Super Study God

Chapter 905: Daliang Kingdom!

Su Hang saw the look next to him, couldn't help but tighten the back door, and sweated for Mita.


Mi Tuo lifted his hand and punched freely, hitting the Longyang Taoist with a nosebleed.


Although it was difficult to communicate with the Longyang Taoist, Su Hang also wanted to beat him several times, but finally he could bear it. From the mouth of the Longyang Taoist, he also knew that some of the general situation on this continent is the distribution of power.

There are eight major powers on the mainland. Because the yin and yang are upside down, this is a world where women are inferior to men. Most women are in power, and men are more of an accessory.

Just like the matriarchal society, it is even more terrifying than the matriarchal society.

The Wanbei Mountain Lingmu School, where the Longyang Daoist belongs, belongs to the Great Zhou Kingdom. In the Dazhou Kingdom's Taoist circle, it can also be regarded as the top ranking. The Longyang Daoist is the elder of the Lingmu School, and his status is extraordinary. , You have been living in seclusion on this edge for years.

It is a pity that such a worldly expert was tortured with bruised nose and swollen face because of Su Hang and Mido's sudden appearance.

But who made him a mother-of-pearl?

The Dazhou Kingdom lives in the southeast of the mainland, the surname is Wu, and the territory is vast. The eight major powers in the mainland also exist in the forefront. Today, the female emperor Wu Yingtian has already existed in a common state, and has ruled the Dazhou Kingdom for more than 500 years.

This secluded residence is located on the border of the Great Zhou Kingdom. As for why the Longyang Taoists would find such a remote place to live in seclusion, senior seniors, although men do not behave properly, the Longyang Taoists are still considered to be high in the monastic circle of big countries. people.

"The two came to this world and didn't know what happened?" The Taoist of Longyang covered his face, and he was a little afraid of Mido.

Su Hangdao, "We are here to find something..."

"What?" The Taoist of Longyang immediately asked, "If nothing else, although Longyang is not good, I still have a little energy in the territorial boundaries of the Great Zhou Kingdom. What are you looking for? You might as well listen to it, maybe People can help you too!"

After being beaten, I am still so enthusiastic.

Su Hang crossed a black line on his forehead, opened his mouth, but shook his head. "I don't know what I'm looking for!"

"What?" Long Yang immediately froze, didn't know what he was looking for? Is it funny?

Surprisingly, when he looked at Su Hang and Mido, Long Yang thought that the two of them were afraid of something inexplicable and didn't want to tell themselves.

Looking at the black face of Mituo, Longyang did not dare to ask more, for fear that Mituo would be beaten again.

Su Hang was smiling bitterly, but he was telling the truth, and he really didn't know what to look for.

Hong Jun gave him a proverb, he only guessed that there is something inside the sun, but he didn't expect that there is not only something in it, but also such a world of ups and downs.

If you look like the moon, you can find what you are looking for in a space, and you can see everything at a glance. In this case, it is basically a white run.

Such a large continent, you don't know what to look for, but also a bird?

Su Hang only knew that it was an extraordinary thing, but he didn't know exactly what it was.

"What kind of treasure do you have in this world, what kind of treasure do you have, take it out!" Or Mi Tuo rudely, stretched out his hand directly to Long Yang!

When Long Yang heard it, his face was green, and he looked at the two of Su Hang with alert look. "You two come to this world, are you here to rob?"

When Nima opened her mouth, she was asked to take the baby out. It looked like a robbery.

Long Yang laughed, "Oh, good or bad, scary!"

"Mommy!" Mituo couldn't hear this sound, and when she heard it, she was so angry that she grabbed Long Yang's clothes. "Otherwise, the Buddhist monk would kill him, monk, I must find something **** to die today, my old lady cannon!!"

"Oh, you hurt others!" Long Yang reached out and patted the back of Mi Tuo's hand, Jiaolan!

"I'm going to Nima!" Mituo extended her hand and threw Long Yang to the ground, shaking her hand, a disgusting look.

Oh my god, Su Hang slapped his forehead vigorously, which is really speechless!

Long Yang took care of his clothes and said, "They are hiding in the mountains, and they are just a monk returning to the virtual world. Where will there be any treasures? If you want to find treasures, you should go to those big ones!"

"I heard that there is a strange treasure next to the Liang Guoguo, and the Liang Guoguo's master was shocked. These few days are busy, you two might as well go and see?" Long Yang continued.

"Yibao? What is it?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

Long Yang shook his head. "I don't know very well. I only heard that Jinwu was born. This Jinwu is auspicious. There must be treasures wherever he appears."


Su Hang paused, looked at Mi Tuo, and said, "Where is Da Liang Guo?"

"Going forward, over the mountain in front, is the territory of the Liangyang Kingdom, and then 3,000 miles east is the capital of the Liangyang Kingdom!" Longyang pointed to a mountain road in the east!

The Jinwu Clan is the Sun God Clan. Does it exist in this world? I've only heard of Phoenix without treasures before. Does Jinwu also have this function?

Both Su Hang and Mido are people with broad horizons. Anything that appears in Jinwu will have treasures. This statement is probably unreliable. No matter whether the Jinwu ethnic group or the Phoenix ethnic group are powerful races, if they find any treasures Special ability, even if you find a treasure, can you still give it away?

But in any case, Long Yang said quite seriously, the two Su Hang came here, did not rush to leave, go around, right to travel this new world.

"Otherwise, let's take a look?" Su Hang said to Mido.

Without thinking much, Mitu nodded and was independent of the world of space-time and space outside of the universe. It was still very attractive to Mituo.

"Do you want to go? It's getting late, why not stay overnight, they admire the two Dao brothers..."

Long Yang didn't finish a word, Mituo glared at him, and straightened back what Long Yang said.


Mi Tu waved her sleeves, just want to hurry away from this old lady gun.

" He seems to like you!" After leaving Youranju, Su Hang teased at Mi Tu who was walking beside him.

"Get off!" Mituo's cold face made him feel sick and disgusted when he remembered the old lady's appearance!

"Brother Dao, are you going to the Liang Kingdom? Can you take me all the way?" At this time, a voice came from behind.

The Taoist of Longyang stood at the door of Yuranju Xiaoyuan. A lady looked like Gui Guilang, and her eyes with emotions shuddered.

"Then what, Su Hang, please wait for me for a moment!" Mi Tuo said, turned around and punched his sleeves, and went to Longyang Taoist!




Daliang Kingdom!

Several heroic female soldiers were on duty at the gate of the city, and each of them was five big and three thick. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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