Super Study God

Chapter 896: Take it if you want!

At this moment, when meeting this big enemy, can the Raptors not be angry?

"Hahaha!" The Raptors smiled angrily. "It's true that there is a way for heaven, you don't go, there is no hell, you break in, boy, I didn't go to you, you go to your door, you have a new account today. Old accounts are calculated together."

The eyes glowed with deep light, which made people feel palpitations, like a crazy wolf who ate people!

Su Hang looked at him with a pityful expression, "Well, a good decent person, who wants to fall into the evil way, is it worthy of your grandfather?"

"Huh, I don't speak cool words there. I have a field like today. I haven't been forced by you yet?" The Raptor sneered, and he can see that he was already very extreme, and now he is more extreme, "And , I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it now, what I want to do, whoever I want to kill, I’m at ease and free."

After all, the Raptors looked at Su Hang coldly, "Hand over the Seven Star Sword, I might make you die so ugly!"

"What seven-star sword?" Su Hang froze for a moment, looking a little dazed.

The face of the Raptor became extremely ugly, "Is it right? Garlic? It seems that you will not be honest without giving you a little bit of awesome look. Today, I will let you taste what it means to survive, not to die!" "

With that said, the black streamer was raised in his hand, implying a threat!

At this time, Zhuang Tianhu looked over and whispered to Su Hang, "The Seven Star Sword is the inheritance of the True Truth. It is said to be a sword of the Xianbao level!"

In this way, Su Hang was somewhat impressed. When he let the Raptors leave, it seemed that he really grabbed him a sword!

Rummage through the storage ring and find the sword in a corner!

There are so many things, there are more good things, so that Suhang has not used this sword for a long time!

There is a seven-star sword array on the sword, which can increase the power of sword energy.

At first, this sword was indeed a treasure on the earth, but now, the treasure of the Xianbao level is basically difficult to enter the eyes of Su Hang!

Moreover, there is a seal on this sword, which is even more tasteless for Suhang!

However, when the Raptors saw the sword in Su Hang's hands, the whole person's eyes gave out light, and his breath became very fast!

"Give me the sword!" the Raptors said in a deep voice.

There is a great threat between the words. Today is different. In the past, in order to avenge the hatred, he fell into the evil way and practiced the forbidden art. Although Wan Guiwa has not yet achieved success, his strength growth is extremely terrifying. He believes that even if A monk in Jindan Realm, when he meets his ten thousand ghost streamers, he can only avoid his edge!

This 10,000 ghost stream was enough for him to run wild in China. It is undeniable that in his view, Su Hang was a bit capable, and he had tossed him enough, but he did not think that Su Hang was really capable!

In the same words, even if Su Hang does not come to him today, he will go to Su Hang. He wants to get back his own things, and by the way take the suicide of Su Hang to relieve his hatred.

"To you? You said this thing?" Su Hangyang raised the Seven Star Sword in his hand and smiled, "If you want it, just say it. You don't say how do I know you want it?"


Zhuang Tianhu listened next to him, he could not help sweating on his forehead, my ancestors, what time is it, are you still in a mood to joke?

Su Hang is undoubtedly infuriating the Raptors. Zhuang Tianhu can already feel that the Raptors are about to explode and he quickly hides. He is full of fear of the Raptors' means.

"Give me!" The Raptors reached out a hand, his voice deeper and more angry!

There is no doubt that Su Hang is provoking him, Hong Guoguo's provocation, which makes the anger in the Raptors' heart burn to the top.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "Okay, take it, pick it up."

When the words fell, Su Hang directly threw the Seven Star Sword in his hand to the Raptors!

Count your acquaintance!

There was a bit of evil smile in the corner of the Raptor's mouth. This kid was really afraid of himself, and could not bear the threat, and obediently handed over the things!

But, do you think I will let you go if you hand over the stuff? It's really naive!

The Raptors reached out to the flying Seven Star Sword, already thinking about how to torture Su Hang later!

However, the next second, the Raptor's face began to panic. When his hand touched the sword's body, he found that he couldn't hold it at all. The strength of the sword's body was completely beyond his. Imagine.


Everything was in an instant, and the sword was like a cannonball, directly hitting the raptor's chest.

The raptor seemed to be hit by a tank and flew out in an instant. The ten thousand ghost streamers flew out!


Zhuang Tianhu was watching beside him, his eyes were about to fall out, and he was still wondering, how could Su Hang so easily recognize the counsel and return the sword to the Raptors.

Unexpectedly, the Raptors will be shot directly by the sword thrown by Su Hang.


The raptor crashed to the ground, his chest completely collapsed, and the entire chest was sparse.

The seven-star sword was attached to his chest with a scabbard.

The scene was spectacular in blood.

Su Hang wandered over, and the two eyes of the Raptor looked at him in disbelief, his mouth opened, and he wanted to speak, but only the blood he spit out!

"Oh, you can't take it for you, why are you so useless?"

Su Hang said a word, but this is probably the last sound that the Raptors can hear.

After a spit of old blood, the Raptors lowered their heads in despair, and there was no sound at all!

Too weak, weak and pretend to force, this is not to die faster?

Originally, Su Hang was not very embarrassed to start with him. A monk in a congenital realm pretended to be a monk in a common realm. Isn't this a death?

Su Hang has not used 1% of its strength just now, but it is still not something the Raptors can contend with!

This old way has fallen into the evil way, and now it is dead, but it is dead, so as not to harm the world The last time he let him go, it has been given him a chance, but unfortunately he does not know to cherish!


As Su Hang was about to take out the Seven Star Sword, the raptor that had hung up suddenly opened his eyes.

The special code almost shocked Su Hang. I saw the Raptors' facial features twisted, just like trying to **** in the last breath.

The scabbard of the seven-star sword lighted up at once, and the blood on the raptor's body ran wildly towards the sword body, and was quickly absorbed by the sword body!

The Raptor's body is like a sponge, and it quickly withered away, and it became a corpse in a moment!


In a flash, the black Yin Qi on the Raptors collapsed!

The faint red light on Qixingjian also disappeared!

"Huh?" Su Hang froze for a moment, reached out and picked up the Seven Star Sword! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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