Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3462: Dragon City!

"You are so polite!" Su Hang smiled, and there were so few people in the market.

Yi Muxian picked up the wooden ring and placed it in Su Hang's hands. "Brother Su is also pleased to accept it, otherwise the old heart will be uneasy."

"Then, I'm respectful and obedient!"

Su Hang was also polite. He put away the wooden ring. He really needed the energy stone now. This fairy stone was indeed attractive to him.

Moreover, he did help Shenwu City survive the crisis, so Su Hang has every reason to accept this gift.

Of course, Su Hang also knows that Yi Muxian is good at what he does, and he must have other intentions. He has guessed the approximate identity of Su Hang. Although maybe Yi Muxian still dare not confirm it completely, but this time he has a good relationship. It must be a stable investment.

"It should have been like this!"

Yi Muxian saw that Su Hang had received his things, and the smile on his face was even worse. "Unfortunately, there are still many things to be dealt with in the old age. Otherwise, I would like to go to Kuncuo with the Su brothers. These years I have traveled all over the place, and I have been to all the places I should go. The only ones I haven’t visited are the Dragon Cave and Kuncu Cave, which is really a pity!"

"There will be opportunities in the future!" Su Hang said lightly, and did not send out invitations to Yi Muxian.

After all, he was not familiar with Yi Muxian, and he didn't know exactly what the tour of Kuncu Caves was like. With an unfamiliar person by his side, Suhang would be uneasy.


Yi Muxian smiled, got up and arched his hand to Su Hang, "It's getting late, and the old will not disturb the Su brothers. When the Su brothers return from Kuncu, let's recount!"

"Slow walk!"

Su Hang got up and delivered.

Going out the door together, Otsuki stopped. He looked like he was talking.

"If there is anything from the fairy, just say it!" Su Hangdao said.

Otome Sin Tao, "Brother Su, in fact, you don't have to hide your identity at all."

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at him in a daze.

Otoki Immortal Dao, "The one who caused you a stumbling block is nothing more than the ones in the Destiny Palace. Those who know your identity, you naturally have no need to hide. As for others, they know your identity, what can they do?"

I have to say that this old man has something, and it makes sense.

Su Hang shook his head, "I don't understand what you are saying about the fairy, Su Mou is just a little monk, what's his identity?"

Yi Muxian heard the words, but only smiled, and didn't say much, "Old decay but casually said, it seems that I misunderstood, Su brothers rest early!"

After finishing talking, Otsuki left the courtyard, and his figure quickly disappeared into darkness.

Su Hang is standing in the same place, a bit dazed, what Yi Muxian said makes sense, but Su Hang doesn’t want to be so high-profile, after all, I don’t know what fate existed in the fairy spirit, if everyone knows that fate is back, they will Welcome or fear, or hostility?

"Master, I will kill him!"

At this time, a voice sounded from Su Hang's ear, but Long Qingxuan came to his side.

Looking back, Long Qingxuan carried the Destiny Sword, his face sullen. Obviously, he had just heard the conversation between Yi Muxian and Su Hang.

Su Hang couldn't help crying, "Go with him, you have to change your temper, if you don't move, you just shout and kill!"

Long Qingxuan accused, "But, Master, he knows your identity, and if it is passed out, I'm afraid it will be bad for you."

Su Hang shook his head, "It's his business to pass it on, whether others believe it or not. As for what you said is unfavorable, isn't it still you?"

Long Qingxuan was stagnant.

"Master, Qingxuan will do his best to protect Master's safety." Long Qingxuan said very seriously and firmly.

This remark came from the heart, and Su Hang could also see that Long Qingxuan, although he had a strange temper, had no flowery intestines, and was a straightforward character.

Perhaps it is precisely because of such a character that he was left alone.


One day later, the East did not light up to report that the teleport to the Dragon City had stored enough energy and could be used again.

At the moment, Suhang is also unwilling to stay too much. He has been in Shenwu City for too long, so he took Long Qingxuan and Long Qiaoqiao and embarked on a teleportation to Shenlong City.

Neither Dongfang Liang nor Ximen Jing accompanied them, nor was Suhang forced. Now there is Long Qingxuan to follow. For Suhang, it is much refreshing.

At least don't worry about coming to Kuncui, Ximen Jing found that he had lied to him, how should he deal with it.

Shenlong City is located deep in the eastern waters, but it is the central main city in the eastern waters.

Only the teleportation array of Shenwu City can lead to Shenlong City. Therefore, to go to the East Sea, this is the only way.

In Shenlong City, it's not far from Kuncuo.

Although Su Hang does not know how to go, but he is not afraid, isn't there Long Qingxuan?

Yu Xiaotian is the master brother of Long Qingxuan. He has no reason not to know the location of Kun Kun.

This eastern sea is even much larger than the western sea of ​​bliss, and it is the Dragon Dragon Emperor who controls this side.

This name is really good. At first, when Su Hang first heard about this name, he had been talking about it for a long time.

Of course, the name of the cow belongs to the name of the cow, but the strength of this dragon Aotian is not in the forefront of the only ancestors of the ancestors. It is even a little behind, probably ranking about 1,000 in the fairy list.

Compared with Long Qingxuan and Long Fuhai, Long Aotian is a little worse.

But Long Aotian is very talented and better at being a leader. The most intuitive expression is that this vast and endless area of ​​the East is governed by him, not as chaotic as the West. It doesn't matter like Long Fuhai.

Now that the strong powers of the eastern seas are coming out in a row, the comprehensive strength can already be regarded as the first in the four seas. Among the four super empires of the fairy continent, only the national power of the Titan Empire can compete with one of them.

Unlike Elysium City, Shenlong City is deep in the sea, on a submarine plain. The tall and magnificent coral wall is inlaid with countless pearls and gems. It stretches endlessly, and it is impossible to see the end.

At a glance, it was like being in a fairy tale world.

The houses made of various gemstones in the city are unique in shape and well-organized. People come and go, and it is lively. It seems to open the door to a new world.

As soon as he entered the city, Long Qiaoqiao was looking east and west. This exotic style obviously made her feel very new. In terms of the civilization level of Shenlong City, it seems that it is obviously much higher than Elysium City. Long Qiaoqiao is obviously here. I really like it.

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