Super Study God

Chapter 873: Your takeaway is here!

Under the shroud of consciousness, I'm not afraid of her running away!

Looking at the floating clouds outside the window, the corner of Su Hang's mouth curved a little arc, but this speed is a bit slow!

For human beings, it is always the practice of self-cultivation, and the blind development of science and technology has neglected self-cultivation. This seems to be the end of the book.

Take Suhang as an example. Now that he is flying in this plane, he hasn't had a quick flight. The distance between China and the island country. With his realm of joint efforts, it will not take a few minutes.

Originally, the earth was the spiritual center of the Eastern Starfield, now? Yuan Li is thin and embarked on the road of technology. I don't know if it is right or wrong for the human race on earth.

Today's Suhang is not good to judge these. After all, the changes that technology has brought to the earth are huge. It has brought more and more people access to convenience and realized many dreams that ordinary people did not dare to think before. .

Suhang now only hopes that the arrival of source energy technology will bring a little change to the status quo of the earth.

After all, the so-called source energy technology is the heaven and earth elements required by the monks. As long as the in-depth research is carried out, the intelligent people on earth will be able to unlock the civilization code contained in this energy.

When tracking Keiko Matsushima to the island country this time, Su Hang wanted to find out where their transformation skills came from.

This is a technology unique to mechanical science and technology civilization. For the earth, it is still in its infancy, and Qian Feng’s ability to transform people has demonstrated that the island’s technology for transforming people has reached one. Very mature stage.

I am afraid that extraterrestrial civilizations are involved, otherwise, it is impossible to develop this technology to such a level in a short time.

Of course, Su Hang does not exclude extraterrestrial civilizations from interfering with the earth. After all, there are hundreds of rivers and rivers. There is a lot of room for flowering. There is nothing wrong with fighting for beauty. Thought wealth.

Su Hang is only worried about whether the intervention of extraterrestrial civilizations is benign or malicious. Whether the future development direction of the earth is good or bad, will it be out of control, bringing unpredictable consequences or disasters.

If it is favorable, the Soviet Union of course welcomes it, but if it is the latter, then as an earth person, the Soviet Union has the obligation to stop, or even eliminate these hidden dangers.


The plane will land at the Kyoto airport of the island country, and Su Hang has randomly found an island person. After scanning with the Xueshen system, it extracted and learned the island's Mandarin.

It is very inconvenient to go abroad if he doesn't speak the local language. He can't bring an interpreter with him when he comes out to work.

For the current Su Hang, learning a language with the help of the system may not be useful in half a minute.

After Keiko Matsushima got off the plane, he directly got on a black car and quickly left the airport. It seemed that someone was already waiting to answer.

There were many cars and many people. Su Hang was afraid of losing it. Instead of calling for a car, he walked directly, used space-time abilities to shrink into an inch, and walked at least one hundred meters in one step, and other people saw that there was no slight doubt.

It's easier than trying to catch up with that car.

The car entered a residential house in the urban area. Su Hang thought it would be a den, but after some investigation, it was discovered that it was an ordinary residential house.

I don’t know what Matsushima Keiko’s idea was, and Suhang was not in a hurry, just found a hotel nearby and stayed temporarily.

The consciousness monitored the house. As soon as Keiko Matsushima came back, after taking a bath, he went to bed and rested. It seemed that he was tired by plane.

The woman fled from China for thousands of miles, and will definitely contact the reformer organization behind her, and the woman's status in that organization is obviously not low. Su Hang believes that there will be gains.

In the hotel, Su Hang also took a shower and prepared to take a break. He just squinted in bed for a while, but the door was knocked.

A glance, a perspective, stood outside a woman in a voluptuous dress.

Grease smear powder, rich wind and dust, at first glance is doing that kind of business.

Su Hang ignored it and waited for her for a while, then no one would leave. Although this hotel is not the most upscale, but it is also a star, so unexpectedly so chaotic.

Su Hang couldn't help complaining, but after waiting for a while, the woman outside the door didn't mean to leave at all.

Helpless, Su Hang got up and went to the door to open the door.

The scent is a mixture of strong perfume and fat powder. It is very pungent, and some people may like it, but Su Hang does not like it.

The woman was about to continue knocking on the door, but the door opened suddenly, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, but when she saw Su Hang's face, she seemed a little disappointed.

Perhaps, she prefers to do handsome business, and Su Hang does not belong to this rank.

"Hello sir, your takeaway is here!" The woman smiled gigglingly, not forgetting to make a joke.

This woman is still very professional and ethical. Although the client is not handsome, he is still at least young, and he should be very strong.

Moreover, how can they call their customers ugly if they call them in this business? As long as they have money, even if the other party is a pig, they have to be under pressure!


Su Hang froze for a moment and almost didn't smile!

"Sorry, I haven't ordered takeaway, you may have sent it to the wrong place!" Su Hang was not in a mood to make a joke, so he would close the door if he left a sentence.

But the woman leaned on them and stopped Su Hang, "Room 1902, yes, are you Mr. Su Hang?"

The woman looked at the door and asked such a sentence.

Su Hang immediately became alert and grabbed the woman's wrist. "What did you say?"

How could this woman call her name? This is not in China, but the island country.

Even if he just stayed at the hotel front the information he left was false, not to mention that he changed his appearance, how could someone recognize him?

The woman was frightened by Su Hang's momentum, and those eyes gave her a feeling like a tiger and lion, and she almost didn't scare her urine.

"Just now, someone just called me to listen to the voice, it should be a woman!" the woman said hurriedly.

Under the pressure of Su Hang, she did not dare to say a word of lies.


Su Hang frowned. When he first came to the island country, someone knew his whereabouts, he knew his details, and he was so intimate to call him a chicken?

There is no doubt that his whereabouts have been exposed!

Su Hang thought of something, and turned sharply to the direction of Matsushima Keiko's residence.

Turning on the perspective function directly, Su Hang's gaze passed through the wall and went straight to Matsushima Keiko's residence, where he could see it in full glance. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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