Super Study God

Chapter 835: Fairy Princess!

The cover is the last picture before the Niu Langguan broadcast in the afternoon. The setting sun and the setting sun are beautiful!

Su Hang ordered to go in, without consuming merit, the live broadcast room had a black screen, and it had not started yet!

There is no one, no, to be precise, there is only Su Hang in the entire live broadcast room.

Black screen!

At the bottom of the screen are icons of various gifts. Su Hang took a look. The lowest is the merit beads, one hundred worth one merit!

Next is the golden bell of merit, worth ten merits; then the merit box, worth 50 merits; then the golden lotus merit, worth 500 merits; the highest value is the golden wheel of merit, worth one thousand merits!

"It just took 108000 merits to enter the live broadcast room, right?" Su Hang asked, turning his face to the cowboy!

"Yes!" Niu Lang nodded, a little helpless on his face, "at my speed, I don't know when it will be!"

Su Hang's mouth curved a little arc, ignoring the Cowherd, stretched out a finger, and pressed down on the icon of the Golden Wheel of Merit!

"‘Tian Dao 1989’ to the anchor ‘Midnight Cowboy’ Golden Wheel of Merit*1.”

"‘Tian Dao 1989’ to the anchor ‘Midnight Cowboy’ Golden Wheel of Merit*2.”

"‘Tian Dao 1989’ to the anchor ‘Midnight Cowboy’ Golden Wheel of Merit*3.”


As Suhang clicked again and again, golden wheels of merit appeared on the screen, shining golden light and dazzling people.

"My God!" Niu Lang suddenly shouted in surprise, almost tossing his phone!

"Su, Brother Su, yes, some people brushed gifts for me, Golden Wheel of Merit, many Golden Wheels of Merit!"

The cowboy seemed to haven't drank water for several days, and he was too excited to speak!

The corner of Su Hang’s mouth curved a little, “Check your personal account!”


The cowboy finally found something wrong, and he moved over to Suhang and looked on the gold card screen of Suhang. He was even more shocked. "Brother Su, are you giving me a gift? Are you Heaven 1989?"



"Wow? Before the broadcast, there are local tyrants brushing golden wheels of merit!"

"Cow, brush your gifts with a black screen, absolutely true love!"

"Which great god, with so many merits, don't throw it. Give it to me!"

"Torrent, let's be friends!"

"Everyone should pay attention to what they say. If you are willing to spend so many gifts, it is definitely a great god!"

"100 merit golden wheels are gone, won't it be fake!"

"Taibai little stars, come out, someone will grab your calf!"


The black screen, the barrage exploded!

In just a few minutes, the Cowherd’s live broadcast had gathered thousands of fans, which was several times more than he usually broadcasts.

All came to grab merit, and Su Hang only learned at this time that not all of these brushes belonged to Niulang. The mobile phone will collect a part of it, and the other part is for the water friends to grab it, attracting popularity, and fell to Niulang. Here, only 50%!

In other words, if Su Hang brushes a golden wheel of merit, Niu Lang can only get 500 merits!


Outside of Neptune, in the starry sky on the back of the moon, there is a floating land, protected by a faint transparent light shield, you can see which one of the luxurious buildings!

Tianting, more than two thousand years ago, has not been demolished!

A palace, the White House!

Taibai Jinxing is the chief civil officer of the heavenly court. He not only manages the internal affairs of the heavenly palace, but also helps the emperor Haotian to take care of many government affairs. Although the state is not very high, it is still very important in the heavenly palace.

Taibai Venus is among the immortals in the heavenly palace!

Tired, ordinary people do not know the suffering of Taibaijinxing, only know that he is the confidant of Heavenly Emperor, the surface scenery, but how much sadness behind, only he can understand.

Tired, so tired that he didn't want to be a fairy, and he had a lot of things to do all day long, which was really annoying!

However, recently Taibaijinxing has found a way of pastime, that is, watching live broadcast, watching the live broadcast of the Cowherd, and in his spare time, take a look at the life of this poor boy. Taibaijinxing is very satisfied. To be honest, he likes this very much Poor kid!

Every time you give a gift, seeing the surprised expression of Niu Lang, and then seeing the worship of the barrage, Taibai Jinxing can be greatly satisfied, and even have a feeling of a winner in life.

However, at this moment, Taibai Jinxing looked at the live screen in front of him, and the whole person was a little messy!

There are more than 100 golden wheels of merit, and they are still increasing madly, and the speed is scary.

Taibai Jinxing opened his mouth wide and was completely speechless!

This is a merit of hundreds of thousands of people. Taibai Jinxing has worked hard in heaven for so many years, but only saved millions of merits. This can already be regarded as a wealthy household. A lot of consumption, he can't afford it anyway.

Someone is willing to give the poor man Niu Lang so much merit?

Taibai's heart seems to have suffered a heavy blow, and it hurts!

Especially when seeing those "Too small stars, come out to see the big gods." and so on, at the same time that Tai Bai Jinxing was shocked, some old faces turned red.

This is the real god, the real tyrant!

Everyone is guessing, who is this great **** named "Tian Dao 1989"? I am afraid that you can paint so many merits at once and look at the entire universe.

Taibai Venus is also guessing, so generous, I am afraid that only those ancient gods!

I watched from the top of the fan list, and was instantly kicked to the second. After Taibaijinxing was shocked, the only thing left was to look up!

These wayward great gods, no matter what the sacred place, can't afford to provoke, can't provoke!


Heavenly court harem, a Qiongyu compound!

A group of beautiful girls are sighing together in praise.

" Someone gave a gift to Cowherd, a lot of gifts!"

It was one of the women who was talking, beautiful and rare in the world, with a little surprise on the delicate face.

If Su Hang is here, you can definitely see that this woman also has a live gold card like him, which is displayed on the screen, which is the scene of crazy gifts in the Cowboy Live Room.

The woman who spoke was the eldest daughter of Emperor Haotian, the distinguished grand princess, the beautiful fairies surrounded by them, and the daughters of Emperor Tiandi.

Hao Tian, ​​the ability to have a daughter is really not small. Dao Zu personally married and married Huang Di’s sister. He gave birth to seven babies. The babies are all daughters. This probability is more than ordinary.

Moreover, every daughter looks beautiful and beautiful, especially the younger daughter Xiaoqi, who is the best in the world. I don’t know how many fairy sons propose!

A few days ago, the grand princess picked up this live broadcast gold medal, and the life of heaven was lonely and unbearable. As soon as the grand princess watched the live broadcast of the Cowherd, she was immediately attracted by this simple little boy! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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