Super Study God

Chapter 921: Jade energy! [Tobacco addiction has become a disaster]

A new generation of jade-colored energy was born in the Su Tian's Dantian, and it was just a little at the beginning. Then it absorbed all the power around it, regardless of the power of the overcast sun, or the heterogeneous domineering energy, or the power of creation, Everything is transformed by it.

So much energy is ultimately transformed into a thin layer of jade-colored unknown gas.


Su Hang not only smiled bitterly, but also did not know whether it was a loss or a profit. What direction did his practice face? Su Hang felt a little confused.

But Su Hang could feel that this new energy must be extraordinary, and he had to find an opportunity to ask Hongjun.

There is no lunar sun in the body, or even any other kind of energy. However, Su Hang found that this energy in his body can evolve these energy anytime, anywhere.

Not only the lunar sun, but also other energies, golden wood, water, fire, earth, and time and space creation, can evolve one by one.

so amazing!

Su Hang regained his strength, opened his eyes, and spit out a turbid breath.

It's already dawn outside, and I don't know how long it has been.

There were more than ten Daoyuan beads lying in the box, but Su Hang felt that these beads seemed to be of no use to him.

Because, the ability represented by these beads, he can now rely on the unknown energy in the body to evolve at will.

With so many source beads, why only the one with the power of creation was used? Su Hang wanted to come up with the same force as time and space, which was originally the top of the many abilities. , Other abilities can also be created, this power should be above many abilities.

Of course, the realm of Su Hang can only be understood in this way. Fortunately, the four energies are fully integrated in his body, and he is slowly transforming his body.

This is a long process, after all, this new energy in his body is still very weak.


Long Yang fell asleep holding his legs on the table, with tears in the corners of his eyes. Last night, he didn't know how long he cried.

In this world, the thinking is so unique that it is really difficult to understand! Women just like men, men like men, so crazy.

Su Hang knows why there are so many lilies on the earth, presumably the same reason?

It's really scary to think about it. I can't think of a person like Mita, who is not pleased in the universe of the universe, but has become a sought-after in this world.

Stepped forward and patted Long Yang's shoulder, "Brother Dao, wake up!"

Long Yang was ignorant and opened his eyes, "Where am I?"

His eyes revealed a sense of confusion, and it seemed a bit blind.

Su Hangdao, "Hurry up in the palace, we have to treat Master Mito!"

"Ah!" Long Yang listened and sighed for a long time, "Last night, I dreamed of the brother Mido!"

"Stop!" Su Hang stopped him quickly, lest he say anything unbearable.

In the dream, the two men, Su Hang did not dare to imagine.

Now, Su Hang just wants to heal Mita and leave the world, saying that the environment affects his character. Su Hang is really afraid that if he stays here for a long time, he will become like Longyang.



Outside Fengyi Palace.

It was noon at this time, and the two came to the palace gate, but were stopped by a male waiter outside.

It was the man who had taken him to the palace yesterday and had given Suhang their advice.

"Oh, you two, why did you come here so early?" As if it was not the right time, the male waiter ran down the steps quickly and led Longyang and Su Hang to the side.

"It's still early? This delicious is almost noon!" Su Hang looked up at the sky, shouldn't it be early?

Long Yang said, "We are here to treat the lady concubine!"

"Ouch!" The male waiter was helpless and whispered, "Cooperating with you, you think this palace is your vegetable garden? Can you just walk around? Do you dare to come here without your majesty calling?"

Long Yang's face changed a bit, and quickly said, "The poor way is rough, I don't know the number of gifts in the palace, but the poor way is the safety of the concubine!"

The maid said helplessly, "Your Majesty and the Niang are still resting. They haven't gotten up yet. Your Majesty is not in a hurry, what anxiety you are!"

Still in bed?

It's noon at all, can't sleep too much? It seems that Mituo suffered a lot of sins last night.

Beside, Longyang didn't know what mood it was.

"Wait, I'll go and see." The male waiter gave them a blank look, then turned around and entered the palace gate.

This is really enough, there are really enough rules. I want to be polite to myself, I want to be polite to myself, but I don’t want to see a female emperor here. Have to go through these procedures.

After a while, the male waiter came out quickly, saying that Emperor Liang had already got up and called them in.



Entering the palace, Emperor Liang had already come out, his face glowed with red light, and I wondered if he had practiced more of the methods of yang and yin. The palace people speculated that the concubine must have served his majesty very well last night.

Li Ruokong greeted the two of Su Hang and asked them to go to Mituo for treatment, and then left. After all, she was the king of a country, and she also had a lot of government affairs to deal with.

In the room, I saw Mita again, the old guy, with a gold toothpick in his hand, was sitting on the bed picking his teeth.

Seeing Su Hang and the two coming in, Mi Tuo quickly converged and sat up, and the messy clothes were sorted out.

"Yo, I thought you were suffering, it seemed to be pleasure!" Su Hang said, looking at his red face, like a seriously injured person there.

Mi Tuo lost the toothpick and gave Su Hang a glance, "Why are you coming now?"

"Isn't this a good thing to worry about disturbing you?" Su Hang threw a white eye, "Come and treat me, this broken place, I don't want to stay for a minute. "

Su Hang walked over and looked at Mi Tu seriously, "Do you really want to go?"

Pause, Su Hangdao, "Actually, if you want to stay, it's not impossible. If you can get married with Emperor Liang, maybe it's a good story. If you don't want to leave, wait for your injury, just send me away. Now."


Mido stared at Su Hang, "I haven't been given to you by this pit, this broken place, if you let you stay, would you stay?"

"I'm different, I still have concerns, I can't stay, and you are different, you want to think about it, not all in one thought." Su Hangdao.

"Since it's easy to think about it, what's the difference between walking and staying?" Mituo said angrily, "How come you have so much nonsense, heal me quickly." (To be continued.) Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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