Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3494: Back to Shenlong City again!


Su Hang looked at Yu Xiaotian, and Qin Yuqing's letter was handed over to Yu Xiaotian by Su Hang. As for what was written in the letter, Su Hang had not read it, nor did he have the habit of peeking at other people's letters.

Obviously, there should be something involved in that letter, or fate!

Yu Xiaotian said, "Senior Master left a few treasures for us to keep. The disciples kept the Xingyue sundial. Unfortunately, the disciples did not keep them well and were destroyed by Meng Zu. The second disciple also kept one thing. Knowing what Master gave him to keep, it was only after reading the letter from Master Sister that this thing was handed over to Master Qin by the second brother, who put it in the letter and waited for Master to return After that, let the disciples hand it over to Master!"

Said, Yu Xiaotian took out the letter, the envelope had been ripped, Yu Xiaotian pulled out a letter from it, and the other one was a rectangular card with a simple apricot yellow and a long one. The larger playing cards have a little history.

The stationery was collected by Yu Xiaotian, but the card was handed to Suhang.

Su Hang reached over and took it. The card looked ordinary, but it was not ordinary, because when Su Hang saw the text on the card, he already knew what the card was!

On the card is the word "Wei" in ancient Jie Wen!

This is exactly the same as the Tianwei Rune that I saw in the Linghai that day, even the breath is very similar.

In other words, this should be a Tianwei Rune!

The difference is that on the day he saw the rune of the word "force", and the one in front of him was the rune of the word "wei".

The Tianwei Rune is a rune made by fate. Naturally, the power is needless to say, it is absolutely ruined.

The previous rune was used to seal the magical power left by fate. So, what is this rune used for?

Su Hang is a little strange. What is the purpose of giving destiny to his disciples to keep this Tianwei rune?

Yu Xiaotian obviously has nothing to say, he doesn’t know what this rune is for!

There is no need for Su Hang to ask. The previous rune, when he absorbed that power, had already shattered as a repression and turned into an invisible power of law.

Until now, the reason why he was able to firmly cultivate and absorb the mysterious energy was due to the suppression of the power of the rune.

It is conceivable that the existence of this rune is also for the purpose of suppressing this force. Perhaps it is to provide Suhang with an insurance policy. In case this power cannot be controlled one day, this rune may still be able to save life.

Destiny must have been prescient, and Su Air does not find it strange.

Immediately, he kept the Tianwei Rune away.

"Master really does not want disciples to accompany?" Yu Xiaotian asked again.

Su Hang shook his head, "I never thought about dying with Destiny Palace. My goal is just to compare with Meng Nan's brother in the future. As for other small fish and shrimp, I don't think about it!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded slightly, "According to the disciples' knowledge, there were several brothers and sisters scattered all over the fairy spirits after the catastrophe. After some time, the disciples went to visit them and told them that the master has returned..."

Su Hang waved his hand. "It is not necessary for the time being. It has been so many years. They should have been used to their current lives. There is no need to disturb them anymore!"

Yu Xiaotian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, hesitating, "Master, if they know Master is back, they should be very happy!"

Su Hang sighed a long time, "Everything, wait for me and Meng Nan's brother to test again!"

Yu Xiaotian had nothing to say. Looking at the Su Hang in front of him, it seemed that he vaguely saw the shadow of his fate.

But he is very clear that there is still a difference between the Suhang in front of him and the fate of that year.



Sure enough, as Su Hang thought, Long Qiaoqiao learned that Su Hang was going to the Dragon Cave, and rejected Su Hang's proposal to let her stay in Kunxue. She was determined to go to Long Cave with Su Hang.

The reason is that the Dragon Cave is the family land of the Zulong family, and her grandfather's dragon nest over the sea. She should go to see it and pay homage to her ancestors.

Su Hang couldn't help her, saying that it would be impossible to take her back to the sea of ​​bliss first. There was no way but to let her follow.

In the past few months, Yu Xiaoqing did not know what method was used. He successfully raised the strength of Long Qiaoqiao to the ninth level of the founding state, which is also regarded as standing at the peak of the fairy.

Therefore, Long Qiaoqiao still has the ability to protect itself, at least, it is much better than Tai Ao Lai.


The Dragon Cave, located at the junction of the northern sea and the eastern sea, is like a Kun cave.

Immortals are originally holy places for cultivation, and there are not many blessed places in this cultivation holy place. However, the most top-notch ones among them are mostly monopolized by these superpowers.

The sea is vast, and it is almost impossible to find an entrance on this sea, but it is not difficult to be led by Long Qingxuan.

Long Qingxuan is the Zulong family, he cannot fail to know the way home.

However, the distance is too far, to go to the Dragon Cave, you still have to take the Shenlong City to borrow.


Dragon City.

In the past, it has been four or five months. For the fairy world, it is not time at all. It is like a stone thrown into the sea, which can't bring any change at all.

Dragon City is as usual.

The last time Suhang suddenly left the three of them, it must have been a bit unpleasant to Long Aotian, but the three of them were all thick-skinned. Since they wanted to save time, they had to come again if they were not happy.

Once again, I saw Long Aotian, but it was still a polite among several all, even if Long Aotian was angry, he could not show it. In this respect, Long Aotian is an expert.

Even if it was a superficial politeness, at least people also showed politeness, with a few words of humor, blaming the three for the sudden departure, and then greeted the three with a smiley face.

"Shenlong Emperor, we are here..." Su Hang opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

However, Long Aotian waved his hand and stopped Su Hang. "Brother Su, I have a friend here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."


Su Hang's brows frowned slightly when he heard the words.

Long Aotian looked up and looked out of the Shenlong Hall. A figure was slowly walking in.

An old man in a robe, with a smile on his face, looked polite.

Su Hang looked around, but it was a bit unexpected, because he knew this person!


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