Super Study God

Chapter 442: Masters gathered!

() A real dragon, who got the dragon's essence blood, what kind of chance is that?

Besides the four old men, they finally accepted the opinion of Su Hang. They changed the fairy cave into the four old caves. Cave, only know the fairy cave. ←,.

The cave was occupied by Ao Suer, and the four old men had nowhere to go, and all of them went down temporarily.

Su Hang was so entangled that he had no choice but to give a brief account of his experience over the past few days.

After listening to the four old men, all of them couldn't calm down for a long time. There is such a magical space under Suxi? There are so many powerful existences? What other dragon **** is sleeping?

I really doubt that Su Hang is bragging? Trouble wanted Su Hang to take them to see.

Su Hang can believe whether they believe it or not. Anyway, he dare not go there. There are so many horrible and powerful existences in it.


I didn't know the passage of time in that space. After I came out, I realized that three days had passed, after a life and death. After meditation and recovery, Su Hang found that his skills were still slightly improved.

It's worth showing off that he actually killed the big golden rooster that was almost approaching the demon **** realm by the surprise of the puppet silk thread.

At this point, think about it, Su Hang still has some palpitations. At that time, he was really crazy enough. If he comes again, I am afraid that he will die.

In the room, Su Hang's thoughts moved, and the majestic dragon-shaped battle armor emerged from the body, golden and brilliant, just like the King Kong.

So cool, so dazzling!

The gift from the Dragon God is definitely a fine product. I am afraid it has surpassed the Xianbao. This is the unexpected harvest of Su Hang in that space.

The function of this armor is very special. It is immune to 90% of attack damage, and there is no level limit, that is to say. Regardless of the existence of that level, hitting this set of armor will be immune to 90% of his attacks.

This is already a very anti-sky ability, relying on this set of armor alone. Su Hang has the confidence to challenge the master of Jindan Jiupin with the strength of Jindan Realm. When he arrives at Jindan Jiupin, he can even compete with the masters who have just entered Yuanying Realm.

Su Hang did not know whether it was a profit to trade this thing with a ban. For the Dragon God, it must have been earned, but for Su Hang, at his current level, it seems that he has not lost such a treasure.

At least, this thing is more practical. There is only one chance to use the ban order, and it will be used up. This dragon pattern armor can be used permanently.

Moreover. Su Hang has obtained more than one piece, and there is a set of arrays. This is a set of circular arrays, which can be changed to a magic size. It is equivalent to smelting the transmission array into a magic weapon, which can be carried around. can use.

Removable array, you can transfer between two arrays at will.

This is a novelty for Su Hang. It is absolutely awesome.

Just place one of them at home. The other piece is always with me, no matter how far I go, I can go back and forth willingly.

After playing for a while, Su Hang's face showed some doubts.

With respect to the Dragon God. How can you treat yourself like this tiny dusty existence?

It stands to reason that he controls Ao Su'er with a demon hoop. After seeing the dragon god, he will be furious and will kill him directly. Why is there so much nonsense with his little person? Don't talk about giving yourself treasures. He also wants Ao Suer to follow himself.

Is it really because of the Admission Notice of Shenxian Academy?

What is the origin of this fairy college?

In Suhang's heart, he couldn't help but look forward to it.


This night, there were some uninvited guests in the village.

There are white people, black people, and eastern faces.

After a few old men came, some people stayed outside the village to be alert and reported the situation as soon as possible.

In the middle of the night, Xue Jingtian grabbed Su Hang from the bed.

"Do you know the way?" Su Hang asked sleepy.

Xue Jingtian said, "There are a lot of people, they are all masters, I am afraid they are looking for Su'er."

Since the last time Huanghuang Village, a lot of foreign forces have entered, these people have been secretly checking for a long time, but now only to find the place, Su Air is still a bit too slow to think about them.

"Looking for the little girl, isn't this looking for death?" Su Hang chuckled and put on a coat and came out.

Several old men stayed at home. Su Hang did not want to let them do it. It would be better to leave housekeeping. The village must be restless tonight. Su Hang didn't want the family and the villagers were harassed.


Under the night, the tree shadows swayed. Although the weather was hot, the mountain breeze still seemed a bit cool. There was no moon tonight and it was dark.

Only a little skylight can illuminate the outline of the mountain.

On the stone wall in front of Xianren Cave, the words "Xianrendongtian" were cross-cut, and on the other side, the words "Silaodongtian" were written crookedly.

Four characters, different fonts and different sizes. They are good characters when viewed individually, but if they are put together, it is simply terrible.

At a glance, one of the four old men wrote one.

No one really wants to fall behind.

One after another, the figures flashed, and three or five figures appeared on the platform in front of the cave.

When he was a brown-haired old man, the white Western man was tall and very burly, with his upper body naked and a large sword like a door on his back.

In the back, two men and a woman, aged about 40 or 50 years old, a man with a standard figure, a suit and leather shoes, a tall nose bridge, and a pair of eyes as shiny as eagle eyes. Another fat man with big ears and black ears, big belly and fat body.

There is also a female, with a little charm, wearing a pair of sunglasses and holding a cane in her hand, which seems to be a blind man.

These four were the first to arrive, and perhaps the boldest to show up first, and the most confident.

"Is it here?" The old man stopped in front of Xianren Cave in standard American English.

Several people looked at the woman wearing sunglasses and seemed to be waiting for the woman to confirm.

The woman nodded, her face serious, "It's here, but the breath seems different."

"How is it different?" the old man asked.

The woman said, "There is a very strong breath in this cave. It should be a creature in Huangjue Village, but it seems to be stronger."

"Strong? Not afraid, I'm afraid it's not strong enough." The man in the suit's mouth showed a cold smile.

"I'm looking forward to it. It is the strongest creature in the legend of China, or our leader." The black fat man also smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense, Lucas, you are on guard outside, everyone else, follow me into the hole."

The old man with the big sword said, leaving the fat man outside, and immediately took the man and the woman, wanting to be alarmed.

"Boss, there are so many people here, I'm afraid I can't stand it." The black fat man shouted.

"You can't stand it anymore."

There was a cold word at the entrance, and there was no sound.


The black fat man took a sip and turned around. The burly and tall body almost blocked the entire hole.


The two figures sprang from the canopy beside them, and soon, very light, like grasshoppers popping out of two grasses.

Covered in black night clothes, he was blindfolded and only half of his face was exposed.

"Oh, the two gods of the Wa Kingdom are coming, why? Are you ready to grab our business?" The black fat man glanced at these two didn't seem to be afraid.

"Hum, all the four giants in the Latin American superpowers are here, can we not come?" One of the people on the right sneered with a sneer. His eyes were bright and sharp, and his English was not very standard.

"Since you know it's us, you should also know that with the four of us, you can't get any benefits." The black fat man arms his arms, and looks so neat that he didn't put the two people in front of him. Eyes.

"I'm here today, not just me." The one on the left looked at Lin Zhong next to him. "There are a number of top experts on the planet. I'm afraid most of them are here today. Can you stand alone?"

The black fat man glanced aside, and the corners of his mouth curved a little, he could certainly feel it. There were still several powerful breaths nearby, basically reaching the level of the fifth-order superpowers.

Fifth-order superpowers, that is, Jindan Realm, a number of top experts on earth, gathered in this small place tonight in half, it is no exaggeration. (To be continued.) For mobile phone users, please visit m..() "Super Learning God" only represents the author's opinion. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. Only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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