Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3428: Spiritland?

   "You? Help me? How do you help me?" Su Hang looked at the Eastern Lights with some surprise. With the ability of Eastern Lights, he can help himself,

   "Could it be that you are a time-space weapon?"

Dongfang Liangliang smiled bitterly, "Brother Su, you should have said it earlier. You should have said it when you were in Tianyuzong. If you don't say anything, Tianyuzong has a mysterious realm, which was left by Miss Qing , Xuanxu Realm is a time-space system of Taoism, monks enter it, can accelerate time..."


  Su Hang actually guessed the ability of Xuanxu Realm when he was in the Celestial Sect. At that time, Zhou Minmin also applied to enter Xuanxu Realm, but was blocked by his whole heart.

   At that time, he didn't study it well. After all, he was pretending to be a big-tailed wolf at that time. If at that time he also proposed to look into the Xuanxu Realm, he would be doubted.

   Now, Su Dongfang re-raised old things, and Su Hang regained interest again.

   "To what extent can the Xuanxu Realm do?" Su Hang asked.

The East did not say, "To tell the truth, that is the thing of the Qing girl. I haven't even entered it. However, I heard the girl said that Xuan Xu Realm can accelerate up to 100 million times, that is to say, outside One hundred years can pass in the Xuanxu Realm."

   One Eurasian year is one million years, then one hundred Eurasian years is 100 million years, exactly 100 million times.

   Su Hang took a deep breath, 100 million times, that's tempting, if he can go in and practice for 100 million years, Su Hang believes that it will definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

   At this moment, Su Hang was a little hesitant, whether to go back directly, to practice in Xuanxu Realm for a month or two, and then go to Kuncuo to find Tai'ao after the time to go out.

"It's just that the use conditions of this mysterious virtual realm are more harsh." Just when Su Hang imagined, the East was not bright and spoke again. "To enter the mysterious virtual realm, you must have the ninth level of the creation world, listen to the girl said , The danger is so tight, especially the power of time and space acceleration, which is hard for ordinary monks to bear."

   "Miss Qing once said that below the ninth level, entering Xuan Xu Realm is looking for death."

   Speaking of this, Dongfang Diliang looked up at Su Hang. The look seemed to be saying, do you have a ninth order?

  Su Hang did not speak, waiting for him to continue to speak.

   Dongfang Diliang continued, "In addition, the opening of the Xuanxu Realm requires a lot of fairy stone, which is difficult for ordinary people to afford, so even the girl Qing, I am afraid I have not used it a few times."

   Su Hang nodded slightly, such treasures must be used under very harsh conditions, especially the energy stones and the like, the consumption must be huge, after all, it has the ability to withstand the sky.

  Qin Yuqing did not dare to use it easily, this expenditure must be expensive.

   In addition to energy, there is a condition that must be nine levels, it seems that it is difficult for Su Hang to achieve now.

  Using the mysterious virtual realm is not realistic at this time.

  Su Hang temporarily dismissed this idea.

Obviously the East is not bright. Su Hang did not want to go back. Immediately, his body moved closer to Su Hang and his voice was lowered by a few decibels. "Brother Su, this type of space-time weapon is quite good. Less, but not without it. I know that there is a Lingjing Island where my Shenwu Kingdom borders the Eastern Seas."

   "Huh?" Su Hang frowned slightly, and the East was not bright. What is it to tell himself?

"This Lingjing Island is in conflict with the border between the two countries, but it does not belong to my Divine Martial Kingdom, nor to the Dragon City. This island is not large, but it is hidden in general. It is difficult for the world to find its traces. If you have an opportunity to go to the island, that’s the chance."

   Dongfang Diliang began to talk about the secret stories he might have heard.

  Su Hang looked at the Eastern Lights with surprise, "What is so special about this Lingjing Island."

   East said, "This island should be a spiritual realm in a different space. I don't know if it was created by heaven or earth or by a powerful person with great magical power. Someone had been on the island for thousands of years, and only a few months after the island."


   Hearing that the East is not bright, Su Hang understands a little, the space on the island should also be a kind of space-time acceleration type area.

  Like the Xuanxu Realm of the Celestial Sect, the Lingjing Island may also exist.

The East didn’t light up, “It’s just that, to get to Lingjing Island, you need a chance, because Lingjing Island is not always there. In these years, the number of occurrences can be said to be one of only a few, and the chances of being encountered are even more Small, in the Shenwu Kingdom, there are countless monks looking for Lingjing Island, but there are very few that can be found."

   Su Hang heard the words and smiled bitterly, "Since it is a chance, then do you think I can meet it as soon as I go?"

   This kind of luck-speaking thing is equivalent to saying nothing.

   Dongfang Wuliang laughed aloud, "When I was in the Celestial Sect, I had heard Brother Su's luck and luck. It felt very reasonable. Presumably, Brother Su's accomplishments in this respect are quite high..."

   Opportunity fortune?

   That day in Tianyuzong, Su Hang did talk to Zhou Minmin a few of them about chance and luck, but that was just casual bluff the kids.

  Su Hang waved his hand, "That's just what he said, and he can do countless things."

"Also, the so-called lucky luck, the illusions are all divided into heaven and earth. If we monks, if we can control them, aren't all the existence of the Meng ancestors?" The East did not smile, and then said again, " Don’t hide from Brother Su, you said that although the Lingjing Island is nothing, it is not that there is no way to let it appear."

   "Huh?" Su Hang looked at the East in doubt.

  The East did not light up, "Jianghu has rumored that someone once sacrificed blood on the eastern seashore to beg the Spiritual Realm Island. As a result, guess what, the Spiritual Realm Island actually appeared."

   Dongfang Buliang said that there was something wrong, as if he was talking about an anecdote.

  Su Hang couldn't help crying, "Since it's a rumor, have it been confirmed?"

   Dongfang did not say, "I wouldn't talk nonsense, of course, I heard that the man was on the island, and he hasn't come down until now. Roughly, it should be tens of thousands of years!"

   Tens of thousands of years, that is to say, if the time on the island accelerates ten thousand times, it will stay for 100 million years.

   One hundred million years ago, for the high-level monks of fairy spirits, it is not a field, it is only a hundred universes.

   "It was only afterwards that many people followed suit and did not succeed. After that, there was no one to tinker with this matter!" Dongfang did not say.

  Su Hang waved his hand, "Jianghu rumors, not enough to believe, even if there is, maybe the person just happened to meet."

  When the man sacrificed, he happened to encounter the Lingjing Island in the present world. This is also a probability. Although the probability is small, you cannot deny its existence.


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