Super Study God

Chapter 912: Lady concubine!

"Master, what are you doing?" Su Hang stared blankly at Mi Tuo.

Mido swallowed, "You, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Master, haven't you awoke yet?" Su Hang still stared blankly at Mi Tuo.

The so-called catching thieves took the dirt, but it didn't get the dirt, and Mi Tuo didn't know why he was so inexplicably annoyed.

"Don't think I don't know, you have a bad stomach, you must have counted me, and say, what are you doing? What are you whispering with this girly girl?" Mido said.

Su Hang shrugged, spread his hands, and looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

The old monk couldn't get Suhang, but the male waiter next to him was different. Mituo grabbed it and glared up with two eyes. "What did you say?"

The male waiter was trembling with fright. Under the majesty of Mita, he dared not conceal anything, and shivered, "Song Gong commanded that the slave be given a pair of socks for you, and nothing else."


Mido froze for a moment, then looked down at his feet, wearing exactly the socks sent by the boy.

In thought, Mido understood something.

"Wow, you..." Mituo looked at Su Hang, and had nothing to say for a long time. "You are really in the blood."

"It is nothing special."

Su Hang shrugged. "Who told you to fix me, I can only pay for it with my teeth. Master, aren't you always thinking about finding a wife? I've helped you a lot!"

Mi Tuo pointed at Su Hang, his index finger trembling, really didn't know if he was angry, or was he angry, or was he angry?

There is no doubt that this guy, Su Hang, must have used the marriage line.

After trying my best to send myself a pair of socks, how could it be as simple as sending socks? The socks must have been made by Su Hang. What can be done on the socks? The only thing that can prevent Mita from being overwhelmed is the marriage line.

That is to say, Su Hang has drawn him a red line, and whom has he drawn?

Mi Tuoguang thought about it, and his heart was trembling. You know, this world, except the mother cannon is a man, every one is so terrifying.

"The decree arrives."

Mi Tuo was about to ask carefully, and at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a female officer brought in many palace men and fish.

The female officer looks beautiful and her face is cold and arrogant, holding a roll of golden imperial silk in her hand.

"Your Majesty has a purpose, and the two of you are not ready to kneel down yet?"

The female officer stood still and looked at Su Hang and Mido with a serious face, while the man next to him had already kneeled tremblingly, not only on his knees, but also prostrate on the ground.

"Kneel Nima, there is a fart."

Mi Tuo was engulfed by the fire in his stomach and there was no place to let it out. He immediately glared at the woman officer.

The female officer was angry when she heard it, but when the eyes of a pair of upper Mitos suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning, the whole body shuddered and shuddered.

Not daring to let the two kneel down, the female officer quickly unfolded the imperial edict, with a slightly trembling voice. Incorporated into the harem, titled Concubine..."


Mituo heard this, and his eyes turned black, and the sky was turning, almost without fainting.

Without waiting for the female officer to finish the decree, she grabbed one of them and looked at it carefully. She didn’t know how to read or read. She had to stare at the female officer again. "Did you make a mistake?"

It is absolutely wrong to make a mistake, obviously it should be Su Hang, how could it be you?

"No, it's not wrong. Your majesty's just-made will not dare to omit the word "Xiaguan".

The female officer was so scared that she immediately knelt with her slaves and servants in front of Mi Tuo, "Xiaguan to see the lady concubine."

"Well see the lady concubine." the slave slaves shouted in unison.

"I'm pushing you lungs."

Mita almost had myocardial infarction, and threw the decree in his hand to the ground.

"Ma'am, this is disrespectful."

The woman officer quickly picked up the imperial edict again, "Your majesty said, she wanted to see the lady of the concubine immediately, please ask the lady to bathe and change clothes, and then go to the palace to see the driver."

Mi Tuo's face was black and black, which was completely different from the script he imagined. After sleeping, not only did the script change, but also the director?

Looking back, Su Hang was lying on the ground with a smile, his hands thumping on the ground, no doubt, it was a good thing for this kid.


The palace!

Under the service of several handsome male waiters, Li Ruokong put on a domineering emperor's suit, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I just woke up and suddenly there was a whim. The old monk appeared in my mind. Li Ruokong didn't know why, but he thought it was a little cute, and then he couldn't help himself. The more he thought, the more he thought.

The ghost sent the gods to draw up a decree, and ordered people to pass on Mita. At this moment, Li Ruokong could not wait to see Mita.


"His Majesty……"

Just when Li Ruo hollowed out his head, a female officer hurried in.

When Li Ruokong looked back, the man had a swollen nose and a swollen face, as if he had been beaten up by a fat man.

"What's going on?" Li Ruokong frowned.

The woman officer knelt down on the ground quickly, "Your Majesty, he's running away!"

"Running?" Li Ruokong froze.

The female official said, "Just as soon as the minister declared the imperial edict, the lady of the concubine seized it, threw the imperial edict, and beat the micro imperial minister, and escaped with the Su Gongzi."


When Li Ruokong heard the words, he roared with rage!

The woman officer was photographed by Tianwei and was trembling with fear, not daring to look up at all.



Outside Yao City.

"Run, run, run..."

Mituo led Su Hang and panicked, what was muttering in his At this moment, it was already disturbed.

"Running? Didn't you say you want to stay for two more days?" Su Hang walked behind, looking at the Mita who was pushed by a dog in front, and could not help but ridicule.

This old monk has today, let me pit me, and let you taste the pit.

Mido glanced back at Su Hang, "Still leave a fart, don't you push me into the fire pit?"

"Who told you to pit me first?" Su Hang shrugged. "At least the lord Liang is still a woman, not losing you, right, lady concubine? Or let's go back, the glory and wealth of the palace are still waiting You go back and enjoy it!"

So annoying!

How can you be the master of Su Hang, who is a great master of Heavenly Realm?

Mido was so angry that he didn't take his breath, but looked at Su Hang with anger, who else could he blame at this time? It's just that harming others does not turn against others! (To be continued.) 8

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