Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3457: Asked whisking!

The expression on Liu Can’s face was faint, and his eyes were just looking at Long Qingxuan, “Brother Yi Mu, we are also old acquaintances, what is important is not important, Liu doesn’t care, I just think, It’s a pity that if I go back in this way, it’s a pity that the so-called “coming out of happiness and returning from failure” is not my style of Liu Can.”

Yi Muxian heard the meaning of Liu Can's words, and immediately smiled bitterly, "Brother Liu, since the Dragon Brothers said that they have never corrected it, our Shenwu Kingdom also thought that this thing has not happened..."

It can be seen that Liu Can wanted to do it, but how could Yi Muxian let him do it? Here is the Divine Martial Kingdom. The two Tianwei-level strongmen are fighting. Isn't this to destroy the entire Divine Martial Kingdom?

Previously, there was no way, he could only invite Liu Can to help the battle, and now he can calm down, and he is willing to accept it. At this time, it is unwise to touch the bottom line of Long Qingxuan to provoke this unprovoked battle. .

Liu Can didn't care about this, and shook his head immediately, "Brother Yi Mu, this is not just a matter of your godly martial kingdom. This provocation is not once or twice, this time, this time the ancestral wedding banquet, he actually made it again. It’s simply unforgivable to come to such a disgusting destiny!”

"Brother Liu..." Yi Muxian bit his scalp hard and wanted to say something.

Liu Can shook the dust in his hand and directly interrupted the words of Yi Muxian, "Brother Yi Mu, your tolerance will only make him more indulgent next time. In these years, the Destiny Palace has been tolerant enough for him, but This guy has been getting worse and has no convergence. This time, it hurts me that I didn’t even drink my ancestor’s wedding wine, so I came to run this trip!"

"Before I came, the little palace master had informed me, and let me give him a lesson. Brother Ogi, you said that if I didn't do anything, there was no way to explain to the little palace master."

Yi Muxian listened, with a heavy expression on his face, "Brother Liu, this move, but trapped my Shenwu Kingdom into an extremely dangerous situation."

"A momentary loss is very necessary!" Liu Can shook the dust again and said lightly, "Brother Yi Mu, you and I, together, it may be impossible to win this place, as long as you take this place, your country is not Once and for all? Don't worry about finding this guy again."

It seems that it really makes sense.

What is the use of blind tolerance? The most direct way to remove this hidden danger is to eliminate him.

Moreover, with the strength of both of them, if there is a joint battle, there is still a chance to win Long Qingxuan.

For a moment, Yi Muxian hesitated and told the truth, he didn't want to fight this fight, because it would bring great losses to the Shenwu Kingdom, but Liu Can mentioned another person, Xiao Gongzhu.

This again had to be considered carefully by Omaki.

"There's a lot of nonsense. If you want to hit it, then where is this kind of nonsense." At this time, Long Qingxuan felt a little funny beside him, and snorted directly.

Liu Can looked at Long Qingxuan lightly. "It's just a beastly dog. It won't be long."

Long Qingxuan heard the words, frowning slightly, "You're surnamed Liu, you don't seem to be any better. At that time, my second brother Shen Huai was as old as the sky. The dog later turned back to its owner, but now it has changed to a new owner, but it doesn’t know how the dog has been going through these years. See you today, it should be a good life."

"Long Qingxuan, you are looking for death."

Long Qingxuan's words clearly struck Liu Can's heart nest. Liu Can couldn't maintain his calmness all at once. He stared at Long Qingxuan glaringly and flicked a finger in his hand.

"I didn't say you, why is Brother Liu angry, don't get the right seat." Long Qingxuan said with obvious sarcasm.


Liu Can sneered, "The deity doesn't know about you as a bereavement dog. Brother Yimu, what are you waiting for, you and I join forces to win this mate..."

Yi Muxian was flustered for a while, and had not yet made a choice.

"Let's go together."

I am afraid that you will not succeed, Long Qingxuan is the kind of violent character, and Liu Can is excited. At this moment, his heart is also angry, and he immediately responded arrogantly.

At this time, Long Qingxuan felt something patted his shoulder.

Looking back, it was Su Hang.

Su Hang holds a sword in his hand, and the sword handle is touching Long Qingxuan's shoulder.

"Use this." Su Hang said directly.

Long Qingxuan was stunned, and his eyes fell on the sword. He was a little bit happy in the accident, and immediately took the sword with both hands, "Xie Shi..."

Zun didn't export, and was stopped by Su Hang's hand. Obviously, Su Hang did not want to expose its identity in this large public.

The sword was given to Long Qingxuan. Su Hang immediately retreated with Long Qiaoqiao, and countless enchantments were placed in front of him. The purpose was simple, to prevent the aftermath of the battle.

Obviously, the war is coming.

Everyone realized this and followed the retreat of Su Hang, only a moment later, in front of the entire Shenwu Temple, only Long Qingxuan and Liu Can and Yi Muxian who were against him were left.

Long Qingxuan stood with his sword, and the three stood in a triangle.

"Yuemuxian, you can think about it. If you do it, the Shenwu Kingdom will never end."

With the black sword slanted in his hand, Long Qingxuan said it to Yi Muxian.

Yimu Xianben is an old character. He didn't think about starting with Long Qingxuan at the beginning. He was still hesitating at the moment. When Long Qingxuan said this, he was even more hesitant.

The main reason is that he did not dare to guarantee that he and Liu Can could win Long Qingxuan. If he could win it, it would be fine. In case he couldn’t get it, let him run away, and Long Qing will face Long Qing. Mysterious revenge.

Being stared at by a Tianwei-class strong Even if the Shenwu Empire is a super empire, it is definitely over.

"There is a palace of destiny for you, what are you afraid of?"

Seeing Yi Muxian hesitating, Liu Can snorted coldly and decided to make a sample first. The dust flew out of his hand, and thousands of dust threads were intertwined, instantaneously transformed into a giant net covering the sky, and went directly to Longqing Xuandou.

The name of this dusting is to ask the dusting, but it is the artifact of Tianwei repaired by Liu Can, which contains the supreme Tianwei. He is very confident. As long as he is asked to ask about the dusting, Long Qingxuan has the ability to be great. , Is also in a disaster.

The cover of the giant net fell, and there was nothing to disturb the momentum of the world, it seemed more silent.

Under the giant net, the space is infinite. Under this giant net, ordinary monks have no possibility of escape, but Long Qingxuan is not the same. His strength is similar to that of Liu Can, and he has been prepared for it. He wants to escape the blockade of the giant net. , Not difficult.

However, at this moment, Long Qingxuan looked up at the giant net falling from the sky, but he was very calm, and did not mean to hide, but directly raised the black sword in his hand and brandished it with a sword.

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