Super Study God

Chapter 379: There are pits over there!

This kid can't wait any longer. What a cool way to escape from earth!

This kind of magical power, even in the mysterious gate, is also absolutely advanced. The reason why Su Hang knows it is that it was just picked from the dragon's old road a few days ago.

Not only the technique of earth escape, but also gold, wood, water and fire, this technique of earth escape is just one of them, each one is broad and profound, and the dragon is only good at the technique of earth escape, so Su Hang is now I just learned the technique of earth escape.

However, from the Raptors' body, Su Hang got a full set of Quanzhen escape technique. The other four lines can be studied slowly in the future.

Between heaven and earth, there are five main attributes, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. If you can learn to control the power of these five attributes, you can go to most places under the sky and in the world.

The things picked up from the Raptors are of too high a level to pass on the power and cannot be directly transmitted. Su Hang began to tell Xue Qi the secrets of the mind. Xue Qi squatted on Tian Kan and listened very carefully.

Xue Xuan and others also listened carefully. Su Hang personally taught the Fa. Such an opportunity is rare.

"Although there are mental methods, there are tips, but we have no mana to perform Taoism." After Xu Hanghua finished talking, Xue Xuan raised doubts.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "This involves another problem. Below, I will tell you how to convert internal force and mana."

"Internal power and mana are converted between each other?" Xue Xuan was a little surprised. Internal power is owned by the martial arts trainer, and mana is owned by the monk's trainer. They are basically two different things. How can they be converted to each other?

If this problem is put in the past, Su Hang may find it impossible, but recently, Su Hang read "Lao Zi Xiang Er Zhu". In the book, Zhang Daoling described a method of mutual transformation of internal force and mana. Zhang Daoling named it For the "Tips of the Truth", Suhang tried it and it really worked. It's amazing.

Next. Su Hang started to talk about "Treasures of the Truth". After listening to Xue Qi and others, they all began to try. Su Hang was sitting on the field. Point at any time.

"Why didn't you learn?" Tian Kan sat on Su Rong and Qin Shiyu.

Su Rong was unmoved. Qin Shiyu is envious.

Su Rong shook his head, "What's the use of learning, I have no inner strength."

Su Hang heard. This reminds me of Su Rong's current strength. There are already martial arts eight grades, completely relying on the source of the heart, and have not learned any martial arts. The flesh is strong, but without any internal force. Not to mention mana.

"Don't I tell you? You should also learn some martial arts, and the two will go hand in hand, and there will be wonders." Su Hangdao.

"I am busy before and after. Where is the time?" Su Rong handed Su Hang a glance.

Su Hang was sweating. These days, for the sake of the tea factory, Su Rong has worked hard indeed.

Thinking of it, Su Rong still owed a little.

Su Rong's source heart is only black iron level, Wu Sheng Jiu Pin is already the limit, it is impossible to rise, maybe you have to find a time to help her advance the source force heart.

"Some days later, I will give you a big gift." Su Hang smiled mysteriously at Su Rong.

Su Rong heard it and smiled, pointing at Qin Shiyu sitting next to him, "You should take care of Xiaoyu first."

Su Hang turned his face and looked at it. Qin Shiyu was looking at Xue Xuan and others in the field who practiced earth escape. His face was full of envy.

"Want to learn?" Su Hang asked.

Qin Shiyu recovered, turned his face, Su Hang was staring at her, and suddenly blushed, and nodded shyly, "Unfortunately, I was stupid, I just listened for a long time, I don't know what you are saying what."

She just listened carefully when Su Hang taught the Fa, but she really didn't understand a few words. Su Hang's lectures were as obscure as the Heavenly Books.

"Who said you are stupid, stupid can be admitted to Rongcheng University, then I am not stupid than you." Su Hang smiled, the reason why Qin Shiyu didn't understand it was because she was not a martial arts cultivator at all, let alone a monk. There is no knowledge of spiritual practice. Of course, she feels difficult for Su Hang to say anything.

Qin Shiyu smiled, "I don't mean that."

Su Hang said, "If you want to learn, wait for you to return to Rongcheng, I will teach you."

Qin Shiyu paused, not knowing whether she was surprised or happy. She stared at Su Hang for a while, nodded, and blushed again.

This girl has a very thin skin.

Looking at the three people in the field, after repeated contact, and Su Hang's instructions from time to time, they gradually mastered the essentials.

Su Hang took a closer look. Although the youngest of these three, Su Xi, was the youngest, she was indeed much better in understanding. The first one mastered the essence. At the beginning, she was a bit careless and sometimes unable to get in half of her body. The soil, sometimes stuck half body can not get out, but after repeated practice many times, gradually able to move freely.

"Brother, look at me."

Su Xi beckoned to Su Hang from afar, pinched a decision like a show, the yellow light flashed on the surface, and the whole person quickly integrated into the field.


After a while, he drilled out of the soil while covering his forehead.

"what's wrong?"

Su Hang looked at her little sister helplessly, and was so happy that she didn't care about anything.

"I accidentally hit the stone."

Su Xi pouted her forehead and looked at Su Hang in aggrieved expression. Only in front of her brother would she be so coquettish.

"Come here, let me see."

Su Hang called her over and took a look at her hair. Fortunately, she was knocked a little bit red. "It's okay. Go back and take some medicinal wine. It will be fine soon."

"It still hurts." Su Xi pouted.

"When you use the escape technique in the future, you have to walk the same way, watch the six ears and listen to all directions, and it is easy to wrestle when you walk, let alone escape." Su Hang rubbed her helplessly.

"Oh!" Su Xi responded obediently.

"What's wrong?" Xue Xuan came over.

Su Hang waved her hand, "It's okay, I'm educating her."

"Hey, look, I also learned."

At this time, Xue Qi shouted from the field, and everyone looked around. Xue Qi slammed into the soil and disappeared instantly.

"Oh, this stupid boy, the perception is not bad." Xue Xuan said with a smile, she learned this for a while, only to be able to grasp the essentials.

Su Hang also nodded and smiled. Xue Qi's perception was indeed good, but this kid was playful and clever did not use the right path.

Su suddenly, Su Hang's face changed.

"Boy, don't go over there, there are pits over there."

Xue Qi walked underground, in the shape of Su Hang's eyes, and at this time in Su Hang's eyes, Xue Qi's escape direction was less than 20 meters away, and a septic tank was waiting for him.

In order to facilitate irrigation and fertilization, the crops in the field will dig up some manure ponds, and the big manure in there does not know how long it has been licked, and the taste is mellow. If it falls into it, don't mention it.


However, before Su Hang's voice fell, he heard a loud noise from there, as if something was falling into the water.

"my God!"


As soon as they heard this sound, everyone seemed to step on their stools, covering their noses one after another, and an extremely embarrassing scene appeared in their minds.

"Oh mother, help."

Xue Qi's cry came from afar.

"Stunned what to do, save people." Su Hang quickly got up and ran to the pit in the distance.



"It smells so bad, it smells so bad to me."

I don't know if it's a psychological shadow. After taking a dozen baths and changing clean clothes, Xue Qi still felt very stinky. It was a nightmare to encounter him just before he thought about it.

Xue Xuan and others looked at him from afar, all of whom could not help but can't help but think of Xue Qi's head with a tuoxiang coming out of the septic tank and wanted to laugh.

If you want to laugh, but you don’t laugh out loud, this child is already in trouble and hard. If you laugh at him again, isn’t it a sin?

"Knowing that there is a pit, and don't remind me..." Xue Qi looked up at Su Hang with a grudge.

"I remind you, who made you not pay attention?" Su Hang shook his head and patted Xue Qi's shoulder. "It's nothing disgusting. That's our own septic tank, which is made by our own. ."


Fortunately, Xue Qi immediately vomited as soon as he spoke.

"Don't say it, don't mention that word, whoever mentions it, who am I to be anxious about." Xue Qi shouted, and it seemed that this kid had a shadow all his life.

"Fortunately, you kid, and I picked you up. This time it just fell into the pit. If you are not careful in the future, no one can save you." Su Hangdao.

At this time, Xue Qi's heart seemed to be howling of countless alpaca, all told you not to mention that word, you still have to mention it.



After staying in his hometown for a week in total, the group set off to go back to the city. When they left, the mother quietly stuffed Xue Xuan and Qin Shiyu with a red envelope. UU did not know what it meant.

The trunk is full of stuff, all of them are local souvenirs, and there are a lot of miscellaneous goods. The mother must be stuffed in and out, and she can't stop them.

In the car, Xue Xuan, Su Rong, and Qin Shiyu were crowded in the back seat. Xue Qi was sitting on the co-pilot, his face full of unhappiness.

"Why, wouldn't it be reluctant to leave?" Su Hang glanced at Xue Qi. The kid was crazy on the mountain for a week, and he really didn't want to go.

Xue Qi turned around weakly, "not happy."

"Yo, what's wrong with Da Xue Xue?" Xue Xuan quipped, "The two days have come close to Xiao Xi. Would your kid have any ideas?"

Xue Qi handed it over with white eyes, "What nonsense? The aunty gave you red envelopes, but she didn't give it to me. Am I so annoying?"

Xue Qi is really a bit uncomfortable. To say that he went to the Suhang home this time, he was the most productive. He had turned over a few acres of land. He had sowed and fertilized the things he hadn't done in a lifetime. But, I just didn’t receive the red envelope. Isn’t this clear? (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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