Super Study God

Chapter 844: I like all of them!

"Ah? What can I do?" When the cowboy heard it, he panicked. If so, wouldn't he never see the fairies?

"Relax, wait for the limelight, they will come down sooner or later." Su Hangdao.

Now that you have moved your heart, why would you come down once and steal the fishy cat, do you still expect it to be a vegetarian?

As long as there are no major changes, the fairies will surely come down again. At this point, Suhang is sure!

"Is it? When?" Niu Lang immediately asked, that look, I really wish it was the same tonight.

Su Hang was speechless, "wait patiently!"

Cowboy scratched his head, a little embarrassed!

"In other words, I ask you, those seven fairy daughters, which one do you like?" Su Hang asked.

The cowboy blushed terribly, "Everything is fine!"

"It's okay to call anything, I ask which one do you like?"

"All, I like it all,"

"I'm dizzy!" Su Nihang was dizzy after listening to Niu Lang's answer. "You can only choose one."

This kid, who has the courage to grow up, likes it, is it for you to be a wife, but they are princesses, the daughters of Heavenly Emperor, how can all seven daughters be given to you?

The cowboy froze for a moment, and thought about it, "the one with the turban on his head."

Su Hang thought about it for a while, and Leng didn't remember who Niu Lang was talking about, and he didn't know if the kid was looking at the Weaver Girl.

"Want to be your wife, are you happy?" Su Hang bewitched.

"What's his wife?" Niu Lang asked, puzzled.

"Just your wife, woman, your son's mother?" Su Hangdao said.

"Ah!" Niu Lang heard, immediately a little bit stunned.

"Why, ask you if you are happy?"

"Yes, of course, but I'm so poor..."

"I told you just now that you should not belittle yourself. With me, what are you afraid of?"

"Then I am naturally happy, Brother Su will help me!"

Niu Lang heard, and immediately knelt in front of Su Hang.

"Get up, the boy is alive, only kneel to his parents and teachers, where can he bend his knees casually, if you are like this, I can leave immediately!" Su Hang said unpleasantly.

The cowboy quickly got up and gratefully said, "Brother Su helped me like this. The cowboy didn't think of it, and didn't know how to pay it back!"

Su Hang took a chopstick dish and chewed it in his mouth. "You and I want to see it is fate. I help you, and because of a fate, I never thought of giving you anything back. It’s done for you, let me borrow your phone for two days!”

At this time, Su Hang was quietly revealing his purpose.

"Mobile phone? Brother Su, what are you going to do with your mobile phone?" Sure enough, as soon as the mobile phone was mentioned, Niu Lang immediately became alert.

Su Hang did not show any traces, "Isn't your live broadcast fun? I want to try it. It doesn't matter if you want it or not, I'll just talk about it!"

"No, no," Niu Lang heard Su Hang said, and he quickly shook his head. "Brother Su wants it, where does Niu Lang make no sense."

After talking, Niu Lang directly took out his phone and handed it to Suhang.

This move made Su Hang feel a little bit surprised. He didn't expect that the Cowherd would be so simple, so he gave the phone to himself so easily.

The boy is still too young. Su Hang shook his head in his heart. How could it be so easy to believe others?

Looking at the phone, Su Hang didn't reach for it.

If he picks it up, the phone will simply fall into his hands. Even if the task is completed this time, Hong Jun might pick him up immediately, so that Niu Lang will be miserable.

Regarding the cowboy, Su Hang is very sympathetic. Of course, he will not just go away. Otherwise, Su Hang will be very uneasy.

After all, you deceived other people's babies, and did not do anything you promised. It is a shameful act!

The Cowherd had been miserable enough already. Wouldn't he have been miserable even if he left this way?

"What are you doing for me now? Keep it, and wait for me to get everything done for you." Su Hang didn't take the phone. If Hong Jun saw this scene, I'm afraid he would vomit blood?

Niu Lang smiled and put away his mobile phone. He didn't notice the suspiciousness of Suhang. In his view, if Suhang was malicious to him, he should have just robbed his mobile phone!

I have to say that this kid still doesn't know Su Hang too much, and I don't know how deep the routine is!

"Brother Su, what should I do now?" Niu Lang couldn't wait to ask Su Hang, if he could make him a fair daughter-in-law, it was really Guangzong Yaozu, and he wouldn't do it for him.


Su Hang said only one word.


Niu Lang looked at Su Hang with surprise, what was the point of waiting? Isn't this suffering?

Su Hang smiled, "Wait patiently, when they come down again, you will do as I said, and take care of marrying your wife."

"But when will this wait?" Niu Lang was full of anguish. For these days, he had already spent his days, and he was asked to wait again?

"Don't worry, it won't take long!" Su Hang waved his hand. "If you are idle, you can pray to the elders. He is in charge of the marriage of the world. Maybe he looks at you sincerely, and I will match you up!"

"Yue Lao?" Niu Lang looked puzzled.

Presumably, at this time, the story about Yueluo is not widely spread in the world!

"A fairy in the sky!" Su Hang can only explain so!

Niu Lang listened and nodded very seriously. Since he is a **** in the sky, he should worship, and he now believes in Su Hang without doubt. He always follows what Su Hang said. It's miserable to go to the fairy wife.




After the several princesses came back, they were all in peace, and only Taibaijinxing had found them, and carefully advised them to stay in Tiangong obediently, and not to act silly.

Several princesses were also wondering, how did Taibaijinxing know that they had gone to the lower realm? Also called Baihua Fairy to find them in the world ~ ~ insider?

It's unlikely, after all, they all went to the lower realm together. How could they stab their own knife?

Of course, no matter what, they were very happy. They thought they would be punished by Heavenly Emperor when they came back.

Thinking about it, it must be that Taibaijinxing helped them down. Why did Taibaijinxing do this?

He must be afraid of being punished by Heavenly Emperor. You know, Taibai Jinxing manages the internal affairs of Tiangong, and the fairy is secretly descended, and he is also responsible.

Taibai Venus is also afraid of things, so I can rest assured, and he is not afraid of suing. But, in the past few days, there are a lot of strangers in the heavenly court who look at their eyes a little weird?

"Sister, it's so boring, it seems that the Cowherd hasn't started broadcasting for a long time!"

In the courtyard, some princesses were bored, and after a few days of uneasiness, their tumultuous heart began to flood again. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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