Super Study God

Chapter 908: Master, what is your morality?


The following is a lot of discussion, the magnificent prince of the country, actually like men?

Although this man behaves rudely like a woman, he is always a man!

Su Hang listened to the following discussion and felt that it was getting worse and worse, and he immediately stepped down, but this time, it was pitted by Mita.

"Little brother, stay here!" At this moment, Li Ruokong's voice rang.

"Uh!" Su Hang looked back and looked at Li Ruokong in the attic.

"Bold, don't you salute when you see my emperor?" A female officer next to him yelled at Su Hang.

Li Ruokong gently raised his hand and blocked the female officer's words back.

Li Ruokong looked at Su Hang, "What's your name?"

If people are in rivers and lakes, they can't leave their real names. Su Hang is already in a bad situation and is ready to run, and there will be an idiot to report his name.

"It's just a tourist passing by below, unknown juniors, not enough, but I heard that the winner of today's contest, your majesty will have a treasure gift, I don't know where the treasure is!" Su Hangdao.

It's really bold, how dare to talk to the empress like that, it's just wanton, and it's clearly looking for death!

"Hehe!" Li Ruokong laughed, and did not know whether she was really laughing, "This is your purpose?"

"Otherwise?" Su Hang shrugged. "I heard people say that the Daliang State-owned Jinwu appeared, and there must be treasures in this world. It was only a thousand miles from the country that came to the Daliang Kingdom. I don't know what the country mainly sent. Is that the treasure? "

It’s too straightforward, I don’t know how to be euphemistic, maybe Su Hang is so bold because of the presence of Mido. After all, in such a small place, Su Hang can feel several more than him. Stronger momentum!


Li Ruokong finally laughed, this smile, but it was a little puzzled in Su Hang's heart.

Suddenly, Li Ruokong closed his laughter and looked at Su Hang with a cold eye. "I said, why did my Da Liang Guo suddenly come to this class of masters? It turns out that like those guys, they all came for the treasure! "

When Su Hang heard it, he immediately felt that there was a drama. This Liang Guoguo was really treasured, and the baby seemed very simple. It seemed that it caused a lot of covetment!

"However, you made a wrong idea. Today's contest, although the winner also has a gift from each other, this treasure is not another treasure!" Li Ruokong said.

"That's it?" Su Hang felt a little bit bad!

Li Ruo empty-handedly pointed to the charming man next to him.

The man's face was a little bit shy, his head flushed down.

My grass, you blush!

Looking at the man, there were red moles on the face that could not be covered by the fat powder. There was nothing between the crossed legs, and the skin was white and tender, only Suhang was disgusted.

"Isn't it? You don't take such a person!" Su Hang instantly felt that the whole person was bad!

The corner of Li Ruokong's mouth is curved, "Yes, I want to choose a pony for my emperor today. Congratulations, young man, you have been taken by my emperor. The emperor is my favorite baby. !"

I'm losing your mother, what about international jokes?

Su Hang almost didn't scold, "Your joke is not funny at all, I am a pure man, don't disturb the base, you are looking for the wrong person!"

This time Suhang understands that there are not many masters around this ring. Why didn't you say one by one to get up and go to a family? It turns out that this Nima is clearly a pit.

Su Hang was about to leave, but Li Ruokong waved his hand and a line of female soldiers immediately ran over to stop Su Hang!

Just these few soldiers, you want to stop yourself? It's too ridiculous.

"Why, I want to leave when I win the ring. Where do you put my face of Liangyang?" Su Hang was about to start, Li Ruokong sneered coldly.

"Don't fight, don't fight!" Then the emperor shouted out next to her, and she looked so unbearable.

Li Ruokong said, "It's rare that the emperor likes you. Although you don't have the virtue and virtue of ordinary men, I don't care about you. I also like the strong..."


Su Hang paused for a moment, curved a corner of his mouth, turned his head back to Li Ruokong in the attic, and arched his hand, "Your Majesty, if you are a strong man, I am afraid I won't be able to turn me in any way. I know a person must be

The strongest man in the world on this side! "

Su Hang's remarks immediately alarmed the Quartet. Everyone started talking about it. Actually in such a big tone, the strongest man?

However, when Mituo heard this, his face was green, and the back door was a little cold!

"Oh? Who?"

Li Ruokong looked at Su Hang with surprise, the strongest man? Under the sky, who dares to call this?


Su Hang pointed directly at the crowd, it was Mido.

At this moment, including Li Ruokong, everyone looked at Mituo.

The result was great disappointment, who thought he would be a handsome man, but unexpectedly a bald old monk!

Mi Tuo swallowed, and his head crashed.

Li Ruokong was also very disappointed, because in her eyes, Mituo was just an ordinary old man,

Su Hang did not panic. He said, "His Majesty, don't be fooled by his appearance. He used the technique of change. He deliberately became old and ugly. His deity is a very good man..."

During the speech, Su Hang jumped off the ring, grabbed Mi Tuo's beard, and dragged Mi Tuo who had not yet figured out the situation.

The art of change?

Li Ruokong's brow furrowed, and there was a bit of doubt between Meiyu. After all, the technique of change was extremely profound, and she had never seen it with her own eyes.

However, after seeing Su Hang's next technique of change, from male to female to beast, Li Ruokong believed.

"what are you doing?"

Mitu squeezed a sentence from the teeth to Su Hang, is this kid ready to pit himself in turn?

At this time, Li Ruokong's eyes had fallen on Mita, "Why doesn't this superior show his deity?"

If this monk is really as Su Hang said, is a master, even she can't see any traces, just like ordinary people, then this person's cultivation must be higher than her. too much.

"Who told you to fix me, of course I have to pull you into the water, blessed and shared, and difficult to be the same." Su Hang looked at Mi Tu with joy, the green and red face of the old monk really made Su Hang carefree.

Be your sister!

Mido gave Su Hang a glance.

Mi Tuo thought left and right, suddenly raised her orchid finger, twisted her **** a few steps forward, and cast a wink at Li Ruokong in the attic, "Xiaomin is just an ordinary man. Don’t listen to this man’s nonsense, but they are really pure men, unlike him, men and women.”

After finishing speaking, he despised Su Hang.

I am grass!

Su Hang almost vomited.

Master Mito, what is your special morality? (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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