Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3424: Run after loading!

Su Hang heard this, and there was a spirit in his heart. He and Meng Lang had never met each other, so he hatred, and hatred, and now he just sent this kind of merchandise casually, to humiliate me. What?

   "Okay, since you want to see, then I will let you see for a long time, open your eyes and look good!"

  Su Hang said lightly, throwing the cup in his hand to the table, then his right hand volleyed, sliding slowly from left to right!

   The golden light in the palm of his hand swindled, like holding a hot sun, so that people can hardly earn eyes!

   Everyone had their eyes full and looked at Su Hang. As Su Hang's right hand gently slid, I saw Su Hang's palm, and soon something strange appeared.

   A closer look, pointed, radiating light.

   is the banner? The banner of Ares?

   Is he really in a refiner? And still refining the God of War?

   Not funny?

   As this thought came to everyone's mind, I saw that there were more things exposed.

   is the flag, is he really refining the war god?

   Seeing this scene, even the aftermath of the contempt and contempt just now, his eyes widened, his mouth widened, and his face was unbelievable!

   Su Hang remained silent, his attention was in his palm, and slowly, as his right hand swept in the air, just like ramen noodles, soon, while the **** of war was swept alive!

   is exactly the same as the God of War streamer pinched by Yu Bo!

   Silence, the whole back garden is so quiet that the needles can be heard!

  He really refined the God of War? What a joke?

   Looking at the God of War streamers held by Su Hang, Yu Bo looked down at this side of his hand, and the whole person was messy!

   "Hum, imitation, the real God of War, but it can make people raise a whole realm, you are nothing but a technique of change, what to install? Like you, I can practice, how much I want to give!"

   came back to God, Yu Bo ridiculed shamelessly, how could the God of War, but the Tianwei Artifact, be refined by anyone, who did this kid think he was?

   must be pretentious, but the technique of change is nothing more than a form.

   The technique of change is just a kind of elementary technique in spiritual practice. It is nothing strange in the whole fairy world, just grab a person and come out.

  Yu Bo didn't believe that Su Hang would be able to refine a treasure out of such a volley of kung fu, and it was still a Tianwei artifact that could not be refined at all.

   "If you don't believe me, I can't take you!"

   Faced with the aftermath of the aftermath, Su Hang didn't mind, and directly threw the God of War in his hand to Long Qiaoqiao sitting next to him, "It's for you!"

   Long Qiaoqiao's face was stupefied, and he reached out and took the God of War in his hands. The whole person was in a state of coercion. I never thought that Su Hang would give her the God of War.

  Why didn't he give it to others, just give it to himself?

   Su Hang's behavior made Long Qiaoqiao daydream.

   Is this God of War really useful?

Long Qiaoqiao who came back to God, with a flash of blush on his face, holding the God of War streamer tightly in his hand, suddenly, the God of War streamer suddenly became larger, just like the God of War streamer just spurred by the aftermath. , Flew in an instant, and posted to the back of Long Qiaoqiao.

   everyone's attention, at this moment, Long Qiaoqiao felt that he was pushed up by an invisible force, a huge and terrifying force, instantly poured into her body.


Long Qiaoqiao was very shocked. She could clearly feel that her realm was climbing rapidly, as if a person who was extremely hungry, suddenly ate a super delicious meal, full of strength, could not help but have a kind of The urge to look up to the sky

   But, anyway, she was also a girl. Long Qiaoqiao still could not hold it out, but after all, it was too inelegant.


   Everyone's discoloration, especially the aftermath, the expression on his somewhat contemptuous face just frozen in an instant.

  Long Qiaoqiao's huge momentum instantly bloomed, even more fierce than he had just been.

  Long Qiaoqiao originally had only the eighth order realm, and at this time, he also directly rose to the ninth order.

How can this be?

   Impossible, this is impossible!

  Tianwei artifact is unique, how can it be refined at will?

  'S immense momentum, even pressing the aftermath to lift his head, at this moment, he felt that his three views were reshaped, and even a little fear in his heart.

  Everyone looked at Long Qiaoqiao, who was standing next to Su Hang, fluttering in white, like the advent of the **** of war, completely stunned.

   There is no doubt that the power of this **** of war is exactly the same as that of the **** of war just now. It can even be said to be a replica.

  However, everyone knows that God of War is a Tianwei artifact, a unique Tianwei artifact, how could two identical pieces appear?

   This **** of war can make people raise a realm, there is no doubt that it is genuine, is it true that both are genuine?

  Everyone is a little stupid. How is it so special? How could a real God of War streamer come out?

   Is it really what he just refined?

   Is this too easy? Doesn't it mean that Tianwei artifacts can be wholesaled?

This is too Everyone can't believe it, think Su Hang must have used other methods, it is absolutely impossible to refine it on the spot, otherwise, it would be too averse .

  However, no matter what method he used, to make a Tianwei artifact, it would be enough to go against the sky.

  Look at the aftermath, although Long Qiaoqiao slowly condensed his breath, he is still standing on the spot.

   Su Hang's play is really too powerful. Yu Bo originally wanted to make a comparison. I never expected to encounter a professional outfit player like Su Hang, but this time it was a mess.

At this time, Suhang stood up and glanced at Yu Bo faintly, "Go back and help me to give Meng Lang a sentence. Originally, I was not very interested in the seat of the palace master. My friend's wish, I was still hesitating to take this seat before, but now, since Meng Lang despise me so much, then I really have to compete!"

   Yu Bo froze in place, staring blankly at Su Hang.

   "By the way, tell him that he wants to be the owner of Destiny Palace, it is best to let his father come to tell me, maybe I will consider it!"

   said, Su Hang turned to Ximen Lang and arched his hand, "Thank you Pan Emperor for the hospitality today.

  Like other people, Simon Lang is still in petrochemical industry. When he reacts, he only sees a back view of Su Hang, which is getting farther and farther away!


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