Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3426: Time tracker?

"Tell me again, but I will swell, hurry and go, I am not easy to pretend, if it is seen, it will be embarrassingly tight!" Su Hangsai smiled.


  Long Qiaoqiao smiled happily, but he could not see the slightest disgrace from Suhang.




   Back to the inn, the inn from the boss to the servant, all paid respect to Su Hang and their gangs. This is the existence of the special care of the Panlong Emperor. The absolute big man does not dare to neglect!


   Su Hang also did not expect that such a sudden change would happen, and the aftermath was obviously directed at him, but it was only controlled by Su Hang.


Aftermath is also a strong player in the eighth order of the founding state, and it is from the Palace of Destiny. There must be some means. Su Hang can’t guarantee that he can beat him. So just in the imperial palace, Su Hang will only complete the comparison. Go straight!


  In case of being spotted, Yu Bo took the opportunity to insulate himself a few crimes, I am afraid he could not even walk out of this dragon empire.


The appearance of    aftermath also indirectly explained a problem. He was indeed stared at by Meng Lang!


   Little Palace Master?


  Dare to call this name, in the Destiny Palace now, besides Meng Nan, I am afraid this Meng Lang has the strongest power, right?


   After all, Meng Nan must have great strength. The first master of Destiny Palace is in Kuncu, isn’t it the second master?


   Inside the Destiny Palace, Meng Lang's right to speak must be top-notch. It is really tricky for Su Hang to be stared at by such a person.


  However, this kind of strong man has a problem, that is, he is very proud of not taking others into his eyes.


   No one in the eyes is a common problem of many monks. I think I am stronger than you, and my life level is higher than you. In the fairy world of seniors, or all the spiritual worlds, this is a common problem.


Obviously, Meng Lang also has this problem. The current Su Hang is not qualified to appear in his sight. If this matter is placed on other monks, it may feel humiliating, but this matter falls on Su Hang, but Su Hang feels a little bit lucky.


   himself climbed up from the bottom, so he didn't have those common problems, and he didn't have any pride. All he needed was his opponent's contempt, so that he would be given more time to develop.


  Su Hang believes that as long as there is enough time, it is not a matter of what power might be.


   For him, the most lacking now is time.


   It is a pity that the fairy’s world law is too solid. Although his space-time ability can shake space, he cannot shake time at all.


  I want to change the time axis to get more time to practice through acceleration time or deceleration time like in the lower bound, so I almost don't think about it.


  Looking at the entire fairy world, he can have the ability to shake the timeline, Su Hang does not know if there is.


   There may not be one, but there may be one. If you insist on who it is, you can only think of Meng Nan in Suhang’s mind.


   But Su Hang knew that there are some treasures of time and space in this fairy, such as the Xingyue dial that Ximen Jing wanted to find. It is said that the gadget came from Destiny Palace and has the ability to reverse time and space.


   That is a time-type treasure. There are some other time-type treasures that are not allowed. The Soviet Union also used the Xueshen system to retrieve it some time ago. It is true. However, the price is so scary that it is almost not worth investing.


  Although Su Hang’s energy preparation is quite adequate for this trip to Kuncuo, Su Hang has too many unknowns. Su Hang does not want to waste energy on it!


   "Brother Su!"


   Just when Suhang was preparing to meditate and settle down, there was a voice from the east that was not bright.


   Su Hang's big sleeve waved, the door opened, and Dongfang Shiliang pushed the door open and walked in!


   "Brother Dongfang, in the evening, have something to do with me?" Su Hang looked at Dongfang not bright.


   Dongfang Beiliang smiled and walked a few steps towards Suhang. Suhang got up from the bed and gestured. The two sat down at the dining table!


   "When I came back earlier, Brother Su and the Dragon Girl, I wasn't able to intervene. I thought about it when I came back. I couldn't help but want to chat with Brother Su!" Dongfang didn't say.


  Su Hang looked at the East in front of him, "If I am right, Brother Dongfang wants to ask about the emperor's dinner today?"


   "Brother Su is really smart!"


   These words, in Su Hang’s ears, are a bit funny. Is Bingxue smart to describe yourself?


   "What do you want to ask, Brother Dongfang?" Su Hang said calmly.


   Dongfang Wuliang nodded slightly, "I want to ask, Brother Su, what is your identity?"


  Su Hang looked strangely at the East, "I am me, surnamed Su Minghang, is there any problem?"


   This answer is obviously pretending to be stupid!


Dongfang Diliang had expected that the Su Hang would be fooled, and said, "It's not a secret. From the beginning when I saw the Su brothers, it wasn't just me. Even the girl Qing, with all her heart, Ximen Jing had guessed your identity... "




   Su Hang frowned slightly, "Master Qin knew me?"


Dongfang did not highlight her head, "You made such a big move in Vientiane Tower, how could the Qing girl not know it, but she didn't say and no one traced you, maybe She knows your origins, but this is not important, after all, she has already gone!"


   Hearing this, Su Hang felt a little heavier in his heart. Qin Yuqing noticed himself early in the morning?


   Then she didn't start tracing, did she already know her relationship with fate?


  If she knew, she still chose the blood sacrifice fate, this...


  As I think later, Qin Yuqing left a patriarch order to Zhou Minmin, and Zhou Minmin used the patriarch order to himself, which may have been expected by Qin Yuqing already!


   At this time, Su Hang felt a trace of guilt!


  Because, on the day of the blood sacrifice, Su Hang had the opportunity to stop Qin Yuqing!


  Because Su Hang was a little selfish, he even had a little ecstasy at the time, so he didn't stop it, and watched Qin Yuqing finish the blood sacrifice.




   Su Hang exhaled a long breath, he knew that although destiny and he had become one, he still affected his emotions!


   After all, Qin Yuqing is a disciple of fate, and can also be regarded as a half apprentice of Su Hang. How could he not move at all?


Feeling the change of Su Hang’s emotions, the East is not brighter and more puzzled, and then said, “Later, the few of us have speculated, maybe you are a certain powerful might come, and even, we also speculate that you may be destiny palace Meng Lao Zu comes..."



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