Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3412: Panlong Empire!

No matter what her true purpose is, they said they would go to Kunxue to find her grandmother. Since Long Fuhai agreed, Long Yutian agreed, and Su Hang was happy to let her follow. Both of them could have What to say.

   Furthermore, as Long Qiaoqiao, it can be regarded as the blood of the Kun people. This time, it can also be regarded as an acquaintance. There is a way, and it should be able to add some safety factor to Su Hang.

   And, along the way, there was a little girl following, the journey should not be too boring!


  The teleportation array of Elysium is open for free. This time, with the face of Long Yutian, there is no need to pay the energy stone. The consumption of this teleportation has been reimbursed by the imperial palace.

   Teleportation Array, teleport directly from here to Panlong Empire, the first empire in the Western Faerie.

   is finally going to the Faerie Continent. Su Hang's heart is somewhat distracted.

  After coming to the fairy for so long, I can finally see what the world really looks like.

   Fairy, I'm here.

   A ray of light rose from the teleportation plate, and the figures of the four Su Hang were quickly overwhelmed. Then, the ray of light converged and the figure was gone.


  Panlong Empire!

   As the four most powerful super-nine kingdoms of the fairy continent, the Panlong Empire dominates the entire western territory of this fairy continent. There are countless kingdoms under its jurisdiction, of which there are dozens or hundreds of nine-level kingdoms!

   The territory of the Panlong Empire is quite large. There are dozens of main cities where only the ninth-order strongmen guard, and tens of thousands of the eighth-rank strongmen sit there.

   In terms of the number of the ninth-rank strong, Panlong Empire can be ranked second in the four super empire, almost comparable to Elysium.

   It's just that it is a bit behind in overall strength!

  After all, not to mention the Panlong Empire, even the other three empire, because there is no particularly excellent ninth-ranked strongman, in terms of overall overall strength, they are actually not comparable to the four seas.

The eight major forces of the fairy are the four great seas and the four empires. The four empires occupy the fairy continent and have various resources. It can be said that this is the envy of the four great seas, and their influence is greater than The four seas are much larger, but the strength is indeed lower than the four seas.

   Take a western world as an example. The strength of Long Fuhai is definitely not something that the Panlong Empire can shake. When the two fought, the Panlong Empire designated to lose.

   However, the Panlong Empire is indeed more prosperous than the sea of ​​bliss. The four empires are the core of the development of the entire fairy. After all, not many people are willing to go to the remote and harsh outer sea.

  Dragon City!

   This is the imperial capital of the Panlong Empire. It covers hundreds of millions of acres and has a population of nearly one billion. It can be said that such a city is equivalent to a big country on earth!

   Once, Ximen Jing was the master here, what kind of prestige was the last Panlong Emperor!

  Revisited the old place today, Ximen Jing couldn't help feeling, stood at the gate of the city, and looked at the three big characters of the huge Panlong City above the gate tower. Those deep and vicissuous eyes seemed to be mixed with many different emotions.

   That emotion is called memory!

   He can't remember how long he hasn't been back. What kind of majesty was once the Panlong Emperor, and now things are terrifying!

   This is how people are. When they are old, they will always remember the days when they were young, the days when they were young, the days when they were happy and enemies. It is so beautiful to recall them, but the same is so sentimental!

   Dongfang Wuliang stepped forward and reached out to pat Ximen Jing's shoulder to show his comfort. He also knew that Ximen Jing's mood was definitely difficult to calm down now!

  Ximen Jing signaled that he was okay, a group of four, and soon entered the city!

   The city is really big, the roads are staggered, spacious and bright, and the streets are like Tianlong.

   By the street, there are old buildings, which look like seedlings in the rice field. They are neat and tidy, with a simple style, a breath that has settled over the years, very heavy and solemn.

   Such a city, I don't know how long it has been completed.

   Looking at the pedestrians coming and going on the street, Ximen Jing felt more emotional, and perhaps remembered the past again.

   revisiting the old place, that kind of mood is inevitable!

   "Let's go to the imperial palace, first meet the contemporary Panlong emperor?"

   Long Qiaoqiao asked first!

   However, when asked, several people were a little silent.

   coincidentally, all set their eyes on Ximen Jing!

  Ximen Jing did not speak, and looked a little embarrassed.

  Long Qiaoqiao threw out his tongue, as if realizing that he had asked something wrong.

  Ximen Jing is the former Panlong Emperor. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to meet the current Panlong Emperor now?

   Suhangdao, "I think, let's find a place to live in the city first. We all came here in a low-key way, just crossing the road. Without such a high-profile, the imperial palace will not go!"

   said, but it was relieved of the embarrassment of Ximen Jing!

However, Su Hang said that there were some concerns. Long Fuhai told him that he had been stared at. At this time, he naturally had to choose a low profile. If he was grand, he went directly to the palace to meet Emperor Panlong~www. Isn't that intentionally giving people a goal, telling those who are interested that I'm here?

   The East is not bright, also said, "The Brothers Su said, let's find a place to live. I will go through the procedures for using the teleportation array. If it is quick, we can use the teleportation array in the afternoon and go directly to my Divine Martial Kingdom!"

   Ximen Jing did not speak, but nodded his head. Although he revisited his place, this time, he never thought of going to the imperial palace.

  Although the current Panlong Emperor is his younger brother, Ximen Jing is a little bit more timid about his nostalgia.

   can pass by, can come back to see, see where he once dominated, Ximen Jing has been very satisfied.

   Now, he is no longer that romantic, handsome and handsome Panlong Qingsheng, he is just an infatuation who wants to go to Kuncu as soon as possible to fulfill his wish!

Since several people decided in this way, Long Qiaoqiao did not say anything. Although she came to the Panlong Empire in her capacity and saw that Panlong Emperor was the basic etiquette between the two countries, Su Hang was right, they were just Passing by, if you go to see you, it is a state reception, and you don’t know how long it will take you to go back and forth. It’s better to think of yourself as an ordinary person and leave early.

   In the fairy land, because the territory is very large and the area is extremely vast, it can be said that the number of small and large kingdoms is innumerable, and there are transmission arrays between countries, but this connection can only be a neighboring connection.

In other words, if you are a fifth-level kingdom, you must have a teleportation array connected to the sixth-level kingdom you directly belong to. In addition, the fourth-level kingdom under your jurisdiction must also have a teleportation array connected to you. !


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