Super Study God

Chapter 878: Laser corridor!

A very high-end laboratory, glass doors and walls of different colors separate this area into rooms, and you can see the outside from the inside, but not the outside.

However, these methods still can't stop Su Hang's perspective and insight. They are all researchers in white coats, and they are all tinkering with some electronic machinery. So far, Su Hang has not seen any appetite. Scenes.

Keiko Matsushima led Su Hang into a long, bright passage.

Looking at Matsushima Keiko walking in front, Su Hang's mouth curved a little arc, she could feel that the woman's heartbeat was speeding up, obviously it was something to do!


Sure enough, after walking a few steps, Keiko Matsushima glanced at the opportunity and rammed directly against the wall.

The body seemed to be immersed in a pool of mud, and there was no shadow in a moment, leaving only the snow-white wall rippled, and then returned to normal.

Su Hang had expected that she would give birth to moths, but it didn't stop her. It was ridiculously naive, thinking that it would be able to escape death?

The grub in her body is connected with the heart of Gu Huang in Su Hang. Even if she escapes farther, as long as Gu Huang can sense her, her life and death will be controlled by Su Hang.

For Suhang, Keiko Matsushima is already a dead man, let her jump a little bit, and when she is executed later, she will be more desperate and more afraid.

Reaching and touching the wall, it's very smooth, like ceramics, I don't know what material is made.


"Alert, alert, intruder found!"

A string of rapid electronic siren sounds came from above, and then Su Hang found that the door of the passageway was closed when it came in behind!

Obviously, Suhang has been discovered, or it is Keiko Matsushima who just fled the alarm!

But for Su Hang, it doesn't matter anymore. He has arrived at his destination, and his purpose is to destroy it. There is no need to hide. It is not him who really should hide.

"Execute the command, clear the intruder..."

The lights in the promenade dimmed suddenly. At this time, countless tiny rays of light were shot from the walls. These rays were interwoven into dense large nets, which struck Su Hang from the front and back directions.

Is it a laser beam?

Looking at the rapidly attacking light nets, Su Hang couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

The laser is extremely lethal, and can easily cut hard steel. Ordinary people encounter the current situation of Su Hang. I am afraid that the laser will be cut into a pile of regular meat strips in an instant.

Slamming back and forth, even the flies can't escape.


Su Hang sneered, this laser beam may burn his skin, but to reach the level of burns, unless the same position is continuously exposed for a long time.

After all, he is a master of the Dao Realm. How powerful the practitioner’s physical body is, mortals can’t imagine. In terms of high temperature resistance, even ordinary Jindan Realm monks can resist thousands of degrees of high temperature, let alone Su. Hang exists like this.

Therefore, even if Su Hang is standing still, these laser beams will hardly hurt him.

However, in order to protect this clothing from being damaged, Su Hang still used some means to urge the lunar force in the body to form a shield around the body.

The power of the lunar engulfed all the light. As soon as those laser beams shone on Su Hang, they were instantly absorbed and could not penetrate the shield.



"How could this be the case, the laser array did not work for him?"

"It should be a dark energy shield. I'm afraid this intruder is not easy!"


Several people stood in a room in front of a huge crystal screen.

Some of them are young, some are old, and some are men and women. At this time, they all looked at the huge crystal screen, and there were beeping alarms in their ears.

Standing in the middle is a middle-aged yellow-skinned man, wearing black-framed glasses, who looks like a gentleman, and looks like the leader of this group.

Matsushima Tian, ​​a veteran of the Matsushima laboratory, because it comes from the Matsushima family, the giant family of the island country, has a very high influence in the political circles of the island country, and has made great contributions in the study of mechanical civilization. Therefore, this experimental base was named Songdo.

What was playing on the screen was the picture in the corridor where Su Hang was, and everyone's face was a little dignified.

As soon as Keiko Matsushima appeared at the base, he had used special methods to remind people in the laboratory to prepare for the "guest".

The opponent is very strong!

This is the information I got from Matsushima Keiko. Matsushima Tian is Matsushima Keiko's father. He has a very clear understanding of his daughter's skills. He can hijack his daughter and dare to break into the laboratory base alone. Obviously not General characters.

It turns out that it is indeed the case, unscathed under the laser array, even the base's most powerful S-class reformers can't do it.

"This is a Chinese monk?" said a blond old Latino.

Matsushima nodded slightly, "Listening to Keiko's words, this is the case."

The old man frowned, "I heard some legends of Chinese monks, some of them are said to be very powerful and have the power to destroy the world. As far as I know, a few months ago, there were many strong people including Latin America I went to Huaxia to find the whereabouts of a paleontological creature in Huaxia, but it turned out to be a feather, as if I met a powerful Chinese monk, and I even died a lot!"

The old man said nothing.

The corner of Matsushima Tin’s mouth curved a little, “We wanted to catch a powerful Chinese monk for research very early, but it’s too difficult to catch!”

"Open the 13th floor channel!"

A series of mechanical sounds, the base master brain immediately executed the order, and it can be seen that the old Latin American man's position in this laboratory is very high.

Matsushima Tin’s eyes looked at the screen, with a very eagle bird in his eyebrows, "How is Keiko?"

A young white coat next to him Missy said there was something in her body, she was picking a new body and was ready to undergo a brain replacement surgery immediately! "

Matsushima Tian paused for a while, "Let her go toss about it, this time she can bring back such a big white mouse, it's a good match for her!"



Laser corridor!

The raging laser suddenly stopped, the gate at the end of the passage slowly opened, and an elevator appeared.

It seems that there is still something waiting for him. The corner of Su Hang's mouth is curved, he wants to see, what other tricks do these guys have?

Entering the elevator, the elevator took Su Hang down to the first floor. The elevator door opened and appeared in front of Su Hang. It was a corridor almost exactly the same as before.

Su Hang is just like traveling. Looking left and right, it is very calm. As soon as I walked out of the elevator, the passage was closed again. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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