Super Study God

Chapter 609: Where do weird people come from?

On the east side, all are bald, and there are countless bald heads.

The two sides are mixed and it is difficult to separate the enemy from us.

When he came to the edge of the battlefield and looked at the battlefield in the distance, Suhang only understood what was meant by the small forces of Western forces. On the entire battlefield, the two monks in battle roughly estimated that there were at least two or three Hundreds of thousands, and the Star of Extinction is the temporary resident of the East Buddha Kingdom.

The result of this battle should be no suspense. After all, the elite Buddhas gathered on the Extinct Star are elite, not to mention one hundred or two hundred million. It should be easy to deal with such one or two hundred thousand invaders.

Gradually, there were more and more monks gathered. Many later masters of Buddhism could not even get in at all. They could only watch the same distance as Su Hang and a few of them.

Those Western monks are not bad in strength, they are definitely led by the strong, organized and disciplined harassment.

From Su Hang’s personal point of view, of course, he hopes that the East Buddha Kingdom will win. However, his current identity is different. God Emperor and Sifang God Realm are his people. Whoever wins or loses is not willing to watch. Arrived, because victory or defeat meant dying, he only hoped that the battle would be settled.

But obviously, it is unrealistic to stop fighting.

Both sides are in full swing, and the corpses are lying on the ground. If you don’t want people to fight, why?

With your **** emperor's identity

Unless absolutely necessary, Su Hang did not dare to reveal his identity as the emperor. Once his identity was revealed, he could not protect him by the old men around him.

Looking far away at the battle on the battlefield, the blood was gleaming in the sky, Su Hang's fists were clenched tightly, and he was almost about to bleed. Such a small-scale battle alone was terrifying, imaginable, real Sifang Wars. How tragic it will be.

It's ten times, one hundred times, ten thousand times

This battle must be stopped, otherwise, I don’t know how many people are going to die.

At this moment, Su Hang's mood is extremely urgent. I just hate that I don’t have that ability. If God is respected and Chu Tiankuo is here, I am afraid that only one sentence is needed, and the battle of the Quartet Divine Realm can be calmed down.

"Go, go to Beihai." Miankuang patted Su Hang's shoulder gently. Several of them can feel that Su Hang's mood is very agitated.

Mita also basically has nothing to worry about, just a wave of small-scale harassment, which can't hurt the root of the East Buddha Kingdom.

Su Hang nodded slightly, and found the Dragon God earlier, maybe he could stop the battle by one more point.


Packing up his mood, when he was about to leave, a sudden thunder came from the sky, a flash of lightning broke through the sky and fell to the center of the distant battlefield.

A sudden loud noise. Everyone was shocked, and even the two parties who were playing **** the battlefield had a momentary stagnation.

Lightning exploded on the battlefield, just chopping on a big monk wearing a red robe. The monk did not know that blood mold had been poured for several lifetimes. He was fighting a western dragon, making a giant magical power, huge The body is particularly prominent on the battlefield, holding a demonic pestle in his hand. He was lifted high to smash the western dragon, but unexpectedly the lightning was brought in.

In an instant, he was turned into a black man, black and black. Only two eyeballs are turning around.

The thunder and lightning came violently, and the momentum was astonishing. However, it did not seem to have much destructive power, nor did it cause any harm to the monk, but only blackened the electricity. The whole person is a little bit coerced.

In the distance, Su Hang and others also stopped and watched a large black cloud hovering above the battlefield. Su Hang froze in his heart. This scene was familiar to me. Isn’t the battle of Wuzhangyuan the same? Off

On the other hand, it is worthwhile. It is also a generally ugly complexion. Obviously, they have the same concerns as Su Hang.

A burst of colorful light broke through the clouds, and with a loud noise, it slowly descended.

A golden light, wrapped in something in the middle, could not tell what it was, it should be a cruciform cane, a bit like the cross of a large power in Western Divine Realm.

"What's that?" Mido's eyes fluttered a little puzzled.

Miankuang was surprised, "Is it possible to come to the Western master"

Looking at the thing floating in mid-air, Su Hang frowned slightly, how could this thing be so familiar.

An idea came to my mind, but I thought it was too absurd to be possible.

"First, it is absolutely unethical."

"The second is absolutely not to miss any bad thing."

"Third, the absolute referee is fair and beautiful."

"The referee robot dragonfly captain came to meet"


A few cold drinks came from the clouds and spread throughout the battlefield. When Su Hang heard that, he almost didn't spit out an old blood.


Just then, a golden figure fell from the clouds, gently extended his hand, and grabbed the cane in his hand.

A flat head, a metal body, a cloak fluttering behind, and a superb appearance, not who is the dragonfly captain

At this moment, the whole of Su Hang is forced, Captain Dragonfly, this cargo should not be here on Earth after 100,000 years.

Was it possible that the existence of Captain Dragonfly was impossible 100,000 years ago, and Captain Dragonfly was accidentally refined by him 100,000 years later, and there can be no second one under the heavens, but how could he come to the ancient battlefield too?

Last time, after the cargo was packed, he said that he was going to maintain world peace. As a result, he ran away altogether. There was no news at all, and Su Hang couldn't think of it. The second time he met, he would actually be in this place.

Although the appearance has changed a lot, from the previous rough iron to the current pure gold, Su Hang can be sure that this guy is the referee robot that he accidentally refined.

"Where does the weirdo come from?" Frowning I don't know who I'm asking.

The appearance of Captain Dragonfly silenced the battlefield for a while, and everyone looked up at the golden figure.

Su Hang opened his mouth, a little bit close, no doubt, this forced goods, must be forced again.

"This game is hosted by me. Dragonfly canes form the ring."

There was no one next to Captain Dragonfly posing a few figures, and the golden dragonfly cane was thrown out in his hand.

The cane shone brightly in the sky, divided into four, and flew towards the southeast and northwest respectively. The dragonfly captain held the shape and slowly fell from the sky, pulling it out of the way.

"Where are you stupid"

Just when Su Hang thought that this cargo would be awe-inspiring and shocked the audience, there was a loud drink on the battlefield, but it was the monk who was blackened. To be continued.


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