Super Study God

Chapter 898: Take you to a place!

Zhuang Tianhu Khan was sweating, "I am Zhuang Lao Gui, there are so many Zhuang Lao Gui there, there are so many strong men in this world, I don’t have any ideals to unify the ghost world, I just want to gamble when I am free My gang of brothers are trapped in this stream, and nobody is playing mahjong with me. What's the point of my ghost life?"


Su Hang was speechless for a while and was speechless. For an old gambler, what could be more sad than not betting?

Su Hang just wanted to test him. If the old ghost really accepted this treasure, then Su Hang would have to consider how to treat this old ghost!

Fortunately, I was not disappointed!

Su Hang put away the ten thousand ghost streamers and said, "Let's think long!"

"Brother Su?" Zhuang Lao Gui refused to kneel on the ground.

Su Hangdao, "The spirits in this stream are sacrificed by the fire, and they are suffocating one by one. At this time, let them out, but thousands of fierce ghosts, can you manage it?"

"This..." Zhuang Lao Gui was speechless, only staring at Su Hang, and said after a while, "Brother Su is magical, you must have a way? Ask Brother Su to save!"

Having said that, he raised his head at Su Hang, and even though it was only the soul body, he could hear his voice grabbing the ground with his head!

"Get up! Really when I am omnipotent?" Su Hang was helpless, "I will find a monk to give them a little more time to talk about it!"

"Thank you Brothers Su!" Zhuang Tianhu was overjoyed and gave a few reverberations to Su Hang before he got up.



After a night of delay, Su Hangjue didn't sleep well. When he returned to his residence, Suhang threw the Wangui streamer to the little toad to save the ghosts and ghosts. Mituo would definitely not do it, and it took a little mana. It doesn't matter, the key is too tired!

What's more, the merits of this kind of exhaustion, Mit surely cannot be ignored.

Therefore, Su Hang found the little toad. Although this little guy was the previous life of Mita, it was also unreliable, but what he said to Su Hang was obedient, and even Miao could not control it.

As long as Su Hang greets, Little Toad guarantees to run faster than anyone else. Su Hang blames it on personality charm.

This time Su Hang explained the task, and the little toad was also glad to accept it. Of course, Su Hang knew very well that with the ability of the little toad, it was basically impossible to save so many ghosts and ghosts in a short time.

However, there is still Mita behind the little toad. Starting from the little toad, I am not afraid that Mita will not fail. After all, it is dangerous to spend the soul of the dead, and Mita will definitely shoot.

This is what Su Hang can think of. The best way to repair Miao, a lazy monk, is there anything he wants to help him in the future. Instead of looking for him, just look for the little toad. Who makes the little toad the previous life of Mita?

Of course, Mituo also knows what abacus Su Hang is doing, and he is quite depressed!

"Brother Su, have a discussion!"

Su Hang is about to make up a lie, and Wang Zuihe finds him with a smile!

Su Hang glanced at him, "Looking at you, it's definitely not a good thing!"

Wang Zujian laughed aloud, regardless of whether Su Hang agreed or not, "I want to borrow a few devils!"

"Borrow kid?" Su Hang frowned and looked up at him. "Why are you borrowing a kid?"

When Su Hang came back last night, Zhuang Tianhu also came back. At that time, Wang Fang was taken aback. Unexpectedly, this early morning, he came to find himself just to borrow a ghost!

This kid is not a monk Xuanmen, what's the use of the kid?

Wang Zuidao said, "The puppets made out of my earth spirit have no form but no gods, so yeah, I want to try a few ghosts to see if I can combine them with the puppets. My'Aruba's Fury' might increase its power!"

"Uh, my goodness!" Su Hang was lying on the couch without a word, and he was really convinced.

"Say, is it okay? Isn't there so many ghosts and ghosts trapped in the ten thousand ghost streamers? Borrow me to chant!" Wang fried.

Su Hang gave him a blank look. "That's up to me, and ghosts are also conscious. If you want to enslave them, you have to be willing to do what they want, and it's not feasible for me to win over!"

"That's why I'm looking for you!" Wang Zui said with a shy expression.

Su Hang shook his head, "It's useless to find me, wait for the little toads to spend them, you can go to them and ask, if you are willing to follow you, although you play!"

"Uh..." Wang fried his skin with a shudder. Those were ghosts. He came to Suhang because he was in a daze.

"In other words, go to your master, the old monk's ability, don't let you get a few ghosts, if you look at the Buddha and Bodhisattva in Leiyin Temple, don't you pick it casually?" Su Hangdao.

Wang Biao had a bitter face and hadn't spoken yet. Mituo came downstairs. "Don't look for me for this kind of thing. I encourage invention. Whatever he wants to do, it's fine!"

Special code, if you don't want to help, you don't want to help, but I still say so impressively.

Bai Mitu glanced, I have never seen such a master, this old monk really has a character problem.

"Look, your master doesn't help you, how can this outsider help you!" Su Hang exploded at Wang.

He said, got up from the sofa and patted Wang Zong's shoulder. "In other words, your Master is indeed a bull, but well, often pitting disciples, you have to be careful to guard against points in the future!"

"What nonsense?"

Mido listened beside him, very unhappy, where there are people who speak bad things in front of them.

Su Hang smiled and stepped forward to wrap Mita's shoulders, "Go, I will take you to a place!"

Mido froze for a moment, "Where are you going?"

For Su Hang, Mi Tuo is a little precautionary, always feels that Su Hang will pit him!

Su Hang dragged Mita to the window of the balcony and pointed to the sky, "There!"

Looking down on Su Hang's fingers, the rising sun rose like a big light bulb, pouring light and heat towards the ground!

Mi Tu looked back at Su Hang, his face twitched, "Are you kidding me?"

Su Hang shrugged. "Do you think I'm kidding? When did you flicker past you?"

Mi Tuo's face is a blow It seems to be saying, how often have you fooled me?

Wang blasted out and looked around. "No, don't you want to go to Japan..."


A voice sounded awkwardly.

Looking back, it was Chen San's goods.

I didn't know when this item came. The dress was only called a sharp, unkempt face, as if I hadn't slept all night, with a blank piece of paper hanging on my chest and back.

On the paper were written some crooked characters, "I am Brother Hang's friend!"

Frightened, as if he had just escaped.

"What's the matter?" Su Hang asked.

Chen Sanli immediately rushed to Su Hang, "Brother Hang, save me, I got a ghost last night!" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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