Super Study God

Chapter 949: The monsters grab a kiss!

This monster is a very cultural monster!

Su Hang thought so in his heart.

Animals are more common in captivity, and animals in captivity are really rare.


Haotian looked at Su Hang, which meant to ask Su Hang if he wanted to help these villagers.

Su Hang pondered for a while, "Tao Weng, can you take us to see Tao's second house?"

Old Tao Tao froze for a moment, "What are you guys?"

"Various people, I don't know Taishan!" Hao Tian gave Tao Laohan a blank look and stood up, the moment of pretending to come!

"Wu Haotian Jin Que supreme supreme supreme nature has mira to true jade emperor god, next to this is..." Hao Tian said a series of words, and turned to introduce Su Hang, but saw Su Hang glared at him At a glance, quickly swallowed the words back.

Tao Laohan opened his mouth and looked at Haotian, full of coercion. He didn't even know what Haotian was talking about.

"What emperor?" At this time, the old lady Tao opened her eyes and looked at Haotian curiously.

"Haotian Jinque supreme supreme nature has mira to true jade emperor god!"

"What God?" The old woman Tao raised her ears again, obviously not hearing them clearly.

"Haotian Jinque supreme supreme nature has mira to true jade emperor god!"


At this moment, Haotian felt that the nightmare had begun, and he shouldn't pretend to force this!

On this day, it was really embarrassing. Haotian wanted to hammer his head severely, how could he meet such a superlative.

"Anyway, you just need to know that we are your savior!" was asked by the old lady Tao, and for a long time he didn't sort it out, Haotian finally said helplessly.

"Savior?" Tao Old Man was still confused.

"What star?" Old Tao Tao forgot Haotian.

Haotian's eyelids rolled over and almost collapsed.

Su Hang is also full of black lines, "Tao Weng, take us to Tao's second home first!"

"Eh, good!" Old Tao Tao nodded and got up quickly.

Hao Tian was even speechless beside him. He said so much, but he didn't have a word for Su Hang.



After leaving Tao Laohan's house, it was still early in the morning, and the village was still very quiet. After the villagers had finished their breakfast, many of them began to work in the field.

Even if I met on the road, I was just saying hello from afar, and I saw that two strangers, Su Hang and Hao Tian, ​​dared not get too close.

"Lao Tao's home is in front!" After turning a few roads, Tao Laohan pointed forward.

Looking around, there is a large courtyard next to a few large banyan trees. That courtyard is obviously much larger and newer than the nearby ones.

"This second old Tao family can be regarded as a wealthy household in your village!" Su Hangdao.

Tao Laohan said, "This is what he earned from his monster son-in-law. He used to have a beautiful scene for a while, but now he lives like us."

With a little bit of anxiety between words, it can be seen that this old Tao Tao still has a bit of Qiu Fu's psychology.

"Let's go, I'll call the door, I don't know if it will open!" Tao Laohan said, ready to go forward to call the door.

At this time, there was a faint suspense in the distance, and all three were stunned for a moment. Who else can't do happy things in this barren mountain and old forest?

The voice was getting closer and closer, as if coming to the village, looking for sound, only to see a group of people dressed in red and green, carrying a flower sedan came from the road.

"Oh, no, it's them!" Old Tao Tao was so scared that he fell to his knees on the ground with a thump, humbled prostrately, and shivered.

"Kneel down, it's them, they're here!" Seeing that Su Hang and the two were still standing, Tao Laohan screamed quickly. It looked like something terrible.

Su Hang and Hao Tian glanced at each other, and they knew the identity of the group of welcoming relatives before they thought they were married to Tao's second daughter.

After all, just after listening to Tao Laohan said, Tao Lao Er is going to marry his daughter away, the wedding date is within a few days.

If it was a family lover, how could Tao Laohan be scared like this. This group of people must have been the monsters that Tao Laohan said.


The group of people approached. At first glance, it was a group of cat-headed face-and-face monsters, the strongest of which was no more than the Golden Pill Period, and none of them were completely transformed.

A little monster came out from the back, and the face should be a leopard essence. The leopard essence raised his hand, and the two toad essences blowing vigorously with their cheeks stopped immediately, and stood honestly behind.

Landing the sedan chair!

"Master Tao can be in Fufu, and the little one is under the orders of the three young masters.

The leopard's fineness was like not seeing Su Hang and others. He walked to the door of Tao Lao Eryuan, cleared his throat, and shouted decently.

For a long time, the door opened, and an old man rushed out of the yard, carrying a pot of something that he didn't know, and rushed towards the leopard.

The leopard had a good body-slimming method, and perhaps experienced this kind of thing often. He conditioned to hide, and the pot of water poured directly on the two drummer toads behind him.

An unspeakable smell immediately filled the air, and Su Hang couldn't help covering his nose.

This is a pour of urine!

What a pity the two toads are, how disgusting and ugly it is.

"Get out of here!"

An old man at the door, carrying a urinal still dripping yellow liquid, shouted angrily at the gang of monsters.

It seems that this old man should be the oldest father-in-law, Tao Lao, who was said by Tao old man.

"Old fellow, don't toast and don't eat and drink fines." Leopard exasperated, pointing at the old Tao Tao scolded, "Hand over your daughter wisely, otherwise, my three young masters will start a fire, you There are not enough people in the village to eat!"


At this time, Hao Tian scolded, and immediately stood out, staring at the leopard in anger.


At this time, The leopard essence heard the sound and turned to look at Haotian. Until then, it was not clear to see the face of this leopard essence.

The original code of this leopard essence turned out to be a cross-eyed. No wonder they didn't see them from the beginning.

"Why, there is something you want to get ahead of?" The cross-eyed leopard looked at Hao Tian, ​​a provocative look. He saw that Su Hang and the two were dressed decently, and thought that they were invited by the villagers. .

Facing the look of Leopard Jing, Haotian hung a drop of sweat on his forehead. What happened recently, he always encountered some wonderful flowers.

The other party is a cross-eyed, which does not allow Haotian to open his net to him.

"Every little demon, dare to be brazen in front of Emperor Emperor!" Hao Tian snorted coldly, revealing his momentum slightly.

The spirit of Tianzun Realm, even if it is only a little bit, can it be resisted by a few demon, the group of demon suddenly changed their face, as if suppressed by the invisible mountain, including the leopard essence Inside, all knelt down on the ground instantly, trembling. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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