Super Study God

Chapter 890: Intangible Cultural Heritage!

Suddenly, Wang Zong said with great care, "This old monk is quite a baby toad. I guess the young toad is not his son or his descendant."

"Haha!" Su Hang smiled when he heard it.

"What are you laughing at?" Wang Zui looked at Su Hang inexplicably, but he was very serious.

Su Hangdao, "You can come under his door, it has been a blessing you have cultivated in a few lifetimes, Brother Wang, cherish it, don't think about returning to the Daomen Gate, the small door and small households can't shut you!"

"Are you kidding me? How can the Shendao Gate be half as heavy as the Miyin Temple? I stayed well at the Shendao Gate. Why should I run the Miyin Temple as a monk? In the end, who is he? I don't even know his name "" Wang fried.

Su Hang shook his head, "Afraid to scare you!"

Upon hearing it, Wang Zui was unhappy, "I Wang Zangtian is not afraid of fear, can you still scare me? Unless he is a Buddha!"

"Hehe!" Su Hang chuckled, "Although he is not like the Buddha, but his identity is higher than that of the Buddha, outsiders call him Master Amitabha, and Buddhist disciples worship him as Amitabha. If the Buddha came to see him, he must be called a Master. So, strictly speaking, can you now be regarded as the same disciple of the same Buddha?"

Wang Biao listened, and froze for a second.

"You're funny to me, I'm so stupid to believe you!" Wang exploded speechless for a while, apparently he didn't believe Suhang!

Yes, this kind of words, no matter who puts on them, I am afraid they will only be regarded as a joke.

"Believe it or not, you will know it in the future!" Su Hang was not surprised, just smiled. After all, Wang Bian only had a congenital realm and limited vision. When Mita took him back to the Amitabha galaxy, when he saw the Buddha, he did not believe it. I have to believe it.

Between the two talking, Mita and Little Toad had already tried their clothes. Little Toad changed into a set of children's clothing, wearing a toad mirror and wearing a big bald head, but it was a little cute. The female shopping guides in the store loved to tease him.

Mi Tuo changed into casual clothes and watched the little toads in the woman's heap. They couldn't help but feel emotional. Her past life had also liked women, but it was a monk.

One old and one young, wearing parent-child outfits, dressed the same, wearing a bald head, walking on the road, attracting left and right to look around, Su Hang and Wang blasted behind, looking at the pair of young and old in the front A little regret, this changed clothes, it seems more conspicuous.

The key is that this pass to shopping, it took a lot of tickets for Su Air!


A few people seemed to have walked around the city as if they had never been in the city.

"Lying trough, this city is really beautiful!"

In the evening, after eating from a flies restaurant in a dark alley, Wang Fried was drunk and drunk.

On both sides of the street, when the lantern was on, some shops were closed during the day, the doors were opened, and the lights were on!

Looking at it all the way, why do you sell big swords?

The roller shutter door opened, revealing two glass doors. Behind the glass door, there were two beautiful women with thick makeup and beautiful flowers.

There are dozens of such stores on the street, and every one of them is the same!

A glance at the past is like going to the Qinglou Chicken House, and Wang Fried's eyes are green!

Not only the king fried, but also the eyes of the next Mita and the little toad became green!

The little toad just drank some wine. He and Wang Zu were really drunk, but the old monk Mita was pretending to be drunk.

"Master, I want to wash my feet!" Wang fried.

Mido's eyes lit up, pretending to be drunk, "Amitabha, these female bodhisattvas, who are physical and mortal to the world, are devoted to the way. It is really respectable. Let's go and worship as a teacher!"

"Amitabha, the young monk is also going!" said the little toad.

"I'm going!" Su Hang rolled his eyes when he heard it!

This old and young is not a good thing. I don't know how to obey the rules and regulations. To be a sword and to find such a sound reason, being a monk for this part makes people unable to talk.

"Then go with it!" Mito laughed!

Su Hang was speechless, "I'm going" is just a tone word, we didn't say that we want to go with you.

"I'm going to go to you. In addition, the little toad is not allowed to go." Su Hangdao!

The little toad is still so small, even if it was taken by Mito to drink and eat meat, why should he take it to that kind of place?

"Brother Su, I'm going!" Little Toad heard the words and looked at Su Hang with sorrow!

"Not allowed to go!" Su Hang's serious face, how can a child go to that kind of place?

Toad's drunken face was full of disappointment.

At this time, Mi Tuo opened his mouth, touched the little frog's bald head, and faced Su Sudao. Blend!"

"Hey! Nima's!"

Su Hang opened his mouth and said nothing. At a glance, Mito regarded the little toad as his previous life. Although it was bizarre, the little toad was him, and he was the little toad.

What's more, Mituo will definitely not let the little toad out of his sight, protect the past life, but his first priority!

This is too much of a fuss about himself, and the little toad is the one who cares about him! Su Hang couldn't help laughing!

"Forget it, how about your love, I'll go to the opposite teahouse for a while, you hurry!" Su Hang said helplessly.

The three were delighted, and they didn't care about Su Hang, so they went directly to the place.

On one street, there are too many such shops, which makes people look dazzling. Guliang is more fragrant than one, and three bald heads. It seems that they don't know how to choose.

"Eh, Master, this is good, it's still intangible cultural heritage!" Wang Biao suddenly called!

Su Hang was walking towards the teahouse across the street, and when he heard Wang Chuang's cry, he looked back!

The three bald heads stood in front of a sword shop, and a shiny signboard, "Intangible Cultural Heritage", hung on the shop door.

I'm going, can this be applied for?

Thousands of worlds are truly unique.

The three bald heads have been warmly welcomed by the and they were dragged into the store even after two or three strokes.

"Alas, color is empty, and air is color!"

Su Hang shook his head and left them to toss, went to the teahouse himself, asked for a pot of tea, drank himself, and waited for them to finish.

There are little frogs following, and they wouldn't play too much if they wanted to come.

What's this called?

Su Hang thought about it, it was quite speechless. I already knew how good it would be to go back to Suxi if I shouldn’t bring them out today. Now I’m making myself look like something.

"Scrumbling, where is the trouble?"

"Old rogue, get away with me!"


Su Hang was drinking herself, and when she was drinking vigorously, there was a scream of women across from her. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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