Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3504: Hongmeng Forest!

The hongmeng tree in the body has already grown into a hongmeng forest, and after this time, this forest has grown and grown a lot, it is simply not visible, all the towering hongmeng trees, the trees have been counted But here it is.

   This forest of Hongmeng, like a factory, is constantly consuming the magical energy absorbed by Suhang. This is a process of adaptation. After the Hongmeng tree vomits, Suhang can control this power.

This force is too huge. The power of Tianwei Rune restricts it to the air of Suhang and allows Hongmeng Forest to be refined. Although this is a very long process, it is not considered to be Suhang. What, he can afford it.

   Moreover, the strength of refining and chemical production alone in these past few months has already improved the strength of Su Hang for several grades. Now he has no idea what he is now.

   The Xueshen system has been unable to be identified again. If there is no wrong guess, your current state has once again reached the limit of the Xueshen system.

The last time he reached the limit, before he broke through the realm of the realm of the realm, he didn't know what realm was above the realm of the realm of the realm. Until then, he entered the treasure house of Meng Nan and obtained an upgraded magic weapon to learn God The system rose to the extreme, and only then was the information of a higher state reached.

   And now, he is full again, this time, can the system of learning God be advanced? I'm afraid it's impossible!

  Now that Suhang has felt that he has graduated, the system of learning the gods seems to him to be of little use.

  With his current ability, he can create things out of thin air with the wave of his hand. Except for some super celestial treasures, it may be a little difficult to create. Anything else is not at all difficult for him.

  Now even if he is allowed to build the Tianwei artifact, Suhang will guarantee to give you a pile in minutes.

  The system of learning the **** seems to him to be a decoration and nostalgia, and may also be used to exchange some extremely rare fairy treasures.

   Of course, the flow of Tianwei artifacts is no longer rare for the current Soviet Airways.

   At this moment, Su Hang doesn't know what he is now.

   9th order?

  Su Hang dare to say that within the ninth order, there is absolutely no opponent in the whole fairy, but if we have broken through the ninth order, have we achieved a higher level above the ninth order? Su Hang can't say that, after all, there is no reliable standard to identify.

   The whole fairy, I am afraid that only Meng Nan can see his realm, right?

   Su Hang thought like this, but he thought of Meng Nan at this moment, thinking in his mind, do you want to go to Destiny Palace first, and Meng Nan to see each other again?

   But after thinking about it, Su Hang still shook his head. No matter how strong he is now, he certainly has not reached the level of the fate of the year. The fate of the year was lost to Meng Nan, not to mention the current self?

  Don't talk about fighting Meng Nan at all until you have fully gathered and controlled this magical power.

  Go to the Destiny Palace at this time, what can I do?

   doesn't make any sense at all, so let's first find a way to give away the remaining two forbidden areas, and gather the force left by fate.

  Suhang can foresee that the next time they see Meng Nan, it is when they honor their promises and fight again.

   In fact, compared with destiny, Su Hang does not have so many desires to win or lose, but in order to complete the wish of destiny, Su Hang will definitely go all out in this battle.

  Suhang is looking forward to this battle. He also wants to know how far Meng Nan, who is known as invincible, is so strong.


   "Congratulations to Master for coming out!"

   Long Qingxuan's voice came from the side, pulling Su Hang's thoughts back from the reverie.

   Su Hang nodded slightly, at this time, Long Ying also came!

   Other people are not allowed to approach Zulongtan, so although a lot of people were disturbed, the only one who can come here is their sister and brother.

   "It seems that real people have got what they want!" Long Ying looked at Su Hang and only felt that the current Su Hang was even more unfathomable.

   If the Suhang that I saw a few months ago was like a deep pond with invisible bottoms, then now, Suhang in front of her now looks like a sea of ​​oceans.

   Long Ying's heart was sighing, because she knew that Su Hang got what she wanted, and fate returned, and the fairy must soon be messed up again.

  Maybe, that disaster in that year will be staged again.

This is bad news for Long Ying who is determined to be stable, but she knows that she has no ability to stop it. The only thing she can do is to leave Long Qingxuan, and all the ancestral dragons outside, Don't get involved in this battle.

Although Su Hang has said that this is just a contest for his ancestor Meng Nan, Long Ying does not think so, because the Destiny Palace is not just the ancestor of Meng Nan, those who can watch the destiny for many years Is the palace back in the hands of fate?

If this battle, Su Hang won, it’s okay to say, but if it loses, I am afraid that the existence of Destiny Palace will be followed by a complete liquidation of those forces related to Su Long Ying doesn’t want to take the risk That risk!

   The only thing you can do is to shrink your head, you are developed, I don’t want you, but if you are in trouble, please don’t bother us.

  The Dragon Cave has been ruined, and there have just been some improvements, which can't stand the second big disaster.

  Su Hang smiled indifferently, "Thank you Dragon Clan Chief for opening the door!"

  Long Ying smiled bitterly, even if I didn't agree, I'm afraid you will find ways to get in. Can someone stop you?

   "The real person just got out of the customs, I'm afraid I still need a retreat. I have prepared a quiet room for the real person..."

   simply said hello, and Long Ying took Su Hang to the temple.

   The ancestral dragon pond is still rippling, as if nothing has changed, it is still so deep.


   Looking for a quiet room, Su Hang consolidated the current state, and then went out of the customs, it was also time to leave.

   "Real people come to the Dragon Cave this time, my family did not have time to entertain well, it is really rude..."

  In the shrine, knowing that Su Hang was leaving, Long Ying felt relieved in her heart.

  Know that Su Hang stays in the Dragon Cave for a day, and she has a little more worry in her heart. After all, Su Hang's identity is really special. .

Moreover, in the past two days, Long Qingxuan also turned around and wanted to take back his life. He still wanted to leave with Su Hang. Long Ying would naturally not allow it. Therefore, if Su Hang leaves early, she can let Long Qingxuan settle down. .

   Su Hang can also feel that Long Ying has the meaning of chasing passengers. Now that the purpose has been achieved, it doesn’t make much sense to stay here. He also left. Next, there is still a place to go.

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