Super Study God

Chapter 943: Sad news!

"What?" Su Hang looked at Tai Ao.

Tai Ao said, "The demon girl is not completely unscrupulous, she is still afraid of one person, that is, Dao Zu, as long as Dao Zu presses on her head, she should not act brazenly!"

Su Hang listened, silent for a moment, thought for a moment, and said, "Despite this, Hong Jun will not easily intervene, this woman is not removed, it is always a scourge."

"Do you have a way?" Tai Ao asked.

Su Hang thought about it, and took a thing out of the storage ring, but it was a blank piece of paper, "This thing may restrain her, but she needs her birthday!"

"Unfortunately I don't know!"

Tai Ao shook his head. Su Hang had already seen this thing for him. He said that it was a bond of slavery. As long as he filled in the other party's birthday, he could enslave the other party.

Not to mention that this blank paper is not as powerful as Su Hang said, he really does not know Liu Ruxu's birthday.

A person like Tai Ao has lived a long time, and he may not even remember his own birthday, let alone someone else.

Su Hang took a look at the blank paper in his hand, which was given to him by the system before, saying that it can be enslaved under any avenue, but it seems to have no use, as long as you have to know the other party’s birthday. It can be obtained from some sources, but like this kind of old tooth, he doesn’t say it himself, where else can you hear about his birthday?

The birth date is not only the exact day, but also the exact time. Those who are closely related may be able to know the birthday of others, but you can also know when others have failed.

Su Hang had already thought of this method that day, but rummaged through the entire Dragon Palace and found no record of Liu Ruxu's birthday. There was no way but to do it.

"In this world, I can know Liu Ruxu's birthday, I am afraid only one person is possible!" Tai Ao said.

Su Hangdao, "You won't say Hongjun again, don't think about it there!"

Tai Ao shook his head and looked at Suhang quite deeply.

"You mean?" Su Hang thoughtfully.

Su Hang thought of a person, someone who absolutely knew Liu Ruxu's birthday.

Chu Tiankuo!

Chu Tiankuo was the master of Liu Ruxu, and Liu Ruxu was Chu Tiankuo's leader. He must know Liu Ruxu best.

It is a pity that Chu Tiankuo is already dead. It is very likely that he was born in the planet of Uranus at that time, which is now the earth.

Moreover, Chu Tiankuo's reincarnated body is most likely the Yellow Emperor of Xuanyuan at that time.

"Reincarnation is, after all, reincarnation. Can he remember his previous life and remember the woman's birthday?" Su Hang asked.

Tai Ao shook his head, "Then I don't know, but I think that the demon girl has a deep prejudice to Brother Chu. Presumably, he will find Brother Chu's reincarnated body. Ji Yun is afraid that he can't hide it! "

Ji Yun was still the name Su Hang gave to Xuanyuan Huangdi, and few people knew about it.

"I heard from the Queen Mother of Heavenly Court that he had already gone to travel for thousands of years without knowing the trail, forget it, not to talk about this topic..." Su Hang wanted to say something, but stopped quickly. Su Hang has this way to cure her, isn't Ji Yun dangerous?

With Liu Ruxu's character, he will definitely kill it, so this topic should not be continued. Hurry up and put away the slavery contract, and look for opportunities in the future.

"I'm going to retreat for a while!" After a while, Tai Ao suddenly said.

Su Hang looked at Tai Ao unexpectedly, "Retreat? You should have seen this scene is difficult to clean up, want to find a place to hide?"

The so-called retreat of Tai Ao was known to Su Hang, and everything that has been retired for tens of thousands of years at a time can be done. It is said that retreat is actually a place to sleep.

Tai Ao ignored the Su Hang's mockery and asked, "Do you remember the brothers and sisters Xu?"

Su Hang froze for a moment, then nodded, "I also want to ask, their brother and sister, do not know where they are right now?"

One hundred thousand years ago, the brothers and sisters of the Xu family all existed at the pinnacle of Tianzun Realm. At that time, they were in the battle of war. Tai Ao specially invited him and her to help the war. Both brothers and sisters were masters of the same level as Tai Ao.

At that time, the brothers and sisters of the Xu family did a lot of work. Moreover, even the Tiandufeng Fengchen ceremonies were presided over by the brothers and sisters of the Xu family.

However, after Su Hang returned to 100,000 years, he had not heard the slightest news from the brothers and sisters of the Xu family. He thought that the brothers and sisters had returned to their homes and retired, but now it seems that they have something inside.

Tai Ao sighed, and his face was full of feelings, "I learned that not so long ago. Two hundred years ago, when their brother and sister tried to break through the realm of heaven, they were gone!"

"No? What does it mean?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

"Dead!" Tai Ao said.

"Dead? How is it possible?"

Su Hang exclaimed, quite unexpected. After all, for him, he had only seen it a few months ago, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye, which made Su Hang totally unable to accept it.

"Ah!" Tai Ao sighed again. "The world is impermanent, and I have been depressed for a long time! My brothers and sisters and I are old friends, but I haven't even seen the last one."

Two hundred years ago, Tai Ao at that time was afraid that he would still sleep in Suxi Village.

"They are so good, what kind of heaven and earth are they going to break through?" Su Hang said for a long time.

This is really sad news!

Even if you haven’t eaten pork, Su Hang has seen pigs run. Isn’t Tiandao Realm so easy to break through? Achieving Tiandao Realm means breaking away from the rules of the Great Universe World, and will be crushed by the power of all rules. It becomes instantaneous powder in an instant, which can be said to be ten dead.

From ancient times to the present, there are countless masters of Tianzun Realm, not to mention the ancients, but the ancients. At the time of the **** war 100,000 years ago, there were hundreds of Tianzun Realm masters known by Su Hang, among which few reached the peak of Tianzun Realm. There are also one or twenty people, but none of them can reach Heavenly Dao Realm. One can imagine how difficult it is to break through Heaven Dao They, really? "Su Hang is still unwilling to believe.

Tai Ao shook his head, "If you have time, you can go and see. Brothers and sisters of Xu's life are indifferent to fame and fortune, but they don't want to end up with such an ending in the end. Well, Old Xu should have descendants to stay, all in those days. Brothers suffering together, the two of them are gone, we have to take care of their descendants!"

After talking, Tai Ao stood up.

Su Hang smiled bitterly beside him. Now he is still insecure. How can he take care of others?

"Do you want to break through the heavenly realm?" Su Hang suddenly thought of a problem, and immediately stood up, staring at Tai Ao in the dark.

Tai Ao's skill has reached the level of transformation, but at this time he chose to retreat, fearing that he really had the mind to break through the heaven and earth.


ps: The deduction of the book: "Eight wine is like a mountain and eight paint spirits", interested friends come to Kazakhstan. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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