Super Study God

Chapter 875: 1 punch blow!

Unpredictable, this also reminded Su Hang, although the other party is just an ordinary person, but can not underestimate her.

At the same time, Su Hang is more curious about the power behind this woman. Her equipment is far more than the current technological level of the earth. To say that without the intervention of alien civilization, even if you kill Su Hang, you will not believe it.

"What do you mean? Do you want to catch me?" Su Hang asked Keiko Matsushima outside the alloy cage.

Seeing through the alloy wall, Su Hang could see that the woman was tilting Erlang's legs on the sofa in the next room, looking very proud.

Su Hang believes that she can also see herself.

Before, he scanned it with the Xueshen system and got some simple information. This woman belongs to an organization called Songdao Laboratory. As for the information of that laboratory, it is unclear.

The key point is that this woman is really an ordinary person, and her surname is Songdao. She is so well equipped, and she must have a high status in that laboratory.

Keiko Matsushima is just like watching a mouse held in her cage, answering the question, "If I am not wrong, should you be a monk of China?"

"Why? Didn't you say I was a reformer?" Su Hang asked with a smile.

"No no no!" Matsushima Keiko shook his head. "If you are a mechanical transformation person, just now my electromagnetic cannon has beaten you down."

Electromagnetism is the nemesis of electromechanics. Su Hang can easily resist the attack of electromagnetic guns, which not only proves that he is very strong, but also proves that he cannot be a mechanical transformant.

"It seems that I misunderstood you, you are also very smart!" Su Hangdao.

Keiko Matsushima's mouth curved a little arc, "Monk Huaxia, it's a mysterious existence!"

"Unfortunately, in my hands, you can only be considered unlucky. As for Su Hang, do you know why I went to China as an exchange student this time?"

"I'm curious!" Su Hangdao.

There is a wicked smile on Keiko Matsushima's face, "just to capture you mysterious Chinese monks!"

"Well?" Su Hang frowned, capturing the Chinese monk.

Matsushima Keiko’s mouth is bent, “I’m not afraid to tell you that we have been conducting research on transforming people since the beginning of the last century. The technology of mechanical transforming people has reached an unimaginable height. I believe you have already witnessed this. !"

Su Hang didn't speak. He had indeed seen it, and Qian Feng, who became an injustice, is the best example. Ba Jie also said that their human transformation technology has reached a mature stage and can even enter the ranks of the advanced level of the universe.

"Unfortunately, we still lack in biological transformation. We have captured some strong people in our country, such as samurai, ninja, etc., we even arrested a **** of ninja, decomposed his body, and carried out Biological transformation, unfortunately, the effect is not good, we learned about the existence of the Chinese monk from some sources, so, can you think of my purpose of going to China?" Matsushima Keiko said with a smile, like saying one. What a simple and ordinary thing.

However, these words fell in the ears of others, but they shuddered.

"Do you want to arrest the monk for your biological transformation research?" Su Hang asked with a cold face.

Actually, they also arrested the monks in their own country, and even arrested the God of Forbearance.


Keiko Matsushima slapped, "Congratulations, you got it right. Now, do you feel scary? Because, you will be the next experiment!"


"Although a few reformers have been lost, it is worthwhile to capture you. It can be seen that you are indeed different, much stronger than the so-called god-level monks in your country."

"I really look forward to it. I don't know how strong a creature transformer can be made with your body? Well, I'll reserve your arm first!"

"No, your speed is so fast, I want your legs too!"

"No, no, your whole body is mine, I will put my brain in your head, haha, then you can get all your power!"


Keiko Matsushima was talking to himself there, growing more fanatical, like a lunatic.

A good pair of skin bags, but inside is a perverted soul!

"It's stupid!" Su Hang mocked.

Keiko Matsushima took the air across to Suhang, and the eyes seemed to eat people, "What are you talking about?"

Su Hang counseled, "Do you think you can gain the power of the other party by changing the brain to occupy the other's body? Really ignorant, you may not even know what a monk is?"

There is no hidden sarcasm in the language. The monk cultivates the inner power, and the flesh is only a storage. Even if you take it up, you will only get an empty shell.

Moreover, powerful monks, life is transformed, even if it is a finger, it belongs to the higher-order life body, and even the will of the original owner will be retained, and the higher-order life body is grafted to the lower-order life body, Not to mention that higher-order life organizations will repel lower-order life organizations, it is likely that they will be taken away by the remaining will of higher-order life bodies!

This is the difficulty of biological transformation of human beings. This woman actually took this kind of attention, and said that she had arrested Shenren for research, but the result failed. This is why it is strange not to fail.

"It seems that you know a lot, but it doesn't matter, we will study it well, and you are still ready to be a mouse!" Keiko Matsushima said.

Su Hang smiled, "Do you really think that these few pieces of iron can trap me?"

Keiko Matsushima heard this, but smiled coldly, "I just seem to have told you that this is the hardest Suzuki alloy, even if you are strong, it is impossible to break..."


At this time There was a loud noise in front of the house, and the whole house shook violently. Matsushima Keiko almost didn't shake off the sofa.

A large piece of dust was lifted in front of him, a piece of metal scraped across, leaving a narrow wound on Keiko Matsushima's face, and the blood immediately ran down the cheek.

Looking up, Keiko Matsushima's face was frightened. The strongest alloy, which was said to be indestructible even with an atomic bomb, actually broke a big hole.

Su Hang was standing at the entrance of the cave, and his right hand still kept the punching position. The big punch of the sandbag hadn't had time to retract.

Obviously, Su Hang just punched the wall, and this punch directly punched the wall and broke a hole.

Keiko Matsushima was surprised and speechless. He punched the alloy wall of Suzuo with one punch. Is this still a person?

This is the strongest metal, ten thousand times harder than steel. Can the body have such a powerful force? Is this possible? (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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