Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3445: The story of Ximen Jing!

Remember in a second【】

Dongfang Diliang is very worried now. Although in the past two days, thousands of founding powerhouses of the imperial palace have practiced guarding the large formation together, but he still has no confidence to be able to hold it.

What he said about keeping it was just keeping the emperor palace, not the entire Shenwu City, nor the whole Shenwu Kingdom.

If Long Qingxuan returns tomorrow, and the rescue of Destiny Palace still does not arrive, then the ending can be imagined. With Long Qingxuan's temper, there is a high probability that he will directly move against Shenwu City.

By then, everything will be ruined.

Of course, the East is not bright and also told Su Hang directly. At that time, Chu Liancheng will definitely launch Su Hang as a shield. After all, it was Su Hang who made the mistake that day and sent Long Qingxuan away.

Perhaps this does not let Long Qingxuan get angry, because Long Qingxuan and Shenwu City still have contradictions, but for Shenwu City, it can still delay some time.

In the past two days, even the crown prince has been asking for help from Destiny Palace, but there has been no news from Destiny Palace, which makes the people in the Imperial Palace very anxious and can be said to be panic.

"Brother Su, if you change your mind, you can leave now, and it's too late. I can help you to take out the stars of the teleportation array from the palace. You can take the dragon girl to escape to Elysium. Although Long Qingxuan is tough, But there will still be some scruples about Elysian Emperor. After all, you are not such a big deal. If Elysian Emperor is willing to help you say something, it’s not impossible to make big things small, and make small things impossible!” Dongfang Guangliang said seriously .

It has to be said that the character of Dongfang Wuliang is much better than that of Ximen Jing’s old fellow. At this time, he also knew that for the sake of Su Hang, he should be regarded as a true friend of Su Hang.

Su Hang shook his head, "Brother Dongfang, you don't have to say more about this matter. I stayed, naturally I had my plan."

The East didn't shine, "You have to think about it, you are still the Acting Sect Master of the Celestial Sect. In case you have an accident, the Sect of the Celestial Sect will inevitably be in chaos again that day. The girl Qing Qing's hard work is afraid that it will be destroyed. once."

Acting Sovereign?

Su Hang smiled. Does that seat matter?

Dongfang did not say, "Brother Su, don't hesitate, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices!"

He saw that Su Hang did not speak, thinking that Su Hang was hesitating!

"Can't go!"

Su Hang hadn't spoken yet, and Ximen Jing's voice was heard from outside.

Su Hang looked up and saw that Ximen Jing was wearing a red dress and looked very sullen, except that the face was much younger and there were several more obvious marks. It was obvious that this old guy was beaten again Too.

However, with his physical strength, this mark can be repaired instantly, but he did not do it, as if he could not bear the mark to disappear.

Su Hang can be sure that this old guy definitely went to find the Princess Chuchu again, maybe he was beaten after stealing a big watermelon.

"Brother Su, we can't go!"

As soon as Ximen Jing entered the room, he rushed towards Su Hang. Obviously, he just heard the conversation between Su Hang and Dongfang.

"Simon, don't mess up!" Dongfang Liangliang yelled.

Ximen Jing stared at Dongfang without a glance, "There is nothing about you here, Dongfang, our business, we have to do something else. I have a little talk with Brother Su here. You should avoid it first."

The East did not hear the words, and took a deep breath, "Simon, you have to understand what you are doing, if this caused the war between the Shenwu Kingdom and the Panlong Kingdom..."

"Your Shenwu Kingdom is hard to protect yourself, but can you care about others? Come on, get up quickly, I will talk to you after discussing with Brother Su!"

Ximen Jing was a little impatient, and directly lifted Dongfang Liangliang, and he sat up on his own.

The East did not light up, but said goodbye to Su Hang, instructing Su Hang to think about what he had just said, and then left.

In the room, there were only two people, Su Hang and Ximen Jing.

"Brother Su, do you want to go?" Ximen Jing asked directly.

Su Hang was undecided, "Brother Simon, weren't you arguing and wanting to leave? Why, now you don't want to leave?"

Simon Jing shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It's different now, Brother Su, I can't leave now!"

In words, it seemed with a bit of comfort and bitterness, and Su Hang couldn't figure out what kind of psychology he was.

"Why is it different now? Is it because of that Princess Chuchu, Brother Simon, I know you, but not such a fickle person, I can see that you have something to worry about!" Su Hangdao.

Ximen Jing sighed helplessly. After a long absence of answering, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Brother Simon, if you can trust me, you may wish to tell me frankly, maybe I can help." Su Hangdao.

After hesitating for a moment, Ximen Jingdao said, "Brother Su, there is a saying, brother, I'm a little difficult to tell."

"It seems that Brother Simon still treats me as an outsider?" Su Hang shook his head.

Ximen Jingsan laughed and looked at Su Hang eagerly, "Brother Su, if, I mean if, if Princess Chu Chu marries you, what do you think?"


Su Hang almost spit on Simon Jing's face, "What are you talking about?"

Ximen Jing smiled bitterly, "Brother Su, I also know that Chu Chu has a bad criticism, has been married 80 times, and has no outstanding appearance, or even a bit rude, but this can't blame her, everything is because someone gave She was cursed..."


Su Hang froze for a moment, "Brother Ximen, aren't you kidding me, the princess of the imperial empire will know how to carry

^0^One second to remember【】

Cursed? "

Ximen Jing's words really surprised Su Hang. Chu Chu was the favorite daughter of Shenwu Emperor. Who dares to cast a spell on her? And even if there is any curse, the Emperor Wu could not solve it? Even if Divine Emperor Wu could not solve't there still the Destiny Palace behind it?

"Ah, it's hard to say a word. It's all my fault!" Ximen Jing sighed for a long time, with a lot of guilt and remorse in his face, before turning to look at Su Hang for a long time. , Chu Chu is my daughter."


Su Hang was surprised when she heard this, and almost thought she had a problem with her ear. "You said, Princess Chu Chu is your daughter?"

Ximen Jing did not look like a joke, nodded very seriously.

Su Hang stayed for a moment before recovering, "No, Brother Simon, this kind of talk can't be said nonsensely. If it is heard, it will cause a war between the two countries."

Now, Su Hang understands why he said that when Dongfang Liangliang left.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Simon Jing posed, "Her mother was Luo Xuan, the princess of the Titan Empire. At that time, I was young and indulgent, and I showed mercy everywhere...".

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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