Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3492: Hurry and take me away!

At the funeral of Uncle Yu, Su Hang met Yu Xiaoqing and was a very cold woman, but when facing the younger generation, she still had a little tenderness.

Su Hang didn't have much communication with her. After all, he just brought Long Qiaoqiao here. Long Fuhai didn't say anything. If he wants to help him talk about anything, the conflict between the two of them, Su Hang is not interested. Get involved.

Yu Xiaoqing can also be regarded as a ninth-ranked strongman with veteran qualifications. It is said that the ranking is also within 1,000 of the fairy.

There is Yu Xiaotian, Tianwei's first brother, and Long Fuhai, who is comparable to Tianwei's husband. Yu Xiaoqing's strength is naturally needless to say.

I don't know how Yu Xiaoqing directed Long Qiaoqiao. Anyway, Su Hang could feel the strength of Long Qiaoqiao growing steadily. It seems that it should not be far from the ninth order.

After the past few days, when meeting Long Qiaoqiao, Su Hang had to discuss with her to see if she would go with her or stay here.

After all, Su Hang will go to the Dragon Cave next, maybe it's another adventure. By comparison, staying at Kuncu Cave is better, or maybe you can run a few more steps and send her back to Elysium.

After all, I promised Long Fu to take her to her, so she should take her back completely.

Of course, Su Hang felt that Long Qiaoqiao would probably still want to go to the Dragon Cave with himself. As to whether to take her, he would only say that at that time.

Now, Su Hang is going to meet someone.

Too Ao!

When Su Hang came to Yuchang's house, there was no one there.

Because of Yubo’s death, the people in the village are basically immersed in grief every day. Yugu is a disciple of Yubo. At this time, it is even more grief. I am afraid that they have been guarding in the ancestral hall these days.

No one stopped, Su Hang entered the backyard directly.

"Ancestor, have you dressed yet, I'm in?" Su Hang shouted directly at the door.

"Your kid is coming, hurry in!"

Tai Ao's voice was heard immediately.

The corner of Su Hang's mouth curved a little and went straight into the house.

The enchantment is still closed in this room. It seems that he is afraid of being run away by Tai Ao. However, such an enchantment seems to be nothing for the Soviet airlines, and the Soviet airlines did not mean to destroy it.

The room smelled a lot.

Tai Ao was lying on the bed, bare chest, rubbing his chest with one hand, as if tickling!

"Oh, what shape are you?" Su Hang laughed and sat down at the table!

Tai Ao looked bored, "Isn't it harmed by your kid, what kind of congratulatory gift?"

Su Hang heard the words and bent her lips. "Aren't you a good one? As a junior, I have to treat you with filial piety. Isn't it? How are you satisfied?"


Tai Ao took a sip and sat up from the bed with a sip, "Hurry and take me away!"

"go away?"

Su Hang froze for a moment, then turned to look at him, "Aren't you going to practice here? Why do you want to leave again?"

Tai Ao stared at Su Hang angrily, and walked down to Su Hang and sat down, "Don't mention, haven't the masters of fish intestines gone these days? She said she would give her master Shou Xiao for three years and practice a fart. Gong, my temper, do you think you have waited for three years?"


Su Hang felt a little speechless, and looked at Tai Ao up and down, "I can't stand it for three years, I think you are used to picking up cheap and picking up, the fish-gut girl has no master, you go this way, you have to replace her Ever thought about it?"

Too Ao was stagnant, and the expression on his face looked a little unnatural.

For Tai Ao, it was not that Tai Ao hadn’t done anything before, and he had done a lot, but now Suhang asked him in front of him to make him confused and speechless. It can be said.

"At that time she will hate because of love, come to you again, kill you, where do you think you can hide?" Su Hang asked again.

Tai Ao was speechless. With his current strength, where could he be the opponent of the intestines?

"However, she shouldn't keep me here. What's all this about? What do you think of me?" Tai Ao said uncomfortably!

Su Hang shrugged. "This is a matter between your husband and wife. What she regards you as is also a matter for both of you. As an outsider, you complain to me and I can't do anything!"

Tai Ao was temporarily suffocated and stayed in this room all day. As long as he couldn't stand it, he couldn't remember how long he hadn't seen what was going on outside.

This special life is much harder than retreat practice!

Retreat practice, although it may take longer, but at least you can leave at any time you want to leave, instead of being imprisoned like now!

Su Hang sighed, "Maybe, the fish intestinal girl just wants to protect you, you also know that the Zu Kun and Zulong are naturally not going to deal with it. The people in this Kun cave definitely have opinions on you, and , The fish-gut girl can take advantage of the world and resolutely choose to be with you. This is very rare. Long Zu, you have to think about it for others!"

Tai Ao heard, with a melancholy expression on his face, "Can I just be stuck here?"

Su Hang shook his head, "If you are bored, I can say hello to the Zu Kun tribe, at least eliminate their hostility to you, I believe that the fish intestine girl will also be happy to let you go for a walk!"

"The tone is so big?" Tai Ao looked at Su Hang strangely. Does the boy have that ability?

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "I have a little relationship with Zu Kun Patriarch Yu Xiaotian, as long as he speaks, I'm not afraid that Zu Kun tribe will embarrass you!"

Tai Ao looked at Su Hang's eyes and looked even more weird. He immediately leaned forward to Su Hang, "Last time you said, you have reached level nine, but is it true?"

"Good!" Su Hang nodded slightly.

Tai Ao Wen Yan dumb Then I'm still afraid of something, you directly give this Kuncu point, when you come to be the patriarch, I won't hold back like that now! "

Su Hang couldn't help crying, "You're not a joke at all. Do you know how many Ninth-rank strong Zu Kun tribes are, and Zu Kun patriarch is the first of Tianwei's existence..."

"You also know that I am joking, your joke is not funny!" Tai Ao waved his hand, it seems that he did not believe that Su Hang has achieved the ninth level.

After all, how long did he and Su Hang see each other? After such a strange encounter, he was tortured, and this is where he is now, and the kid actually said that he has reached the summit, which makes him accept. Got it?

He knew that Su Hang was quite perverted, but there was no such pervert.

Su Hang did not explain too much, "I came to see you today, I just want to tell you that you can stay here with peace of mind. Nowadays, there is nothing in this fairyland that is safer than here..."

"Did you say you wanted to take me last time?" Tai Ao's eyes glared!


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