Super Study God

Chapter 881: Evil consequences!

"Well? What do you guys have?" Su Hang frowned, these guys, what else would they want to do?

Keiko Matsushima said hardly, "I can tell you, but you have to promise, you can't kill me!"

At this moment, Keiko Matsushima still wanted to fight for his life and strive for a hope of survival.

"Okay, I won't kill you." Su Hang shrugged and replied very simply.

Matsushima Keiko was a little stunned. This promise was too refreshing, and the refreshing people did not believe it.

"Gentleman promises, heavier than Mount Tai!" Matsushima Keiko jumped out of the Chinese language!

First wear a high hat to Su Hang, she knows that Chinese people are most fond of this.

Su Hangdao, "You can choose not to believe, and then I will kill you now!"

Keiko Matsushima dared to believe it and quickly said, "They must have retreated to the 19th floor, where is the ancient ruins. One hundred years ago, my father and their generation found a coffin in the ancient ruins. Transformation of people!"

"The data shows that the reformer should be the violent **** of the island legend, Susuo!"

Su Hang listened, frowning slightly, "Man of Susuke?"

Su Hang also has a little understanding of the Shinto culture of the island nation. The creator gods of the island nation Shinto are Izanagi and Izanamei, and the two men have three children.

The eldest daughter Tianzhao, also known as Tianzhao Dayuzun, the sun god!

The youngest daughter Yue Yueming, also known as the God of the Moon, and the remaining one is the male of Susuke, who enjoys a very high status in the vein of the island nation's Shinto.

The most worthy feat of the men of the island to show off by the islanders is to kill the legendary evil beast Baqi Snake!

These were originally myths, but when Su Hang knew that the so-called creation **** in the island country Shinto was just two reformers from the Gaotianyuan galaxy, it was not surprising!

"The key is that after research, the male body of Susuke is still alive, and he has left a way to resurrect him. Over the past 100 years, the laboratory has spent a lot of effort to feed him with a lot of flesh and blood, Now he can be awakened almost anytime!" Matsushima Keiko said!

"Well?" Su Hang heard a word, paused.


Earlier I heard Matsushima Keiko said that this ruin is the tomb of Susano. Since it is confirmed that there is the character of Susuo, it is not surprising to find the body of Susuo in the cemetery.

However, Keiko Matsushima said that Susuke was still alive, which surprised Su Hang.

After all, it is a famous deity of the island nation. Who knows how to do it?

It must be a bit skillful, otherwise how can it become the true **** in the island country’s Shinto. Although the island country is small, its cultural history is still very far-reaching and cannot be underestimated!

"Is that all?" Su Hang asked!

Keiko Matsushima said, "Also, the laboratory can't control Susuo Men, so if they release Susuo Men to deal with you, they will definitely start the self-destruction process of the base. There are two modified nuclear bombs in the base. Turn everything into ashes!"

Su Hang frowned, these islanders, really crazy.

"Is there anything else to say?" Su Hang asked.

Keiko Matsushima seemed to hear something from Suhang's tone, and quickly said, "You promised you won't kill me. I hope you can take me out. I, I don't want to die!"

"Ha ha!"

Su Hang sneered, "Have lived for hundreds of years, haven't you lived enough?"

"Poor people, ants will be fatal. I am different from them. Millions of years are not enough for me to live. As long as I can find a suitable body, I can live forever, please, take me out and let me do anything! "Matsushima Keiko Road!

Crazy, if this woman doesn’t die, she doesn’t know how many people are going to hurt.

However, she is right in saying that poor people will be long-lived, why have you ever seen rich people be long-lived, because they are enjoying life!

"It seems that you have finished speaking..." Su Hang shook his head, his words directly with a little coldness!

"No, you said you wouldn't kill me!" Keiko Matsushima exclaimed, she had a very bad feeling, Suhang will definitely kill her!

Su Hang shrugged, "Relax, since I promised you, I will definitely not kill you, but they may not necessarily let you go!"

Outside, many creature-modified monsters are constantly flapping the door of the operating room.

The terrifying roar made Matsushima Keiko's heartbroken!

"No, you can't do this!" Keiko Matsushima shouted loudly, struggling hard, trying to struggle off the operating table, but to no avail.

On the other side, Su Hang has opened the door, and the outside is full of monsters that have become strangely shaped and crazy because of the failure of the experiment.

Under the impulsive force, all monsters automatically gave way and waited for Su Hang to pass through immediately.

"Ah, no, save me..."

Behind, a horrified howling came from the laboratory.

"Okay, don't save you!" Su Hang's mouth smiled, like this vicious woman, such a death method is the biggest punishment for her!

The evil that he planted, naturally let her taste it!

Not long after that, Keiko Matsushima's shouts were gone, and he looked around. Only a **** arm remained on the operating table in the laboratory.

A long tongue shot from the mouth of a reformed monster resembling a big lizard, rolled up that arm, and put it directly into his mouth.

It turned out to be torn apart, the bones are gone!


Before these people evacuated, it seemed that all the monsters under study were released. The entire eighteenth floor was filled with monsters.

They are all guinea pigs that have failed research, all kinds of strange shapes, and some are even disgusting.

Among them, some are unconscious mechanical transformation people, more are biological transformation people, there are also transformation beasts, and even some failed genetically modified creatures. Among them, Su Hang’s inexplicable Help the trash, it's so good to die, **** it!

Forced by momentum, these crazy monsters dare not dare to approach Su Hang.

After passing through the consciousness, he quickly found the passage of the next floor, and violently demolished and entered the 19th floor.

On the 19th floor, the light is dark!

The temperature is also much lower than the above. The eyes open night vision and sweep through the circle. This space is very wide, more like a big cave, but the surrounding walls are all boxy and light blue!

There are many strange symbols engraved on the wall, and no text can be seen. Besides, it is empty!

Su Hang thought, should this be the so-called ancient ruins in Matsushima Keiko's mouth?

"Malicious intruder found, clear it!"

At this time, a mechanical sound suddenly sounded in the darkness, and then Su Hang saw several openings in the surrounding walls, and gun barrels covered with mysterious lines stretched out and automatically aimed at him. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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