Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3487: What a big ball!

   Yes, it is indeed that the entire sea level is moving up frantically.

   Su Hang rose into the air, his consciousness spread out, and went to the four sides. The scene presented in his mind made him totally stupid.

   "So big?"

When the consciousness dissipated, Su Hang discovered that the sea level rise he saw was not actually sea level rise, but the same as before, a huge water polo floated in the Linghai, but this water polo is really too large. So unimaginable,

  Compared to his small size, he did see as if the sea level was rising.

How big is this water polo, and Su Hang can't say it. Here, his consciousness is suppressed. He can't detect everything, only a quarter of the spherical arc surface. It is not known how many universes are huge. By the way, even if it is placed in the fairy world, I am afraid that it can occupy the territory of a super empire?

   Such a big water polo, how much destiny must it contain?

   Su Hang stood in the void and flew upward as the water polo floated up.

   For a while, he was a little afraid to touch the water polo. He couldn't imagine how powerful it was.

   The water polo that has benefited Su Hang just now is just an appetizer, but this big product that appears now is the real feast.

  I don't know how long it has passed since the sea level has stopped rising, and it has gradually stabilized. It is conceivable that this huge water polo has completely surfaced.

   After hesitating for a while, Su Hang finally stepped forward, reaching for the huge water polo.

   thought it would be the same as before, the water polo would burst instantaneously, and then the energy in the water polo madly poured into his body, but when Su Hang's hand touched this giant water polo, he found that the situation was a bit different.

   This water polo is a little different from the water polo just now. Although he can feel the active power inside, there is obviously a magical force circulating on the surface of this water polo, which is isolated from the bondage.

  Suhang tried to destroy it, but to no avail at all, the power enclosed by the surface of the water polo seemed to be immune to its own power.

   Su Hang felt strange and frowned gradually.

   This feeling is as if you have discovered a gold mine, but someone told you that this gold mine is not yours, you can't touch it.

   Su Hang is naturally unwilling, flying in the sky and flying against this huge water polo, it seems to want to find something.

   This ball is really huge. Despite the speed of Soviet Airways, it still took a long time to finish the lap.

   did not find anything.

  However, Su Hang did not have a gas barrier and continued to run in another direction.

  After all, this is a sphere. You run a circle around the equator. Nothing is found. It does not mean that there is no abnormality in other places. You need to know that there are still north and south poles.

   lap after lap, Su Hang didn't know how long he spent, almost scanned the entire sphere with his consciousness, and finally, he found the abnormal place.

   Su Hang stopped and looked not far ahead. Above the surface of the water polo, it seemed to be inlaid with a piece of apricot yellow.

   looked closer.

   It is a rectangular area, not too big, it is only one hundred to ten meters, a yellow apricot sign.

   Above is a huge "seal" written in ancient Jiewen.

   Su Hang's heart twitched, wondering if this was the Tianwei Rune that Yubo said?

   Blocked the energy of this water polo, is this symbol come out?

   is this power!

  After the research, Su Hang finally determined that the power of this law was continuously output on this rune, that is, the power of this law was binding the power in the water polo.

  Looking back carefully, Yu Bo said that Destiny once used four Tianwei Runes to divide a powerful force that he could not control into four parts and sealed it in four forbidden areas.

   And this Kun hole is one of the big forbidden areas.

  If this is the Tianwei Rune, then the power in this water polo should be what Yubo said, the kind of power that fate can't control?

   Such an association, Su Hang is almost certain that the water **** filled with destiny that he had previously absorbed may also exist to suppress this power, in order to provide endless power to the Tianwei Rune.

   If this is the case, I absorbed all the water polo balls. Isn’t it dangerous to lose power input on this day?

  Thinking of this, Su Hang couldn't help swallowing a spit, feeling that he had inadvertently ran into a major disaster. If the energy that fate can't control, can he control it?

  Once this force leaks out, will it cause disaster?

   looked down at the symbol, and did not know whether it was an illusion. Su Hang actually felt that it was a little shaky, as if it would become invisible at any time.

   quickly approached, Su Hang wanted to check what happened.

   Sure enough, above the rune, there was a vaguely web-like crack.


   Su Hang's face was a little bluish, and he quickly reached out and attached it to the adjusted the power of destiny in the collective, and poured it into the rune.

  Since the energy source of the rune is the power of destiny, and I have swallowed up its energy source, then now it is enough.

   Obviously, Suhang treats itself as a battery.

   However, the situation is obviously not what Su Hang imagined. He didn't touch it, but when he touched the rune, the rune collapsed instantly, and instantly became gray fly.

Su Hang was shocked, feeling that there was a force burning his right hand. He picked up the right hand that had just touched the rune and looked at it. I didn’t know when in his palm he was branded with a peculiar rune, which looked like The word "force" in ancient Jiewen.

Before the Su Hang had time to react, the Tianwei Rune disappeared, and the huge water polo immediately lost its restraint. The seat that Su Hang stood at this time was like a seat for a basketball air core. When the air core opened, the stored inside The energy found the vent, and it suddenly poured out.

   horror, vastness.

   Su Hang didn't know what kind of energy it was, and instantly overwhelmed him.

   Because of the unknown, so fear, he can feel this force is very powerful, no less than the power of fate.

   This force surged toward him from all directions. Although supported by the body of fate, Su Hang still felt suffocated. .

   This feeling is completely different from the previous two times when absorbing the air of destiny. This energy, because it is new energy, and it forcibly broke into his body, making him feel pain.

  It was so uncomfortable, Su Hang only felt his head dizzy for a while, and fell down, actually fell directly into that huge water polo.

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