Super Study God

Chapter 915: Let my sister hurt you!

Not at all according to the routine.

Su Hang was still thinking that he could enter the palace with Mi Tuo to take care of him. This time it seems to be GG.

Mi Tuo was obviously surprised, lying in Li Ruokong's arms, and wanted to speak, but was gently held by Li Ruokong with a finger, "I don't worry, I will take you back to the palace. Ask the best doctor to heal you."

God, what a love this is.

On the other side, several female soldiers came up, took an iron chain, and had **** Su Hang.

"Mother Emperor..." Li Luoyan panicked and wanted to plead with Su Hang.

However, Li Ruokong stared at him with a cold eye, and scared Li Luoyan to a tremble. The latter half of the sentence was stunned back.



A group of people left the wasteland in a mighty way. The **** of Su Hang was two enshrined enlightenments. They fell at the end of the team and gradually became out of touch with the big army. Two women enshrined and the old woman with gray hair, From left to right, Suhang was seen as dead.

This is to send Su Hang to the prison.

Although Su Hang didn’t know what the state of the Liangliang’s Heavenly Prison was, it’s certain that it was definitely not a good place, knowing that he was a monk, and shutting himself there, presumably in the prison. There is a way to trap the monk, once in, I am afraid it will be difficult to come out again.

On the way, Suhang had already thought about running away.

If you follow Mita into the palace, it’s okay to say, but now that the two have been separated, Su Hang will inevitably be a little flustered, and Tianzunjing master can break through the space. Without Mita, he can’t leave the world.

Li Ruokong, afraid that Su Hang and Mi Tuo were also intentionally separated, maybe the old lady's heart also regarded Su Hang as a rival.

Mistakes, blunders, unexpected changes like this.

"Boy, be honest, send you into the prison, we will go back to life, hello, we are as well."

"Dare to abduct the concubine, you are really courageous."


The two women enshrined you, and I said, there was no lack of run-up to Su Hang between them, and their faces were full of jokes and contempt.

Su Hang thought about things herself, and ignored them at all.

"I think this kid looks good and his flesh is tender. When he entered the prison, I was afraid that some might suffer. Sister, why don't we enjoy it first?"

"Second sister, you really don't change your heart."

"It's also good at eating, and my daughter is natural. There is no one here. Anyway, this kid is also dead. It's not as cheap as us."

"Hey, it seems like this is the case, okay, you take the lead first, I will come to the second wave."


The two old women had a conversation, and they heard that Su Hang was terrified. This should be the conversation that the old satyr should have when he met the beautiful woman. Why do you want to give yourself something?

Just when Su Hang was afraid, the two old women looked at Su Hang with one eye on each other. At this time, the wasteland went up and down, and it was a good time to do whatever they wanted.

"Hey, little beauty, let my sister hurt you." The old lady named Ermei smiled, and the devil clawed directly towards Suhang's waist.

"I'll go to your mother."

Where Su Hang could bear this, his body shook, and the iron chain on his body immediately fell to the ground, and his backhand was a pat on the old lady.


The old lady was caught off guard and was slapped on the chest.

The whole person's eyes widened and flew out.

"Ah? Second sister?"

In addition, the old woman was shocked. She didn't expect that Su Hang would dare to do it under the supervision of the two of them.

Before waiting for the old lady to come back, Su Hang had used space-time abilities and came to her in an instant. She put a palm on her heavenly cover.

The two masters in the same realm were killed instantly!

Within the same doctrine, Su Hang believed that it was not afraid, and there was no Venerable Realm on the side, which gave Su Hang a chance to escape.

Li Ruokong thought that he was foolproof, and sent two healers to look after him, which was too small to look at Su Hang.

Looking at the two old women who had been killed on the ground, Su Hang spit and felt sick. Qiangjian was guilty of death. No matter men or women, Su Hang just didn't keep his hands at all.

"I dare to covet the beauty of the Lord, I really don't know the life and death!" Su Hang turned the two bodies into ashes, and they still felt a little embarrassed.

For the first time in his life, some people said that he looks good, but in such a situation, Su Hang really felt like crying and laughing.

After the two men burned out, Su Hang turned away from the wasteland and went to Yaocheng.

Mi Tuo was taken away by Li Ruokong, he had to find a way to rescue him.

The two enshrined people were killed. I was afraid that they would be discovered in a short time. I must hurry up.



Yaocheng street.

Su Hang sat in front of a noodle booth, avoiding the eyes of pedestrians and thinking of countermeasures.

It is obviously unwise to force into the palace. There are Venerable Masters in the palace, and there must be more than one. Li Ruokong is afraid that he will not walk away from Mita, and he is even more difficult to succeed.

At that time, I am afraid that not only will Mita not be saved, but he will be afraid to take it in.

That's a tiger's den!

"Oh, brother, why are you here?"

At this time, there was a shout next to wake Su Hang from his mind.

Turning his head to look, it was Longyang, Su Hang quickly stepped forward and covered his mouth.

He is now a fugitive, but if it attracts attention, it is trouble.

After throwing away a few dollars, Su Hang quickly pulled Longyang into an alley on the corner.

Long Yang whined, Suhang finally let him go.

"Oh, you hurt people!" Long Yang held his hands in his chest and stepped back a few steps, looking at Su Hang with a pretentious look, as if Su Hang had dragged him to these unmanned alleys. What did he do to him.

"Hush, be quiet!" Su Hang raised his **** in front of his mouth and made a mute gesture.

Looking at Su Hang's cautious appearance, Long Yang also felt something wrong, and lowered his voice, wondering, "Brother Dao, why are you here? Didn't you go to the palace as a horse-rider?"

"When is your sister's pony?" Su Hang didn't want to come and look, "This is not a place to talk, talk to another place!"

"Oh, what's going on? Why don't you see Brother Mita?"

Long Yang was taken away by Su Hangsheng with doubts full of stomach.



San Niang Inn!

An inn in the east of the city. People from other places like to stay here. Longyang lived here last night.

The reason why it is called San Niang Inn is not because the owner of the inn is San Niang, but because the inn is made by three Niang Cannons.

Moreover, these three Niang Cannons still have some energy, so that San Niang Inn is still famous in Yao City.

Long Yang took Su Hang back to the room and closed the door. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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