Super Study God

Chapter 924: Yuelao Temple, beg for root!

"It's almost twenty, and no one has landed yet. Your mother is asking for psychological comfort." Dad came out.

Mom said, "Our village is different now. The conditions are good. Many people want to drill in. Everyone in the village is seeking marriage. There are many girls around you. What if you are asked to leave?"

Su Hang opened his mouth wide, a little speechless, but a little speechless.

"Your mother is right!" Mi Tuo said beside him.

Su Hang looked back at him, but Mituo shrugged his shoulders and turned back to watch TV.

"Do you want to follow me?" Mom asked Suhang.

Su Hang laughed, "When did the month-old temple be built? Why don't I know?"

The mother said, "You're only at home for a few days a year, you know it's weird. It's not that the old women of the elderly association are idle. The temple that was originally abandoned is built again. The incense is very popular these days. It!"

"Is it? Feudal superstition is necessary!" Su Hang laughed.

"I don't care if he is superstitious or not. Bye bye, it's not bad. Rong Rong, Xuan Xuan, Xiaoyu, they went early in the morning, I have to look at it!"

"Halo, this is your purpose!" Su Hang sweated!

The mother gave Su Hang a glance, "Is it easy to be your mother?"

"Will you go? My son is so good, go to visit Moon Elder, maybe Moon Elder will give you more red lines!"

"Ah!" There was a sigh from the house, but it was Mi Tuo. When I heard the red thread, it was full of hearts!

"Forget it, Yue Lao? That's not a good thing, I can't bear to worship it!" Su Hang shook his head.

"Bah, bah, childish, unabashed, raising your head three feet with a god, how can you say such a thing!" The mother glared at Su Hang, stepped forward to grab Su Hang, and dragged away alive.

"Tell you, Yue Lao Temple has an unsigned sign, special spirit..."

"Brother Dao, I'll go as soon as I wait!" Long Yang looked left and right, chasing away quickly.



Moon Old Temple!

This temple has existed for a long time after Suxi Mountain. Su Hang still has memories of his childhood. At that time, it was a few broken houses for a clay figurine. The incense was not bad.

When I was in elementary school, I didn't know whether it was the fifth grade or the sixth grade. For some historical reasons, the temple was smashed.

Su Hang still remembers that he was in poor health when he was a kid. His father listened to the fortune teller and made a hole in a stone wall not far from Yue Lao Temple, so he gave Su Hang a respected boy and incense. With.

As a result, when those people smashed the Moon Old Temple, they also smashed his boy, causing Su Hang to cry for a long time.

Unexpectedly, after all these years, this month's old temple, in the name of the Association of Old People, was repaired brightly and justly, but his boy was not found.

"Mom, this is the crowd of people you said?"

"You look at it, is there a lot of people?" Mom asked, suspiciously, next to Su Hang.

Su Hang smiled bitterly, there were indeed a lot of people, but the place was also large. A huge temple occupied several acres of land. There were still some people in and out, but it was not a lot, not even a crowd of people!

"It seems that our village is really rich!" Su Hang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In front of me this month, the old temple has been built much like a decent one, and it has been expanded a lot. It is not like the small broken temple in the past.

At the current price, it still costs a lot of money to build this temple. "The Seniors Association is really rich!"

The mother smiled a little, "Can the elderly association in our village have more local riches, can we save less money?"

Su Hang froze for a moment, looked back at his mother, and immediately reacted. The mother said, I am afraid that Xue Jingtian and a few of them, indeed enough soil and rich man.

There is a small square outside the temple gate. On the side of the square, there are a few old ladies and old stalls, selling some fragrant wax paper money.

This is good in the village. There is no urban management to move people, and no cars are parked in disorder. Normal cars cannot enter the village. Therefore, most of the pilgrims here come on foot from the surrounding villages.

There are very few young men and women coming in and out, and most are old men and women seeking marriage for their children. After all, young people nowadays rarely believe this.

My mother took Su Hang and walked into the door of Yuelao Temple. Inside is a small classic courtyard. I don't know who designed it.

In the corner of the courtyard, next to a laurel tree, surrounded by many people, it seemed to be quite lively.

"That's the leader of the solution that I said. The solution of fortune-telling is very effective!" Mom said next to her.

Su Hang looked at it, because he was blocked, so he couldn't see it. "How can it be verified?"

The mother opened her mouth and paused for a while, as if thinking about how to answer Su Hang's question, but for a while, she still didn't think of the answer. "Anyway, it's very effective, everyone says it's effective."

Khan, this answer simply left Su Hang speechless, "Mom, what you said makes sense!"

The mother gave Su Hang a glance, grabbed Su Hang's hand, and pulled into the main hall. "Go, ask for a sign first!"

Su Hang is speechless, but it can only be at the mercy of his mother.

Of course, Su Hang is also curious, what will the moon-old statue in this temple look like!



"Huh? Auntie, why are you here?" Entering the main hall, you just saw Xue Xuan.

Xue Xuan had just got up from the statue of God, and when he turned around, he saw Su Hang and Su Mu. He suddenly froze for a moment, and then blushed a bit. He seemed to have taken something in his hand and was busy carrying it behind his back.

The mother looked a little funny if she looked at Xue Xuan deeply, "What are you hiding? What is there to hide!"

Xue Xuan heard the words and looked at Su Hang. She smiled at her mother. "Actually, it's okay. Sister Rong asked me to help her find a marriage certificate." Xuan showed the things behind, and it turned out to be a sign.

If Su Rong is here, I will definitely say that I don't remember this pot.

The mother looked at Xuan Xuan with amusement, "You girl, you can't even tell a lie, you are such an adult, what embarrassment."

Xue Xuan blushed to the ear when he heard it.

The girls are always thin-faced, and Su Mu no longer teases her, "Rong Rong and they? Didn't you come together?"

Xue Xuan listened and said, "They have already gone outside, should it be the signer? Aunt, are you?"

Su Mu turned her head and glanced at Su Hang. "I also brought this kid to ask for a root pick.

Xue Xuan heard the words, looked at Su Hang, and couldn't help but smile with her mouth covered.

Su Hang rolled his eyes, "But I am not willing to come, I am completely forced. If it is so useful to ask God to worship Buddha, then everyone should be a monk." (To be continued.) Please search for this site "" or enter the URL:

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