Super Study God

Chapter 808: Warm scene 1!

Mo Linzi had a black face, looking at the figure farther and farther away, a bit of sternness flashed between his eyebrows. ({〔〔〔{?network{

"Boss, why didn't you chase it?" The Black Bear Demon followed closely, and asked out of fashion.


Mo Linzi snorted, and after a while, said, "This person is really strange, like a human race, but like a demon race, can escape from my eyelids, the ability is really not small."

"Will he be a demon clan?" The black bear demon surprised.

He didn't feel half of the demon spirit from Su Hang. Without demon spirit, what kind of demon could he be?

"Never mind him, go back."

Mo Linzi has converged his momentum. At such a degree, he is determined to pursue. Although he will not be able to catch up, he will definitely spend a lot of effort. In case of breaking into a more powerful area, he will cause trouble.

Although the black bear demon is a little unwilling, but the boss has spoken, of course, he can only listen, and gave up and continued to chase.

"That kid's tricks are weird, I'm afraid it's a bit of a head." Black Bear said demonly.

Mo Linzi smiled indifferently, "After a few days, I'm going to North Ezhou. During this time, you and other brothers should be very optimistic about the mountain gate. Don't want to appear today."

"Boss, what are you doing in North Ezhou?" asked the black bear demon.

Mo Linzi said, "Yuxu, an ancient school, is going to reopen the mountain gate in the ruins of Kunlun. It is such a grand event that shocked the Quartet. Many masters have to go to observe the ceremony. I naturally have to go and observe."


The black bear demon froze for a moment, "Boss, this is a human race, what are you going to do? Those people are watching people in the cracks of the human door, look down on my demon race, if there is any conflict, how can it be good?"

Mo Linzi listened, and the corner of his mouth bent a little arc, "Under heaven, everything is one. Although I am a demon race, but I am also a monk. Moreover, I am also a pure root. Who dares to hit my mind?"

The black bear demon sweats and sweats, a look that is as good as you are happy, "Boss, then you will also bear me with the old bear, and then you will have a long insight. I have been in this mountain for the whole of my life. How did you go out and meet the world."

"talk later."

Mo Linzi was undecided, then looked in the direction where Su Hang disappeared, and then turned away.




Above the high clouds, a golden eagle rushed to fly. Between the sunlight and the reflection of the white clouds, the golden light seemed to illuminate the whole world.


There was a roar, and the wind raged.

This feeling of soaring Jiu Xiao was really unrestrained, and Su Hang couldn't help shouting.

Away from the clouds, look down, it should be the Zhongzhou territory?

Mo Linzi did not chase. After entering the boundary of Zhongzhou, it is basically safe. There are many monsters in Zezhou and there are many crises. However, the Ming society is different from the marginal zone like Zezhou.

Zhongzhou is governed by the Dragon Palace. When it reaches the boundary of Zhongzhou, it can be regarded as its own place.

Su Hang did not stay, nor recovered his body. He only hid high in the clouds and flew in the direction of Tiandu Peak.



"Where is the evil spirit, dare to break into the Dragon Palace?"

Before waiting to fly over to the Dragon Palace, he was spotted by the guards of the Dragon Palace. Two young men, armed with lances, were stopped in front of the Suhang.

With such a majestic appearance of a demon body in Tiandufeng, the Dragon Palace cannot be unresponsive.

The golden light flickered, and the huge golden eagle swiftly converged in shape. Without a moment, a person came out of the golden light.

Seeing this man, the two teenagers who were still waiting for the line immediately relaxed. One of them stepped forward and sailed for Su with a salute. "It turned out to be Mr. Su."

These people do not know what the identity of Su Hang is, but Su Hang has also been there many times, each time the Dragon Emperor and Dragon God personally received them, they naturally dare not be negligent.

"Can the Dragon Emperor be in the palace?" Su Hang smiled indifferently and asked the two of them.

"Your Majesty will soon go to North Ezhou to participate in the Yuxu School Opening Ceremony. Mr. Su came by chance, and His Majesty is still in the palace." The two men responded and then led Su Hang into the Dragon Palace.



Shenlong Temple, where Tai Ao lives.

"Ah, why are you here?" As soon as he walked to the door of the hall, he saw Ao Suer's little figure.

As soon as Ao Suer saw Su Hang, he was first surprised and then surprised. The eyes of both Shui Ling almost glared out.

Su Hang stepped forward, rubbed her little head, and smiled, "Are you still doing well these days?"

Ao Suer nodded again and again, "It's very good, the Dragon God ancestor can tell me a lot of skills."

All eyes are squinting.

"That's fine."

Su Hang nodded. He treated the little girl like a sister. He knew that only following Tai Ao was the best choice for Ao Su'er. He hadn't seen it for more than a month. The skill of this little girl had not increased much. But it has obviously transformed a lot.

"Longshen, take me to see him." Su Hangdao.

Ao Suer grinned and took Su Hang's hand and walked straight into the Shenlong Hall. "I tell you, it's fun here. Even the Dragon Emperor will call me my little aunt."

"Pride you."

Su Hang laughed and scolded. This little girl is really proud of her.


Su Jin and Tai Ao did not know what was being discussed in the yard. Su Jin stood up in surprise when he saw Su Hang coming in.

After looking at Tai Ao, his eyes fell on Su Jin's face, and for a moment, Su Hang nodded and smiled.

At this moment, Su Hang truly recognized the existence of this son. Before this, Su Hang was still somewhat instinctively resistant. After all, they were the Dragon Emperor, whose status was respected, and he was stuck. How could he bear it.

It's different now, the mindset has changed, and there are already established facts, no matter how honorable this son is, he can accept it.

The so-called father-son connection, Su Jin can also feel the change of Su Hang's mentality, the father and son looked at each other, and smiled.

"Ah, what a warm scene~ Tai Ao's voice sounded out of place beside him.

This guy is definitely intentional.

"Senior, what are you talking about?" Su Hangcha smiled and walked to Tai Ao and sat down on the stool next to it.

His eyes fell on Tai Ao's hands, who held a bracelet-like thing in his hands and seemed to be playing casually.

Su Hang is familiar with this thing, "This is not what I was..."

"What was it?" Tai Ao smiled. "Did you give Xueer that year?"

Su Hang nodded. This bracelet-like thing was the avenue bracelet he gave to Ao Xue back then. When he saw it suddenly, he was inevitable.

Tai Ao pinched the iron ring, "Your kid is really willing, this kind of baby can also be taken out and given away easily, but I never saw you generously to me." (To be continued.) 8

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