Super Study God

Chapter 840: After a long time the poor pass is unknown!

I have to say that the routine is really deep.

It's just this kind of routine that can't get Suhang to set it.

Just like you, you can still have a good heart. Your little uncle hasn't been killed by you. It's already a sight in the sky. Su Hang sneered in his heart. Quan Dang did not hear it.

Su Hangdao, "Sister-in-law, I'll ask you something."

This loud sister-in-law really made Ma's eyes bright. "What's the matter, do you ask?"

The two brothers, who were busy catching fish with their chins in the distance, pointed. "You see these two brothers are honest servants. Can you get along with these two people, can you get along?"

"What do you mean?" Ma didn't understand too much.

Su Hang smiled, "Look at Niu Lang, his body is stronger than the old one, and he is still younger. When you first chose Lang Jun, why did you look at the boss instead of the second one?"

Ma froze for a moment. Su Hang's problem seemed to have risen to a certain height that made her head short.

Ma Xiu teased for a while, and looked in the direction of Lianhua Tan, his mouth deflated, full of disdain, "Marriage is a matchmaker's word, how can I decide on it? And, since ancient times, all are brothers. Respect, the family business of the Sun family must be supported by the boss. Although the younger one is young, what is the use of the younger one? I don’t learn countless things all day long, and I won’t do anything at all. ."

What a marry husband! Su Hang heard this and couldn't help but be happy.

When Ma looked at Su Hang and smiled, he thought Su Hang agreed with her, and said immediately, "And the boss is more honest than the second, willing to listen to me, I let him go east, he would never dare to go west Look at the boy, the second son, when he didn’t break up, he talked back to me and opposed me everywhere. If he didn’t know how to care for his aunt, he might not even be able to marry his wife in the future."

Between words, it was full of disdain and contempt, enough to see how the Cowherd was not treated by Ma Shi.

Su Hang listened and smiled bitterly in his heart.

This may be Ma’s truth. The reason why he is not used to cowboys is not only because he is too cumbersome, but also because he is not as weak as his boss.

Su Hang shook his head, "The rich and the poor are not right in sight, and the poor will not be known for a long time."

"What?" Ma heard it, apparently unsure.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "If one day, Niu Lang flying Huang Tengda, I do not know how the sister-in-law feels?"

"Flying Yellow Tengda?"

Marcus paused and looked at the Cowherd from afar. "How could he fly Huang Tengda just like him? Even if he flew on the branch, he was at most a little sparrow and could not be a Phoenix."

The insignificance between words reveals that there is no doubt that this Ma's, I am afraid that he would trample this young uncle into the mud.

I saw Su Hang's hands clasped in his hands and raised his chest, "I have my own means of heaven, I want him to swing up, Phoenix dance for nine days, who dares to see him as mud and dust?"

Ma opened his mouth, apparently shocked by the momentum exuded from Su Hang. If she was holding a melon in her hand at this moment, I am afraid that the seeds had fallen to the ground.

This young man surnamed Su certainly has a simple history.

Although Ma is delicious and lazy, but she is not stupid. On the contrary, she is still a very smart person. At this time, she has already tasted it. Even if Su Hang is a relative of her family, she must be on the side of the cowboy.

"Brothers Su said this as if I had a mean second cock." Ma's face changed very quickly. "Even if the second son really has a flirtatious day in the coming day, it's the so-called one person who won the chicken and the dog ascends to heaven. If he can still remember my man. The kindness of parenting and the feeling of brotherhood cannot naturally forget us."



After hearing this, Su Hang laughed a few times and turned straight away.

This woman, whoever got married is unlucky, stay away.



At night, the cowboy came back, covered in mud, so tired that he didn't know whether it was sweat or water.

The two brothers soaked in the lotus pond for a day, but half of the golden carp didn't catch it. Hearing the cowboy said, Ma was angry and scolded the two of them, and he didn't give the cowboy dinner. Niu Lang led the scalper and returned.

Cowboy, it's really breathtaking.

Even suffocating, I can only swallow my voice. The so-called poor people are short-minded, I am afraid to say the cowboy at the moment.

Su Hang looked really unpleasant, but Niu Lang was very happy, because when he was broadcasting live today, Su Hang gave him another gift. Although it was only two golden wheels of merit, it was already worth two thousand merits. , More than what he had harvested in the past.

There was a great **** at home, and the excitement of Niu Lang was really out of my mind. I was already dreaming that if one day I could ascend to immortality, I would definitely lead my sister-in-law to heaven, and let my sister-in-law Ma do the evil. trouble marker.

Of course, after this day, Niu Lang is still a little sorry, and there are many people watching in the room, but apart from Su Hang, there are too few people who are willing to brush gifts. In the past, he was regarded as the "big white star" by the **** fans. I didn't show up again today.

Niu Lang wondered if he was shocked by the black screen gift of Su Hang last night, so he was embarrassed to show up.

No matter what, it is always a good thing to have more fans. Now relying on the big tree of Suhang, the merits he needs do not seem to be a problem.

The first thing to tie a cow is to cook.

However, the half of the rabbits had been eaten up, and only half of the rotten rice was left in the rice pot, not even boiling a bowl of gruel.

Niu Lang was holding the handful of rice in that hand, how could that scene be a desolate one.

Su Hang really can't stand took some of the food he brought with him, and the two had a full meal.

"Today I chatted with your sister-in-law, and I can see that she has a deep prejudice against you." While eating, Su Hang said to Niulang.

Niu Lang still had half a meal in his mouth. After hearing Su Hang’s words, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Maybe it’s no wonder that she is too bad for me.”

"Although she looks down on you, you can't look down on yourself. You have to be ambitious, have ideals, and can't just eat and drink. In that case, what is the difference from the old cattle in your cowshed?" Su Hangdao .

Niu Lang listened, and couldn't eat any more, so he looked at Su Hang as if he had been indoctrinated by Su Hang.

"Big Su Jinyuliang said, Niu Lang was taught." Niu Lang got up and bowed to Su Hang. "It's a pity that people are poor and short-minded. Although I have ambitions in my heart, I am only bound by these common things. Hand and foot, reality is too helpless."

Su Hang wanted to tell him that your live broadcast is not your way out, but after thinking about it, the purpose of coming here is to deceive the Cowherd's way out, and she will not speak at the moment. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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