Super Study God

Chapter 820: Reincarnation mirror!

Thousands of years ago, Heavenly Emperor Haotian once organized a god, but that was just a pseudo god, because most of the monks who were sealed in the **** were mostly ancient monks who were born in Panwang, and these ancients The monks, in fact, have long been in the presence of God, Haotian just changed their names for them.

As for those who don't have a god, the only ones that have been granted are false gods. He is only a heavenly emperor, not a **** emperor, and he doesn't have such great ability.

Therefore, at this moment, Yang Jian is really envious of people who are not false.

At this time, Su Hang remembered the things that Bajie had said before. Just a few people were there and asked, "After this person dies, if there is a rebirth, can there be a way to find his rebirth?"

Several people looked at Su Hang strangely.

"Why? Are you looking for someone?"

Su Hang shook his head, "It's not who I'm looking for, I'm my family's Bajie, and I liked a woman back then, but that woman fell more than a thousand years ago. Bajie wants to know if that woman is reincarnated, or reincarnated. where."

"Oh, I can't think of this pig as a kind of love." Tang Ao and others laughed at once.

Several other people laughed too, it seems difficult to imagine the appearance of Ba Jie, but there can still be a woman who loves.

Su Hang knocked on the table, instructing everyone not to laugh and talk about the business, "In other words, can you do it?"

After several people laughed, they shook their heads.

Mi Tuo said, "The matter of reincarnation is the most mysterious thing in the world. I am afraid that no one but Dao Zu can understand it."

Tang Aodao, "The universe of the universe is so vast, I can’t find my apprentice like this, let alone looking for the reincarnation. Unless someone helps the woman’s true reincarnation, there may be traces to follow, otherwise, it’s still Don't think about it, even if the other person appears in front of you, you won't recognize him."

Mian madly said, "Since ancient times, there are countless masters. After falling into the reincarnation, they all forget their foresight.

This time, the final judgment was given to Bajie. Fortunately, Bajie is not here now. Otherwise, how sad is it to hear this?

Su Hang is a bit of a taste, indeed, not to mention that Chang'e's true spirit still exists, even if it exists, she also successfully reincarnated, but it must have been forgotten in the previous life. Thousands of years have passed, and I don't know how many times the reincarnation.

Looks like this, Bacheng has changed, no one knows where he was born.

I don’t know the location, I don’t know the characters. Where can I find it? Maybe she is in this jade void palace now, but you don't even know it.

This point is the most tangled.

At this time, Yang Jian said, "In fact, it is not impossible."

"Hmm?" Su Hang looked at Yang Jian.

Everyone looked at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian said, "At that time, the teacher Yuxu Tianzun once had an instrument called the reincarnation mirror. This mirror has the magic of shining the reincarnation. You only need to know the character of the other party's birth, you can take this through the reincarnation to find his The body of reincarnation, no matter how many times it is reincarnated, as long as the true spirit is still there, the reincarnation mirror can find him."

"So magical?"

Su Hang's eyes lit up, "Where is that reincarnation mirror now?"

"Now it is hidden in the treasure house of the Jade Deficiency Palace, but..." Yang Jian said, but there seemed to be something hesitant to say.

At this time, it is not false, "As far as I know, the Jade Xu Palace does have this treasure, but it has been destroyed and lost its magical effect."

"Well?" Su Hang looked at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian nodded, obviously it was true.

"Although the reincarnation mirror is still there, it is no longer a treasure. It is just an ordinary broken mirror." Yang Jian said.

"You said that you Yuxumen, why are you so unawakened that even the Daoist can be destroyed, you really have it." Miankuo said.

There was a bit of joking between words.

Yang Jian said, "The reincarnation mirror is quite fragile. It was secretly stolen by one of my unscrupulous brothers, and I ordered him to be recovered, but the result was accidentally broken. For this matter, many of our brothers and sisters were affected by the chain. The penalty was closed for a long time."

Speaking of which, Yang Jian is somewhat awkward to look back, but more seems to be an infinite memory. Those brothers and sisters who were punished together at that time are now afraid that he is the only one left.

Just thinking about it feels sentimental.

"Are you sure it's just damaged? Are the objects still intact?" Su Hang asked Yang Jian quickly, regardless of whether he was sentimental.

Yang Jian nodded. "It should be still there. What's the use of the broken mirror? No one touches it."

"That will be fine."

Su Hang tapped the table lightly. "If it is convenient, please trouble Senior Yang to fetch that mirror. Maybe, I can fix it."

"Well?" Yang Jian froze for a moment, and looked at Su Hang with amazement. It seemed that he had understood Su Hang's words for a long time. "Aren't you kidding me? That's a Taoist weapon."

The magic weapon can be repaired, which is not uncommon in the practice circle. But Kynemar has never heard of Taoism, it can be repaired. Taoism contains rules, damage to the Tao means means that the rules are damaged, the rules are damaged, and Who has the ability to fix it?

Several other people were also stunned. However, after staring at Su Hang for a while, they all have a little bit of recollection. If anyone in the world can really repair Taoism, I am afraid that only Dao Zuhongjun.

Dao Zu is the only one who has control over the rules. Naturally, repairing Tao tools is not a problem, and Su Hang and Dao Zu are so closely related. Su Hang said that he can repair it. It is estimated that Dao Zu is looking for help?

"Yang Jian, don't you get it soon?"

Poorly poke Yang Jian's elbow.

Yang Jian reacted and hurriedly got up and left the room. He should have taken the mirror. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If the reincarnation mirror could be repaired, the Yuxu faction would have one more weapon.


Not long after that, Yang Jian came back and took something in his hand, and it fell into disgrace.

"I'm still afraid of losing it. I didn't expect it to be in the treasure trove. It's just a long time. There is a lot of dust accumulated.

"I said Yang Jian, can't you get shiver clean and come in again?"

Everyone waved their sleeves hard and fanned the dust.

"I'm not in a hurry."

Yang Jian laughed and placed the object in his hand in front of Su Hang.

Su Hang looked at it, it was a flaming copper mirror, it looked very ordinary, there was a handle under it to hold, the dust on the mirror surface had been cleaned up, it was quite smooth and bright, and it could give a clear figure.

The only pity is that in the center of the mirror, there is a tiny crack that grows one finger at a time.

I thought it was this crack that ruined the bronze mirror.

"This is the reincarnation mirror?"

Su Hang looked up at Yang Jian, the mirror looked ordinary, and indeed did not give the sacred feeling of humanity. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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