Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3435: Teleport away?

Long Xuanqing turned his face and looked at Ximen Jing with a stern look, and did not answer Ximen Jing's words.

He was stared at him by Xi Menjing, knowing that he might have asked what he should not have asked, and immediately laughed, "Of course, I owe you nothing to do with me. After all, I am not a person from his godly kingdom, I am pure curious!"

Long Xuanqing heard the words, withdrew his eyes, and smiled lightly, "How long have you seen me?"

Ximen Jing thought for a while, "It's about 30,000 Yuan!"


It was 30 billion years, and Long Qingxuan took a deep breath. "It's really a matter of right and wrong. I can't think of seeing you again. That year's love is all that!"

Ximen Jing smiled bitterly, "You are Brother Dragon, the style is still the same!"

"It's just a funeral family dog, what kind of style does that come!" Long Qingxuan spoke slowly, as if chatting with Ximen Jing. "In those days, you had a soft spot for that woman, but I don't know what happened later. Is she okay? "

That woman naturally said Qin Yuqing!

Long Qingxuan and Qin Yuqing belong to the same class, a sister and a brother, but after the catastrophe, because of different choices, the two turned against each other and stopped communicating!

Hearing this, Ximen Jing took a deep breath and looked a bit lonely. "Don't hide the Dragon Brothers, just a few days ago, Yuqing she has already gone!"


Long Qingxuan paused for a moment, this is a look of indifference, but when Ximen Jing said this, he clearly raised his ears!

Ximen Jing sighed and told Qin Yuqing the blood sacrifice fate to Long Qingxuan briefly!

After listening to Long Qingxuan, he closed his eyes slightly. Obviously, his emotions were subject to considerable fluctuations!

However, he tried hard to keep himself calm, took a deep breath, and sighed, "Really? She's kind of conscience!"

When saying this, Long Qingxuan's heart must be shaking!

When things really change, time can really change everything.

Ximen Jing didn't dare to say more, the Long Qingxuan in front of him had the power to kill him in seconds!

"What can she leave before she dies?" Long Qingxuan asked.

Simon froze for a moment, then shook his head immediately.


Long Qingxuan frowned slightly, apparently didn't believe Ximen Jing's words.

Ximen Jing breathed slowly, and quickly changed his mouth. "Suddenly, Yu Qing simply passed on the position to her disciples, and did not leave a word, but she left a letter!"

"Show me!" Long Qingxuan said directly!

It's a command tone!

Ximen Jingdao, "Here, Brother Long forgive me, this letter from Yuqing is not for you, so..."

"Not for me, for whom?" Long Qingxuan said again.

Su Hang and Long Qiaoqiao looked beside them, feeling that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong, but they dared not intervene!

Ximen Jing hesitated and said, "It was written to Kuncui, Brothers Yu!"

"Yu Xiaotian?"

Long Qingxuan frowned slightly, and Yu Xiaotian was his brother in the same door. It stands to reason that he should be full of respect, but at this moment, he called his name directly, and it can be seen that Long Qingxuan and Yu Xiaotian's relationship is not so good!

Ximen Jing nodded!

Long Qingxuan stretched out a hand directly, "Give me!"

It's a command!

Xi Jing stagnate.


Su Hang thought that Ximen Jinghui would counsel, but he never thought that this old guy actually stiffened up, straightened his waist directly, and said to Long Qingxuan.

This surprised Su Hang!

Ximen Jing is now an infatuation. For him, Qin Yuqing's things are worth defending with his life!

"Don't give it? Find death!"

Long Qingxuan is obviously not such a good talker. It can be said to be moody. When Ximen Jing refused, he immediately glared over, full of murderous intention!

That killing intention, unabashed!

The Su Hang beside them felt creepy, and Long Qiaoqiao felt that his scalp was about to explode!

"Sorry, Yuqing confessed, this letter, only the fish brothers can open!"

Siming Jing also shivered slightly, but he still raised his head stubbornly and said this firmly!

"Is it?"

Long Qingxuan was moody, and said to kill, kill, directly wave his sleeves, his fingertips will be cut to Ximen Jing!

This cut, the color of the world changed in an instant, and I could not feel that he had the slightest joking component. The whole world was full of killing intentions.

Su Hang was shocked, only to see the huge sword qi falling from the sky, the three could not move at all.

Such a horrible sword is not only aimed at Ximen Jing, but to destroy the three of them.

Ximen Jing is also horrified. Of the three, only he has some ability to fight back.

Immediately Ximen Jing also took out a sword, ready to resist!

This sword is ready for death!

However, just when the sword shadow was about to be killed, suddenly, the golden light in the teleportation array cheated!

Ximen Jing was stunned. I saw that Long Qingxuan and that horrible sword spirit disappeared instantly!

For a long time, I have not been able to recover!

Ximen Jing suffocated his strength, and he was going to have a **** battle even if he didn't win. I never expected that Long Qingxuan would suddenly disappear!

How could he disappear suddenly?

Ximen Jing turned his face to look at Su Hang next to him!

Su Hang laughed dryly, "I seem to send him away!"


Simon Jing heard that a few drops of rain were dripping on his forehead.

It turned out that when Ximen Jing and Long Qingxuan were chatting, Su Hang felt wrong and took advantage of the lack of attention and put the fairy stone into the energy tank supplied by the teleportation array.

On the occasion of a desperate attack, Su Hang launched the teleportation array and successfully transported Long Qingxuan away.

Long Qingxuan, you should be in the Dragon City of the Eastern Seas now!

This teleportation array, after being used once, has to be cooled down for a period of time, and cannot be used continuously. That is to say, Long Qingxuan wants to come back, or wait for the teleportation array to cool down or walk back by yourself.

Shenlong City is far away from Shenwu City, even if Long Qingxuan’s first hundred strengths have to come back, I am afraid it will take three or five days!

Su Hang was relieved!

Looking up, a moment later, after the thunder, the black clouds in the sky quickly dissipated, a gust of wind blew past, and the clouds closed down!

Above the cloud, the huge black dragon also became invisible at this moment, which turned out to be supernatural powers.

Its daybreak!

A few drops of residual rain hit his face, and Simon Jing felt a bit of the rest of his life after the robbery, "Brother Su, are you too smart?"

Su Hang smiled bitterly, just now, he didn't even think about anything else. Who made Long Qingxuan not to wait elsewhere, he had to stand inside the teleportation array!

Long Qiaoqiao was beside, unable to say a word, and felt it was too dramatic.

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