Super Study God

Chapter 888: What a ruthless person!

The little toad also looked around curiously, but Mituo said that the child should not get it back.

With Mido next to him, I was not afraid, and Su Hang also turned behind the big reef.

"Boy, I'm going to kill you."

Being onlookers, shame.

However, he did not stop at all, just like eating Xuanmai.

Suzuno's male eyes burst into blood, and he looked at Su Hang with anger, as if he was going to swallow Su Hangsheng alive. However, his movements did not stop for half a minute.

If you go on like this, you will catch fire if you don't bleed.

"Ah, this man is useless."

Mi Tuo shook his head, covering the eyes of the little toad, with mercy on his face, and said, "Color is empty, empty is color, why can't you see through it?"

It is indeed abolished, even if it looks like a master of Tianzun Realm?


At this time, the male Suzuno was filled with anger, and he stood up abruptly, grabbing the arm of his right hand with his left hand, and ripped furiously.


Blood hurricane, **** picture.

This guy was a ruthless man, and even ripped off his completely uncontrollable right hand.

Su Hang's face shook, but it came out like this, I am afraid that the red line is useless. After all, his right hand is gone.

"I am grass."

Wang Fang was also shocked, and subconsciously stepped back, watching this **** scene up close, it was really touching.

The unicorn arm, just like that, it's too cruel.

The blood stopped quickly, and Susano stood up, clutching his ripped right arm in his left hand. His face was slightly pale, and his feet were dull, but the expression on his face was relieved.

Finally, the impulse in my heart was successfully contained.

However, in the next scene, Su Hang was a little vomited, and saw Suzuno's male mouth exaggerated, swallowing the right arm that he pulled off.


Wang fried spit out anyway!

"Jin Jie..."

After chewing a few bites, he fell down, and Suzuno's eyes were red and full of madness.

"I wiped it. This buddy is so perverted. Just now if he chose not to cut his arm, but from the palace, I don't know if he would swallow it?" Wang fried and uttered.

Su Hang was so cold that the picture was too beautiful to dare to imagine.

Beside, Mituo looked at Suzuo's man, but his brow was frowned, "This man..."

Seems to have something to say.

At this time, Suzuno had looked at them, and his eyes fell on Su Hang, full of killing and bloodthirsty, "Boy, you **** you."

Every word is squeezed out of the teeth, endless hatred.

Thinking of being such a great master, he was actually folded into the hands of a boy in the same Dao Realm, and it was inexplicable. After losing such a large person, the anger in the heart of Suzuno can be imagined.

A bang.

The purple flame on his body ignited again, rising a few feet high, and the momentum was terrifying.

"I can't think of the current planet of the planet, actually hiding dragons and lying tigers."

Mi Tuo was also surprised. He secretly weighed himself. If he had not broken through the Heavenly Realm, he met this person today. I'm afraid I don't know if I can clean it up.

At the moment, not waiting for Susaku's shot, Mito flew straight out.

"Great mercy and compassion."

Mi Tuo flew to Susuo Nan immediately, and Susuo Nan's pupils shrank suddenly. Obviously, Mi Tuo's speed shocked him, and when he looked up subconsciously, he only saw a huge palm print and fell into the sky.


The whole island was trembling, mud and rocks were flying, huge waves were forming, and a huge handprint was formed on the beach. The shock wave scattered away. Su Hang quickly took the little toad in one hand and the king fried in the other, and flew back.

Mi Tuo fell to the ground, standing next to the giant pit, his hands folded on his chest, "My Buddha is merciful."

The sea breeze blows, the monk robe hunts, and Mituo's face looks like a false compassion, which is really bright enough.


Wang Zong and Toad touched their own bald heads with their hands at the same time, their eyes brightened, as if this was the first time they had seen Mi Tuo shot.

Wu Pin Tian Zun Jing, dealing with a Suzaku man in a Venerable Realm, isn't it like playing?

On the beach, a huge palm-shaped deep hole.

In the center of the palm print, a person was photographed, face down, deeply photographed into the soil, it was the male of Susuke.


Susano moved hard, kneeling on one knee and half on the ground, his face flushed red, and finally he couldn't help but spit out blood, raised his head vigorously, and looked at the side of the pit with horror. Mido, "How is it possible?"

Yeah, how is it possible? He is a man who is known as the **** of tyranny, and he can't bear this bald head.

Mi Tuo pinched a tactic and pointed to the male of Susuke. At once, a 4D Buddha mark flew towards the male of Susuo, which was right in front of the male of Susuo.

The flame-shaped markings on the eyebrows immediately went out, and the whole person of Susano quickly languished, and the blood in his eyes subsided, revealing a bit of black eyes.

Susano was horrified, because he couldn't feel the powerful and tyrannical power in his body.

"Come on, monk, I have sealed his strength." At this time, Mi Tuo said to Su Hang Road, the gesture was very chic.

A few people came over, Wang Zong narrowed his neck and looked into the pit, and asked Su Hang, "Who is this buddy? Why can't you go with you?"

Mituo also looked at Su Hang, wondering how Su Hang provoked such monsters.

Su Hang shrugged. "It seems to be a man called Susuke. An old monster in the island country was released by a group of islanders. It is a very old existence."

"Man of Susuke?" Wang Biao was shocked when he heard, "The tyrannical **** believed by Shinto in the island country?"

Su Hang nodded island country is so mythical, and Wang Bian knows not that it is uncommon.

Wang Zong touched his bald head and couldn't help but carefully looked at Susano's men for a while.

"I heard that this buddy is an extremely cruel existence. Our village once came to an old **** of the island country. I heard him mention it. It is said that in order to become a true god, this buddy not only gave the island’s first fierce beast, the big beast. I ate it and swallowed all his parents alive, and finally was destroyed by his sister Tianzhao Dayuzun and his sister Yueduming jointly. I wonder if that rumor is a bit true or false. See this product?" Wang fried.


Su Hang froze for a moment, and this legend?

Think about it, this guy just madly threatened to eat himself up, Su Hang felt that Wang Fang was also very likely.

"His parents are said to be from a mechanical literary star called Gao Tianyuan. He should be the earliest group of reformers in the ancient island country. He was so cruel, so I don't know what transformation method to use?" Su Hangdao. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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