Super Study God

Chapter 853: I know your dad!

"It's a pity that Emperor Zhang Tian has only been in power for a thousand years. Soon after that, Emperor Hao Tian returned again. Without going back to the throne, he moved with all the immortals and left the earth to come to this star field!"

The Emperor Tema actually abdicated, which fell in the ears of Su Hang, which is simply anecdotal.

"What about Zhang Bairen?" Su Hang asked.

Eight Commandments, "How can the Tiangong hold two Heavenly Emperors, and after the Heavenly Emperor Hao Tian regained his throne, he was granted the title of the Elysian Emperor, saying that he was allowed to take his family with the Three Realms, but in fact he was banished, and there has been no news so far. "

This emperor Haotian, really can play!

"Perhaps, we have to go to heaven again!" Su Hang said after a moment of silence.

Naturally, Bajie had nothing to say, but he still thought about what Hong Jun left him.



"Only in this mountain, Yun Shen doesn't know where? Only in this mountain? Yun Shen doesn't know where?..."

"Oh, Bajie, don't you miss it?"

On the way to heaven, Bajie repeatedly chanted that poem, but Mi Tuo couldn't stand it anymore. This is even more upsetting than chanting.

Ba Jie looked back at Mi Tuo, "Buddha, your old man's dharma is deep, but you know what it means to leave this sentence."

After listening to such praises of Ba Jie and so humbly asking for advice, Mituo's mood was just right. "Since it is the proverb left by the Taoist ancestors, it must have a special connotation."

It's nonsense!

Su Hang was listening beside him, and some of them couldn't hear it anymore. Did the old monk really learn?

But Bajie looked at him hopefully.

Mi Tuo said, "The so-called free in this mountain, Yun Shen doesn't know where, I think, Dao Zu wanted to say, that Chang'e may have been by your side, but you are naked, you don't know it."

"Beside me?" Ba Jie froze for a moment and shook his head violently. "How is that possible? I have been in Leiyin Temple for hundreds of years. Apart from the bald donkeys around me, how could there be Chang'e?"

Mi Tuo was wearing a big bald head and lit it, but his face was heavily lined with black lines. When the monk scolded the bald donkey, are you deliberate?

"No, no." Mituo shook her head. "Even if she reincarnated, she might not be reincarnated in Leiyin Temple!"

"Where will it be?" Bajie asked.

Mi Tuo said, "That's not certain. It's not uncommon for her to become a man in case she cast the wrong baby. Moreover, she may not be reincarnated as a monk, or it may be flowers and plants, birds and animals! "

"Ah?" Bajie opened his mouth wide. If this is the case, he would rather be reincarnated as a monk. Otherwise, there are so many flowers and plants. Who knows which flower is Chang'e and which grass?

"There is a greater possibility!" Mituo suddenly said seriously.

Eight Commandments quickly and respectfully respected, "Please pray for Buddha's guidance!"

Mido said, "Maybe she reincarnated into your right hand."

After listening to the eight precepts, the black line on his face was heavy, and I wanted to be able to do you nothing but to beat the girl.

Chang'e was reincarnated as the right hand of Bajie, and Nima was also able to figure it out.

"Alas, it's a pity that Dao Zu has cut the line of sin between you and your right hand. You're afraid it's missed. Uh, no, Dao Zu didn't say it again, let you maintain physical and mental health, or you will relapse, um, In other words, it is still possible for you to continue your broken relationship." Mido said.

I went to your mother, Su Hang couldn’t hear it anymore, and quickly interrupted, “Master, don’t make fun of it!”

Eight precepts are beside, full of grievances.

The joke was just a joke, and Mito accepted it when he saw it, "Daozu said, it's difficult to speculate. It may also be said that the woman is in a place that you are familiar with, or she is familiar with, but you can't find her Never mind."

"Of course, this is just my thought. Dao Zu's words are esoteric, and I can only guess." Mi Tuo put away the joke this time.

"Ba Jie, think about it, where will she appear?" Su Hang thought it reasonable and asked.

Bajie thought about it carefully and said, "There are only two places I can think of. One is her Shimen Moonshine Palace, and the other is the Lunar Palace of the Lunar Star."

After thinking for a while, Bajie said again, "It's just that, according to this understanding, Dao Zu said this to me, that is to say, I'm also familiar with that place. I've been to the Moon Palace once or twice. It's unlikely. In the case of Tai Yinxing, it was already a barren place, and the Palace of Guanghan had already been demolished. I have been to it more than once and I have never seen her."

"That's why it's only in this mountain that Yun Shen doesn't know where to go!"

Mi Tuo added a sentence next to it. This Nima's finally proved that what he said was still a little reliable.

Khan Nima came out.

It felt like the student had asked a super difficult question to the teacher, and he risked him to deal with it. As for the answer is incorrect, it is up to him.

"Will it?" Bajie looked at Su Hang, obviously he didn't believe in Mito now, fearing that he would be fooled by the old monk.

Su Hang reluctantly said, "Since you are so persistent, why don't you treat him as real, when I have something to do here, go find it, and I haven't been back for a long time!"

It's been a long time since I came back this time. Su Hang really wanted to think of his family on earth. No matter how far he walked, he was in the corner of the universe. There was always a place deep inside that he couldn't let go.

"Exactly, I have to find the little toad too, the same way!" Mido laughed, this time to support Su Hang, he had to find his past life.



In Tiangong, I saw the Queen Mother again, and Su Hang’s return to made the Queen Mother a little difficult to calm down. After all, Heavenly Emperor Hao Tian was punished by Daozu for her, and she didn’t want to offend this person.

She is the daughter of the Xuanyuan family, whose real name is Xuanyuan Yaoqiong. At that time, Haotian took the emperor's throne at the beginning, and the yellow emperor became his wife. From then on, she became a queen mother under one person and over ten million people.

Because of this identity, the Queen Mother still knows some ancient secrets, and she knows some of the identity of Su Hang. In this way, when facing Su Hang, especially when she is accompanied by a Tianzun realm, the Queen Mother is very worried. And nervous.

Now Hao Tian has thought behind closed doors, and Tian Gong is her master, and has to come out to face Su Hang in person. It has not been so daunting for many years.

In the Hall of Ling Xiao, Su Hang looked at the white mother with a pale face, and she was speechless in her heart, but she was just a realm of truth. She actually scared the queen mother of the Venerable Realm and the respected position of the Queen Mother, so?

"No need to be nervous, my father and I, Xuanyuan's, are still old, and not so cautious!" Su Hang said, as he said, pretending to be prettier!

This opening directly became the elder of the Queen Mother, and she didn't blush. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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