Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3506: Baiyun City!

The Liuyun Empire is located in the southern part of the fairy continent, and it is the largest force that controls the southern realm.


  However, compared with the other three empires, the Liuyun empire is much more low-key, and its strength is also the last of the four empires.


   Of course, the biggest reason is because the Liuyun Empire suffered a disaster.


The Shenpeng clan dove occupied the magpie's nest, and that time it would have hurt the Liuyun empire. Although later, with the help of the Destiny Palace, the Shenpeng clan was driven away and the Shenpeng clan was devastated, but, since then, the Liuyun clan The empire was also badly hurt, and it has not recovered until now.


   In these years, the Destiny Palace has supported the Liuyun Empire emphatically. However, if you want to return to the previous grand occasion, you need to take a long way to compete with other empires.


  Because knowing that he is weak, the Liuyun Empire is so low-key, willing to bury its head and develop.


   Of course, the Liuyun Empire is also extremely protective against the Shenpeng family. After all, they do not want to repeat the same mistakes.


  Although the Shenpeng family was helpless, the Liuyun Empire did not dare to easily provoke it. After all, the shadow left by the Shenpeng family was too serious.


   Today, the dawn forest where the Shenpeng family is located has always been listed as a forbidden area. Although it nominally belongs to the Liuyun Empire, the Liuyun Empire dare not have the power to go deep into it.


  But after three days, the three had arrived in Baiyun City, the capital of Liuyun Empire.


   The prosperity of Baiyun City is no less than that of several other empires, but there are fewer masters in the territory.


   But there are only relatively few masters, no matter how few, it is definitely not comparable to those nine-tier empire.


   The arrival of the three people did not disturb anyone, nor did Su Hang have the identity to disturb anyone.


   This is incomparable in the Shenwu Empire, in the Panlong Empire, and Suhang has nothing to do with it here.


   On the low status, there is not even Long Qiaoqiao to use.


Of course, among the three of them, the best identity should be Luo Jiuchen. They are somehow disciples of Meng Nan’s ancestors. Although their strength is not very good, the identity of the disciples is placed there. If the emperor Yunyun knows Luo Jiuchen is here, and he will definitely treat him as a courtesy.


   The three were very low-key. After coming to Baiyun City, they found an ordinary inn in the south of the city.


  Baiyun City is a distance away from Dawning Forest. Although there is still some distance, for the current Suhang, it can only be reached within a short distance, so he is not in a hurry.


  The third floor of the inn, the third floor is accommodation, the first floor and second floor are places to eat, the first floor is a hall, and there are private rooms on the second floor.


   The capital of the country is the capital of the country. It is not yet noon, and the inn is already lively.


   On the seat on the second floor by the window, the three ordered a few small dishes and wanted to taste the flavor of this side.


  Long Qiaoqiao is very interested. For the first time in her life, she walked so far, and she has been out for almost a year. In this year, she followed Su Hang and almost walked the entire fairy.


   This is something she didn't dare to think before.


   However, she also had some concerns, because before hearing Su Hang said, after returning from Pengchao, she would take a trip back to the sea of ​​western bliss, and after returning to the sea of ​​bliss, what excuse should she follow him?


  Looking out of the window, Long Qiaoqiao was a little distracted.


   "Qiaoqiao, what do you see?"


   At this time, Su Hang's voice came from the side, pulling Long Qiaoqiao's thoughts back to reality.


Long Qiaoqiao returned to his eyes and looked at Su Hang. The panic in his beautiful eyes flashed by, "Brother Su, I was thinking, that Peng's Nest has no definite direction. The people of Baiyun City heard Peng's Nest It’s just that you don’t know why, we only know that the entrance is in the Dawning Forest, but where do we go to find Pengchao later?"


   At this time, Luo Jiuchen said, "Shall I reveal my identity, find Emperor Liuyun, and let him point us in a direction?"


  Su Hang waved his hand, "We are low-key, there is no need to alarm anyone!"




  Luo Jiuchen looked at Su Hang, is there any way to be Su Hang?


  Su Hang smiled lightly, "Relax, where is Pengchao, I know!"




Luo Jiuchen looked at Su Hang strangely, and suddenly came to understand, "I almost forgot, the current strength of the Brothers Su has already entered the environment, and it is reasonable to be able to figure out, if you want to find that space connection point, it should not be hard!"


  Su Hang smiled, not much to say.


  Luo Jiuchen was right. With Suhang’s current strength, which blessed land could the fairy be able to hide under his consciousness?


   only needs a sweep of consciousness, and the entrance of Pengchao has already appeared in his mind!


   Luo Jiuchen said, "When will we pass?"


   "Don't worry, let's talk after eating!"


  Su Hang is not in a hurry, for him, it is more like traveling.


  Don't talk about the two of them any more, carefully taste the food in Baiyun City.


   "Brother Su, look!"


  After a while, Long Qiaoqiao pointed out the window and shouted at Su Hang.


  The two of Su Hang looked out and saw that on the street outside, there was a sound of gongs and drums. A large group of people, dressed in red clothes, carried a flower sedan, and went from the street to the end of the street.


  Looking at that direction is the direction to go outside the city.


   The team is quite large, the leader, the drummer, the guard, the sedan, the dowry, the men and women, and there are probably hundreds of men.


   "Oh, is this a girl married?" Su Hang smiled, it was a happy event, and once he hit such a happy event, it should be regarded as a good luck.


  Long Qiaoqiao looked Luo Jiuchen caressed his beard, "Look at this show, it should be that the royal family has a woman married..."


   At this time, a lot of people had come to the window and were watching the excitement, pointing, not excited.


  Send the team quickly through the street and went outside the city gate.


   "Little brother, which girl is this married?"


  Dian Xiaoer also leaned against the window to watch the excitement, and his eyes revealed infinite hope. Long Qiaoqiao just asked a question beside him.


   The pro-team has already gone away, and the second child of the shop has recovered, seeing Long Qiaoqiao, a girl who is not so beautiful, actually talking to herself.


  The second brother's face became red when brushed, and he was a little afraid to look up at Long Qiaoqiao.


   "If I go back to the girl, it's the king of Zhennan marry the girl!" said the younger brother.


   "Zhennan King?" None of them knew what this Zhennan King was.


   Although Luo Jiuchen is an old river and lake, it is impossible to know the existence of these empires.


"Several guests should have come from elsewhere. King Lu Baiquan of Zhennan was ordered to guard the southern region of the empire. Some time ago, the Liuyun Empire had some friction with the dawn forest. Already married into the palace of Zhennan one month ago, now, the deer prince is married to a daughter!" the younger brother explained.


   "Oh? So, is this sending the pro team to Peng's nest?" Luo Jiuchen asked



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