Super Study God

Chapter 842: Big things are going to happen!

The voice fell, a large number of six appeared on the screen, and some people presented small gifts.

"There is so much nonsense, hurry up, we have to look at the beauty."

"The cowboy has gone bad."

"Return my pure cowboy."

"Beauty bath? Won't it be your sister-in-law?"


As soon as the broadcast began, the barrage exploded. The number of people had exceeded 1,000, and it was still rising. Niu Lang was happy, and Brother Su's method was really good.


Under the moonlight, seven exquisite shadows came to the lotus pool.



"Wow, elder sister, this is where the cowboy catches fish during the day?" At the lotus pond, the four princesses looked at the clear pond in front of her, with a bit of novelty on her face.

The princess looked around. "It should be here."

"The world is so good, there are mountains and water, and the air is so fresh. Unlike our heavenly court, people are almost suffocating." The second princess opened her arms and took a deep breath of the air of the world.

Everything in the world seems to make these women novel.

"Good cool water, elder sister, I want to bathe here." Princess Liu leaned over and tried the water in the test pool, and looked up at the princess hopefully.

"Okay, okay, I haven't tried it by bathing in the water of the world." The princess hasn't answered, and the three princesses first agreed.

Seeing the faces of several sisters, it seemed that the intention was there, and the Grand Princess hesitated.

At this time, the seven princesses who had not spoken said, "It's not good, if it is seen, it is really a shame."

"Oh, little girl, where will there be someone in the middle of the night?" said Princess Wu.

The four princesses said, "Besides, with our sister's supernatural powers, is there anyone around us, can we still not know?"

"As you please, I will go first anyway."

The second princess said aloud, regardless of whether other people would go or not. He jumped forward first, the fairy clothes on his body spread out, and flew to the shore automatically. The exquisite body fell into the water pool with a puff.

When the other girls met, where could the second princess take the lead and follow suit, not long afterwards, only the seventh princess remained standing by the waterhole, neither went nor stayed.


On the hillside, the cowboy was flushed and his nose was bleeding.

It's really spectacular, so big, where have you seen such a scene? The visual impact was so great that the heart almost didn't explode.

The live broadcast room is almost exploding.

"It's too dark to see clearly."

"Cowboy, good guy, can you get closer?"

"It's very familiar to see the outline, Brother Niulang. Is it possible to adjust the highlights?"


At night, just relying on a little moonlight, far away, I can't see clearly at all, and only a few blurred shadows can be seen, but because of this, it is even more provocative, and almost all complaints in the live room.

Of course, it is indispensable to brush gifts. Tonight's show is really awesome.

"Taibei Xiaoxing entered the live broadcast room."

A prompt message appeared on the live broadcast screen of the mobile phone, but Niu Lang didn't see it. His current eyes had fallen on those women who were bathing, and they couldn't move away.

His vision can be seen much more than the screen of a mobile phone.

"Seven sisters, come down, this water is really comfortable."


The cheers of several women came from the pool, and the girl standing on the shore finally couldn't help but urge and slowly untied her Luo Shang.

The impact of this time, so that the soul of the Cowherd is fixed, the blood under the nose is like a stream of blood, where can I live broadcast or not.




Taibai House.

Taibai Jinxing looked at the scene on the screen, and the whole person could not calm down.


"God, something is going to happen, something is going to happen..."

Taibai Venus was stunned for a moment, like a mouse with a lit tail, almost did not jump!

"Tong'er, Tong'er is coming."

Taibai Jinxing shouted, looking very anxious.

From time to time, a little boy rushed in panic, "What did the master tell me?"

Tong'er was very nervous. This old man in his own family was rarely as anxious as it is now like an ant on a hot pot. There was obviously something serious that made him lose his place.

Taibai Jinxing quickly said, "Go and see the fairy palace, can the seven princesses still be in the palace?"


The boy was puzzled, but when he heard the master's instructions, he didn't dare to ask too much and went out!

Taibai Jinxing looked at the few figures playing in the pool on the screen, and felt that the whole person was bad. Although it was too dark to see clearly, it was clearly the seven daughters of the Emperor.

If this is to let the Emperor know, will it still be?

You must know that he is taking care of the housework in the palace. This blame will definitely fall on his head.

Looking at the unsightly barrage, Taibai Jinxing didn't feel the mood to watch the live broadcast.

Not long afterward, Tong'er came back and informed Taibaijinxing that the seven fairies were not in the fairy palace.

The expression of Taibai Jinxing is like the sky falling down, "Go to Baihua Palace, please Baixia Fairy Nether, find the seven princesses."

Taibaijinxing almost shouted.

The boy looked back at the live broadcast screen, and he understood a little bit in his heart. At the moment, he didn't ask much and hurried away.

"and many more."

Before the boy left, Taibai Jinxing quickly stopped him.

The child looked back at Taibaijinxing, "What else do you have to say?"

Taibai Jinxing whispered, "This matter can only be said to the Baihua Fairy alone, if you tell others, be careful of your life!"

The boy shuddered for a while, but he promised to leave.

"It's going to be a big thing, it's a big thing!" Taibai Jinxing is very anxious and only hopes that no one except him will watch the live broadcast in this court, otherwise, he really stabbed the big basket.

Taibai Jinxing can scold the cowboy in his heart, and the boy looked so honest. He dared to do such things. Even the seven princesses dare to spy on the live broadcast. Is it too long to be destiny?



The words are divided into two But it said that the lotus pool, the cowherd stared at the seven women playing in the pool, almost did not lose too much blood, but fortunately, Su Hang was on the side, which only converged some minds, Interact with fans in a trance!

At a glance, Su Hang's body is indeed beautiful, but it is also difficult to distract him.

Several women have the realm of returning to the virtual realm, it seems that their age is not old, Su Hang is afraid of being discovered by them, they have already prepared to use a cloth-shaped hair treasure to cover the body of the two, and no matter how high they are Hard to find.

It can be said that in order to help Niulang in this live broadcast, and in order to successfully remove the man-made beads from Niulang, Su Hang has given away his old face.



"Sisters, the water in this pool is really cool, our heaven is not so sweet water yet!" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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