Super Study God

Chapter 814: Your mission!

It may be only one month for Suhang, but it is not necessarily for dragonflies. If dragonflies did not come back after staying 100,000 years ago, it would have been missing for a full 100,000 years.

Hong Jun smiled indifferently, "How about a hundred thousand years, how about a month, time is nothingness, aren't we meeting again now?"

Said these mysterious and mysterious words.

Su Hang shook his head, smiled, and turned to look at Hong Jun. "You have changed your appearance. I'm really a bit uncomfortable. But, after all, can't you show your true body in this big universe?"

Looking at the billowing white clouds below, Hong Jun said, "Sentient beings also have tens of thousands of phases. I only change one phase. Is there something so worthy of novelty? Can I use this look today? Tomorrow, maybe I can borrow you Use it for your face."

Su Hang listened and couldn't help but roll his eyes. It was reasonable to say that as long as he didn't show the true body of the open road, he didn't start the super-changing form, changing his appearance, there was nothing strange.

"In other words, you are now in charge of Heavenly Dao, don't you know the Avenue?" Su Hang asked with surprise.

You know, Tiandao has been beheaded once by Dadao 65 million years ago. Now Hongjun returns and regains control of Tiandao, which means that he will do the job again under Dadao. Will Dadao not notice?


Hong Jun shook his head and sighed, "I can't feel his existence anymore."

An inexplicable sentence.

"He?" Su Hang froze for a moment, wondering who he was referring to.

Hong Jun nodded slightly, affirming Su Hang's guess.

Can't feel the avenue? Su Hang wondered, "What do you mean? You mean, he no longer exists? Dead?"

In the war against the Dao that year, Dadao was said to have been injured, could it not be seriously injured?

Hong Jun smiled, "Where is it so easy to die, the so-called road is invisible, maybe he is now watching us around us."

"Well?" Su Hang was a little confused.

Hong Jun said, "Don't worry, isn't there such a sentence, the sky is falling down and there are tall people standing on it, and people are worried about the sky, just asking for trouble."

Su Hang listened, but couldn't help but sweat, aren't you the sky, if you fall down, can the tall one stand up?

"Forget it, you're right, what a avenue is not a avenue, a small character like me, didn't mess with him, didn't recruit him, and he wouldn't have trouble with me." Su Hang shrugged.

Hongjun listened to this and only smiled, seeming to smile a little meaningfully.

"I am now, I want to open Panwangzuo earlier and rescue Xueer." Su Hang held his back in his hands and looked up at the sky. "In other words, you are so powerful, can you help me?"


Hong Jun turned his head and looked at Su Hang, and smiled, "How do you want me to help you?"

"You are the Taoist ancestor, shouldn't it be difficult to break the opening king tomb?" Su Hang asked.

With the ability of Hongjun, if you can open Panwangzuo, you can save him a lot of things, and it can also make Ao Xue suffer less, why not do it?

The reason why Su Hang wanted to talk to Hong Jun was mostly for this purpose.

Hong Jun shook his head, "I want to help you, but..."

"But what? You won't tell me, and you can't open Wangzuo?" Su Hang interrupted Hong Jun's words, which seemed to be perfunctory.

Hongjun said, "You should also know the origin of Panwangzuo, and use my ability to forcefully break it, but it is not impossible, but you should also know that I can't use real power in this big universe. ."

Su Hang was so swift that he really didn't know what to say.

"Who knows what you are saying is true or false." Su Hang was quite uncomfortable. In his view, Hong Jun mostly found an excuse, but he didn't want to help him.

Your elders dare to accept the worship of all sentient beings in a majestic manner, what else can make you afraid.

Hong Jun smiled, didn't say much.

Su Hang did not continue to say that, since Hong Jun was unwilling, he was no longer a tough man.

"What are your plans for the future?" At this time, Hong Jun asked Suhang.

Su Hang listened and thought for a while, and said, "What is your plan after a day's chanting? This world is more and more not the world I knew before. Thinking about it in the future, I feel tired. ."

Hongjun laughed when he heard it.

"Young people, there is still a long way to go in the future. Where is there so much emotion? There are many things waiting for you to do. The road ahead is long. You can't be confused and afraid."

This remark is meaningful.

Su Hang looked at Hong Jun sideways, "What do you mean? Would you dig a hole again, would you like me to jump?"

Hong Jun is heavenly, dominating everything, and Su Hang even felt that his previous experiences had been arranged by him.

"Don't take what I think so bad."

Hong Jun shook his head, "In your eyes, I may be infinitely beautiful, but in fact, I also have my helplessness, many things, I can not control, just like you, you are a thorough exception, I don’t know how your life will go, I can only give you a little guidance."

"In other words, are you still a dragonfly?" Su Hang looked at Hong Jun in surprise. The tone of the conversation, one after the other, was a far cry from the leader of Dragonfly. It can be said that in the view of Su Hang, it was completely changed. people.

Hong Jun listened, and the corner of his mouth curved a little, "You said yes, that's it."

Su Hang rolled his eyes, "How much do you know about me?"


Hong Jun looked seriously at Su to understand some, but not all. "

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "I still feel inexplicable now, tinkering with a robot, can actually get you out, nobody said it."

"This is the fate of you and me." Hong Jun exhaled a long breath. "I was wiped out by Dadao, but I was resurrected because of you. It is conceivable how powerful you are. The existence of is a different number, which is destined to carry a mission that ordinary people cannot bear.

"Mission? What mission?"

Su Hang froze for a moment, and looked at Hong Jun in surprise. What he said was really a bit of fun. The first time I heard, what special mission did he have!

"Now you don't want to explore, or step by step to improve your own strength. When you know it, you will understand it yourself. To be honest, I don't know where it came from. Maybe, One day, you can give me an answer." Hong Jun said.

Su Hang pondered for a while. Hong Jun's words seemed to say something, but they seemed to say nothing useful. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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