Super Study God

Chapter 857: Missed the sky?

Su Hang's face shook, and he secretly forgot about it. He could become a match a day and counted a little merit.

"Two thousand seven hundred and forty years!" The Queen Mother seemed to know what Su Hang was thinking. ."

For a moment, it was quiet.

"I went to Nima."

Su Hangteng stood up, grabbed a stone around him, and threw it directly into the Tianhe.

A boom.

The stone fell into the Tianhe River, slipped out of the distance, and set off a wave of water.

The sudden rage scared the Queen Mother and Niu Lang next to her, her face pale and pale, and the Queen even knelt down directly to Su Hang.

It happened to be two thousand seven hundred years, exactly one million merits, and Su Hang had to suspect that this was all calculated by Hong Jun.

Pointing his finger at the sky, Su Hang wanted to scold, but because he was too excited, he didn't know what to scold for a while.

"You, what a grandson you are."

It took a long time for Su Hang to scold this sentence, this broken dragonfly, he should not have refined his flesh at the beginning, so that he is now calculated by him everywhere, and even calculated by himself, even by the people around him. Is there any bottom line for this feature?

"Divine Venerable, breathe anger."

The Queen Mother knelt on the ground and her face was pale. She could naturally know who Su Hang was scolding, and who dare to scold Daozu grandson, who has the guts?

If another monk is changed, I am afraid that the punishment has been lowered at this moment. However, the truth is that God does not respond. Heaven is everywhere, and it is impossible to not know. Since he knows, but there is no expression, this attitude is a bit interesting. Is it a conscious loss?

Su Hang took a deep breath, and finally calmed down some of the flames in his heart. He could only be abusive. What else could he do?

Looking for Hongjun theory? With his own mouth, can he rival Hong Jun's mouth? fight? People are Daozu.

It was because of a little merit that the Weaver Girl had woven more than 2,700 years of cloth in the Biqiong Palace to separate her from the Cowherd for so many years. Is this a human thing?

Did you bring this marriage to the Cowherd and Weaver Girl yourself, not to help him retrieve the beads? There is no reason to cross the river to dismantle the bridge. Su Hang really felt suffocated.

It is said that heaven is ruthless, but now it is true.


Angry to vent nowhere, Su Hang raised a finger against the sky and used a thousand years to kill.

Of course, Su Hang does not expect this millennium kill to kill Hongjun from a distance. After all, Hongjun is the ruler, and his millennium kill is only one of the rules.


Just when Su Hang's mood eased, there was a sudden explosion in the sky, and Su Hang was startled. Won't this provoke Hong Jun?

Tema has done something wrong, so sorry Mao?

Looking towards the upper reaches of the Tianhe River, a dark object in the sky, like a dark cloud, could not be seen clearly from a distance, but it seemed that a huge stream of water poured out like a huge waterfall. In the Tianhe River, the water of the Tianhe River quickly rose, and the water level rose a lot below it.

what happened?

Su Hang frowned and looked at the water in the Tianhe River. After a while, his effort would rise to his feet.

Bajie's face twitched, "Master, won't you poke the sky?"

Ba Jie is clear, Su Hang has a thousand-killing trick, just applied to Dao Zu across the sky, Dao Zu is the sky, poke Dao Zu is the poke, see this posture, Ba Cheng is to poke the sky.

Su Hang rolled his eyes instantaneously.

Just how much power can you kill in that millennium, and you can poke the sky? Isn’t this funny?

At this time, the Queen Mother said, "That's the Tianmen. The water from the lower realm will converge on it. The Tianmen will open once a year, and the Tianhe will also rise once. This way, the circulation will ensure sufficient water for the lower realm."

This turned out to be the case. Su Hang felt in his heart that he dared to happen to meet the floodgate and just let it go. He had just thought he had killed a thousand years and poked the sky.

Sooner or later I will poke you!

Su Hang gritted his teeth at the sky angrily. In his view, Hongjun really did too unreasonably about the Weaver Girl Cowherd.

"Let them reunite first, then what kind of **** merits, don't care about him." Calm down, Su Hang said to the Queen Mother.

This time, the tone was more of a command than a negotiation as just now.

The Queen Mother heard it, full of embarrassment, "But where is Daozu?"

"If he is dissatisfied, let him come to me by yourself. You first let people out and let them reunite." Su Hangdao.

He really wanted Hong Jun to come to him so that he could scold it properly by pointing his nose.

"Sovereign, this is less than forty years, so why not wait for the first class? Besides, Dao Zu is compassionate, and every Qixi Festival has a magpie coming to this bridge, the two of them can still meet each other every year. "The Queen Mother is still embarrassed. After all, Dao Zu is pressed on her head. You have a big face and you don't have to worry about it, but we can't.

In case Dao Zu pursues it, you can be fine, but Dao Zu is angry with me. Isn't that a tribulation?

It can be said that at this moment, the Queen Mother is really embarrassed at both ends, one does not want to offend Su Hang, and the other does not want to offend the Taoist ancestor.

"Forty years? Or, you go to Biqiong Palace, stay him for forty years, four hundred years?" Su Hang turned his face and looked at the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother listened to this, and she was cold and sweating, "God..."

"I don't want to repeat it a second time." Su Hang said, and he should also take the spirit of the emperor.

The Queen Mother heard that her body was trembling.

"Ma'am, let's do it. Since my master said so, even if the ancestor blamed him, he would certainly not let you bear it." Ba Jie saw that Su Hang was really angry and whispered to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother thought about going to All this was said, and if she was rebellious again and again, she would definitely offend Su Hang.

"Yao Qiong respects purpose."

The Queen Mother took her life and waited for a moment to retreat in the Tianhe River, then she took a dragon boat and led Su Hang and others toward the opposite bank.

Above the Tianhe River, there is no way to control the sky. Even if the Heavenly Emperor does not work, if he wants to cross the river, he can only ride the boat and break the waves.



Heavenly Cliff, here is the end of the thirty-sixth heaven divided by the heavenly emperor. On the other side of the Tianhe River, a mountain peak stands, and on top of the mountain stands a desolate palace.

The palace was locked, and there was no one left. It was cold and clear. Only from the deep palace came the sound of a burst of air.

Regardless of the will of the Emperor of Heaven, the Queen Mother opened the palace door, and everyone entered the Biqiong Palace. Within the deep palace, the Cowherd finally saw the long-weaving Weaver Girl. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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