Super Study God

Chapter 803: Bond of slavery!

Scan it with the system and then say, maybe it's really magical. (?network


Item: Contract of enslavement.

Introduction: Write someone's name and birthday on paper to enslave the other party. The contract will take effect immediately. For the master's command, the enslaved will obey unconditionally and ignore the realm.

Available times: 1 time.

Available objects: 1 person.



Seeing this information, Su Hang's eyes brightened instantly.

Is this broken paper actually a contract?

Just write the name and birth date of the other party, can you enslave the other party?

And still ignore the realm?

Su Hang felt that her little heart jumped in a sudden, it sounded like a dagger. If you wrote the name of the Avenue on this paper, wouldn't it be possible to enslave the Avenue?

The idea is very beautiful, but when I think about it, I don’t know the name and birthday of Dadao, and even if I want to enslave Dadao, it is impossible.

Then retreat to the second, Tiandao chant.

The dragonfly guy, whose real name is Hongjun, but he doesn't know the birthday of others.

Practitioners, who value their birthdays very much, just like the ID numbers of human beings on the earth, basically they will not be easily disclosed to others. So, this contract seems to be very powerful. , But I really want to use it, but I really don’t know how to use it.

Keep it, maybe it will be useful later.

Su Hang carefully stamped the blank paper. Although he could not enslave the avenue, it would be a good thing if he could become a master of Tianzun Realm to be a slave.

A comedy master once said that even a toilet paper has its use, and now it seems that this is true.

Sitting on the bed and adjusting her breath for a while, Mi Tuo returned.

"Great progress, good luck and congratulations."

As soon as he entered the door, Mi Tuo said, happy, seemingly in a good mood.

Su Hang opened his eyes and looked, "Can the master and the Buddha talk back to speculation?"


Mi Tu sighed and walked over to the table and sat down, "Talking about cause and effect, he is indeed not the little baby of that year. Although some things are explained clearly, but looking at him, his mind has been cultivated to no silk. Sewing, the feelings of me and his mentoring are probably long gone."

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at Mido. "Then are you still so happy?"

Mi Tu smiled bitterly, "At least, he didn't drive me down the mountain anymore, and I can stay in this Leiyin Temple for monk repairs. I can watch him raise the Buddha's gate, and the monk I'm very satisfied."

Su Hang was sweating. This old monk was easy to satisfy.

If Su Lai could keep Mido in the temple, Su Hang thought, perhaps his previous words had played a role. Ru Lai's state of mind has indeed reached the point of calmness and water. The only thing that can make this lake water turbulent is to repair it.

After many years of stagnation, if you come here, you will surely be anxious. Now that you realize the various relationships between him and Mido, you must want to try it.

Two people, the same as Dahongyuan wish to become the way of heaven, a merit is divided into two, the two people's cultivation is probably similar to a connector, always will be on a level, either go up or down together.

Of course, this is only the irresponsible guess by Su Hang, but since they have always chosen so, it proves that this guess is still somewhat reliable.

In Su Hang's mind, he couldn't help but feel a little proud. He seems to have two brushes for his exalted deity.

"Then I would like to congratulate Master Mito for getting what he wanted." Su Hang smiled and got off the bed. "Since the things here are gone, I think I should almost leave."

"Well? I'm leaving in such a hurry?" Mido looked at Su Hang.

Su Hangdao, "I have been to Leiyin Temple for three days. I am afraid that it will be another month. If I go back later, I may only take the final exam directly. This semester adds up. Haven’t had a few lessons yet."

"Actually, to tell the truth, if you don't go to that school, how many of those elite students can compare with you?" Mi Tuo waved his hand. Between words, there seemed to be a little bit of despise of the fairy school, "In terms of your relationship with Dragon God, it is enough to mix a diploma. Such a school will only impede your growth."

Mita's words have some truth. For the existence of the **** level, the school is just a springboard. With this springboard, he needs to jump to a higher place.

Shaking his head, Su Hangdao said, "Master Mito, have you heard of the Yu clan?"


Mi Tuo froze for a moment, not knowing why Su Hang suddenly opened the topic and asked this, but nodded and said, "It has been heard by some people. The origin of this feather clan is said to be quite mysterious. There is very little contact with the outside world. Few people in the Sifang God Realm know its roots. If I remember correctly, the Yu clan did not participate in the war, but later you did not also seal the ancestor of the Yu clan Zhuque Tianzun. Is it the South Lihuo Emperor? It is enough to see the strong background of this feather race."

Su Hang was slightly slanted, and Mituo did know some things, but these things were not all that Su Hang knew.

"Why are you suddenly interested in the Yu clan?" Mido looked at Su Hang with surprise.

Su Hang smiled indifferently and gave a haha, saying, "It's nothing, just recently practiced a set of Yuzu exercises, which is a little bit puzzled."


Upon hearing this, Mi Tuo paused, "Yu Clan is a demon clan, and the demon clan's exercises can't be easily It's easy to have problems, how do you think of practicing demon clan exercises?"

"Why can't you practice?" Su Hang asked.

Mi Tuo said, "The power of the demon clan is more of a hegemony. The human body and the demon clan cannot compare with the demon clan. It is very hurtful to forcibly practice the demon clan skills. Legend has it The method is even more weird, you still have to touch less, hey? Is that the golden eagle flying in the evening, is it the so-called feather clan practice that you have cultivated?"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "It's just an entry, but I can already feel the power of that skill."

Mituo didn’t ask Su Hang where the Yuzu exercises were, but he persuaded, "I advise you not to touch the alien exercises. Many exercises are created according to racial constitution. If you practice so forcefully, the consequences will be What will it be, I can't predict the monk, and..."

Speaking of which, Mi Tuo dragged a long sound.

"And what?" Su Hang looked at Mi Tuo. This monk is now a strong man of Heavenly Realm. After all, his knowledge is definitely more extensive than that of Su Hang. (To be continued.) 8

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