person!" Long Fuhai said lightly, "As for why that existence is aimed at you, your heart should be very clear..."

Su Hang shook his head, "I don't know!"

Long Fuhai smiled, "Let Meng Lang stare at you, that only shows that your existence threatens him, or threatens some of his interests, but you obviously don't have this strength to threaten him, There is only one possibility, your potential is great..."

"From you, I feel the breath of the ancestral scripture. The ancestral scripture should be passed on to you. Ha ha, I probably understand the reason!"

Su Hang's brows frowned as he heard the words, "The Destiny Palace knows a lot of ancestral scriptures. I'm just an ordinary monk who just came from the lower realm. He is the second in the world. What can I threaten him?"


Long Fuhai spit out two words, and then explained, "Your existence threatens his status. Although he is the second of Tianwei, he still has a first on it, but he is the son of the ancestor. Definitely will inherit the Destiny Palace from the ancestors. Meng Lang, who has no other ambitions, wants to be the Lord of the Destiny Palace. This is undisguised. He knows this matter basically up and down, only It's the only thing that can make his Gu Bo's unsurprised heart fluctuate, and he targets you, it only shows that you have threatened him in this matter!"

Speaking of which, Long Fu Hai paused, and Su Hang could feel his sharp eyes glancing at himself tightly, "Lord of Destiny Palace? Ha ha, young man, you just said, you have some friendship with your ancestor. , Could it be that when the ancestor was in the lower realm, he had already ordered to give you the Destiny Palace?"

I have to say that this dragon covered the sea is really powerful, and the crux of the problem was found in a few words. Although the key things were not mentioned, it was a wake-up call for Su Hang!

Meng Lang's son wants to engage himself? This cannot be for no reason, there can be only one reason, that is the Palace of Destiny!

The purpose of Su Hang, of course, is to help destiny to regain the destiny palace, and Meng Nan has indeed said that when destiny returns, the destiny palace will return as it is!

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that there is a conflict with Meng Nan's son, so now it is time to make a trip for myself!

Tianwei was second, and Su Hang felt a little chill in his heart. With his current strength, the Tianwei strong can only look forward to the existence, not to mention the second-ranked existence.

Silent for a long time, Su Hangdao said, "These are just your words. What is the attitude of Destiny Palace to me? I can't believe it without confirmation!"

"You can't believe it!" Long Fuhai smiled. "However, the price is huge. With Meng Lang's strength, he doesn't need to shoot himself. As long as he releases the words, the whole fairy, crying and rushing to help him solve the difficulties It can be said that there is no more than that. Now it’s just an ancestral marriage. He is temporarily **** with hands and feet. Wait, after the ancestral marriage, your good day will come to an end!"

Su Hang took a deep breath, "You just said, can you help me, how?"


After listening to Long Fuhai, he laughed loudly, and the laughter made Su Hang feel a little guilty!

"Will you let me help you now?" Long Fuhai asked back after laughing.

Su Hangdao, "You said how to help me first!"

Long Fuhai said, "I can't help you with my current strength. You are facing Meng Lang. Although I have been practicing hard all these years, now if Tianwei is listed again, I should be able to make the 72 list, but , Meng Lang is Tianwei's second. I and him are far away. The gap may become larger and larger in the future. I am afraid that they will never be able to catch up. Moreover, he still has so many friends, only his ancestors. Identity is enough to make him run wild..."

"Then you have said so much, it is equivalent to saying nothing!" Su Hang snorted, and said for a long time, you can't help me, is this not to deliberately tease me?

Long Fuhai Road, "Although my strength cannot help you, but I can show you the way!"

"Guide the way?" Su Hang frowned slightly!

"Yes, a way to live!"

"What's the way?"

Long Fuhai Road, "I heard, are you going to Kuncui?"

Su Hang froze for a moment, but it was not unexpected. Since Long Fuhai had said it, his every move, Destiny Palace knew, Long Fuhai knew his intentions for this trip, then it would be normal!

Su Hang nodded, "Yes, the way you said, is it related to this?"

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